Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday 14 November 2015

Time For The Rabbit To Come Out ;P

Woo hoo Saturday once more...
Picked up a lovely 5 floor Hamster cage for Ruby the hamster (good deed)
Then off to the WRE in Worcester.
More lovely craft crap for me!( good deed)
Dropped off two boxes of books to Books For Free shop in Droitwich (good deed)
Raided Waitrose for reduced food, and free coffee.
We just got back before it started to get dark.
Front door shut, heating on.
Time for the purple rabbit onesie to come out!!

Friday 13 November 2015


Welcome to Friday 13th.
I enjoyed a half price breakfast with hubby at Webb's.
Visited my late mum's grave with some roses.
As it would have been her 71st Birthday today.
The black cloud has now lifted.(As you can gather)
I am so happy I won't have to put up with the
 backstabbing two-faced bitches in the future.
As I have a one way ticket to another planet ;)

Thursday 12 November 2015

Behind The Painted Smile

Woo hoo Thursday once more,
Dark clouds have descended upon me.
My trip to Hell yesterday didn't help
My Kalm tablets have been helping a lot.
So I had to paint a smile on my face.
Feeling a little better, as making most of the hubby tomorrow,
As he has got the day off!!
So I making the most of him for a whole 6 hours!! 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Loyalty Points!!

Welcome to Hump of the Week!
I have travelled to Hell and back today.
I got my fingers burnt on the return journey!
This week can't get any worst? Can it?
Oh, yes it's Friday 13th in 2 days!!!!
My humour helped me out at JOB 3
I had been talking about how many Loyalty points
I had racked up at Lovehoney to a co-worker.
He was grabbing his chest (I thought I may have to perform on CPR on him)
His response was:
"Loyalty points at Lovehoney?? I think I may have cracked a rib from laughing too much!!"

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Taking The Piss....

Woo hoo it's 3 jobs Tuesday.
Diced with death twice by 2 shifts of Job 1.
I might have to attach a blue light to the top of my lolly stick.
Then there won't be NO EXCUSE that they can't see me!
Got compliments, saying how funny I am.
From the children while doing Job 2.
While attempting to do Job 3,
I walked into the men's toilet (to clean it),
The door was unlocked.
I disturbed a man taking a piss......
A quick exit was needed...


Monday 9 November 2015

The Panda Did It....Honest!

Welcome to Monday.
Back on the wobbly work wheel (I groan)
I have had to put up with the wind, light rain, and bad drivers!
And that's just being outside doing Job 1!!!
Good job these Vitamin C tablets are working...just!
Upon returning to the Pink Princess from Job 2.
I see a Fiat Panda kissing my Pink Princess's ARSE!
Not good, as she now has a red permanent mark on her bumper
To remind me of her encounter with a Panda!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Baa Baa Black Sheep.....

Woo hoo it's Sunday again.
Time to the Food shopping!!
Aldi shopping spent £22.22
Waitrose shopping spent £21 on 33 items.
Lots of reduced food and a free coffee.
I even had time to enter the Waitrose's Christmas Tree Topper competition..
I didn't enter a cake into the Cake International Baking Show at the NEC this year.
Didn't have the funds or the ideas.
2 years ago I entered a cake with Shaun the Sheep and Friends in Fancy Dress!


Saturday 7 November 2015

Counting The Pennies....

Saturday has yielded different results.
Scooped up all the loose change in the house to get this week's food shopping.
Grand total £36.60
We finally cut off the three long branches off our Apple Tree.
The sky dish survived....just!
Yodel Delivery Firm didn't deliver our Gousto order,
It was delivered somewhere where there was a porch!
Looks like beans on toast for us tonight!!!

Friday 6 November 2015

Enjoyed A Threesome x

At last it's Friday!
Made it out alive during the first shift of JOB 1
Got home, slipped on the pinny.
Now for a gentle play with Henry the Hoover.
Then Kenny the Kenwood joined in too!
Chocolate and Fudge cupcakes were baked.
Followed by a Indulgent Chocolate Torte.
Pinny off.
Dodging traffic on the second shift of JOB 1
No road rage incidents to report.
Now to try out a cupcake....

Thursday 5 November 2015

Stop Means Stop!

Another day another dollar..
I had a lovely morning sipping coffee at Webb's in Wychbold.
Now to do my second shift at Job 1.
It was raining heavily.
It was getting dark.
One van driver didn't understand the word Stop.
When he did finally stop, he was jamming his finger to his head.
Telling me I was a nutter for stopping him.
I pointed to the word STOP on my lolly stick.
Two road rage incidents in a week.....
I have high hopes there won't be third...


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Out Comes The Pole!

Welcome to Hump Day!
I have celebrated a year being a Lolly pop Lady.
By dodging cars and telling car drivers not to park on the zig zags lines!
I was given more books to give to the Books For Free Shop in Droitwich on Saturday.
 By 5pm I had finished the last of my 3 jobs!
The roller skates were put by the front door
All ready for tomorrow.
All ready now to watch The Apprentice
In bed with a very warm hubby! 

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Don't Get Me Angry.....!!

Woo hoo it's 3 jobs Tuesday.
Don't go there!
I will flare if you dare!
I had red mist coming from my nostrils earlier when it was mentioned!
I had a visit from my boss for job 1,
On the eve of my first anniversary of being a Lolly Pop Lady.
I am doing a great job!
Now for a lovely warm hug from hubby.

Monday 2 November 2015

Banging Of The Gums!

The fog came down.
I was coming back from morning out.
The car in front of me,
Didn't like the car in front of him doing 20m.p.h.
So he overtook it (doing about 40 m.p.h in a 30 m.p.h limit) and (the lines were against him)
Right in front of a speed van parked up on the pavement!
Oh dear!!
The second shift of job 1.....
I had one car stop, then he increased his speed,
 And then slammed his brakes on
As I was walking over the road!
There was a echo of tuts coming from the parents.
The offending driver was banging his gums at me!
I will be celebrating my first anniversary of doing this  job on Thursday.
I hope to be still around to celebrate it!

Sunday 1 November 2015


Welcome to November.
We was up too early on a Sunday...
We had breakfast out.
When we got back, time to tidy the garden!
A few trees needed chopping back.
Leaves needed going into the composter.
After nearly 6 hours of playing in the garden,
And 2 trips to the Household tip (with the tree branches).
We were finished.
Now time for a much deserved cup of tea.
As it back to work and school tomorrow! 

Saturday 31 October 2015

You Got What It Takes.....x

Happy Halloween!!
I enjoyed a lovely lie-in with hubby this morning.
Sorting the front of the house out for tonight
We put the pumpkins out.
Hubby and youngest son went out Trick or Treating.
I made more cup cakes with a Halloween theme.
Now to use my witch's broom......for the first time this year! 

Friday 30 October 2015

Playing The Game Of Love x

Woo hoo it's Friday once more!
Woke up at 4am.
Made full use of a sleeping husband ;)
Later on I had my hair trimmed,(so not a coconut style just yet!)
Picked up Pink Princess from having her service done.
Now it needs her timing belt changed....£££££££ :(
We were child-free for 2 hours.
So what do you think we did?????
We sat round the near-by lake in the car,
Eating fish and chips, watching the rain come down!
More nibbles later......


Thursday 29 October 2015

Get Down On It!

Making the most of a warm hubby last night.
While watching the first series of House M.D
Hubby started to use some of those sex scenes in my steamy books I wrote on me!!
I will have to include Kama Sutra and a dash of baby oil in the next book!
Today we visited Alcester.
Looked around the Charity Shops.
Got some bargains. 
Had my free coffee at Waitrose.


Wednesday 28 October 2015

Good Pair Of Warm Hands!

Welcome to Hump Of The Week.
A little lie in this morning.
Making the most of this half-term holiday
Started to write my latest book...
Hubby is now on holiday until Monday :)
Got my bits for the service for the Pink Princess tomorrow.
Speaking of a good service,
My boiler needs one, and a good clean of the plugs...
Good job hubby has warm hands.......
Plus he will need a lie-in tomorrow....;)

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Practice Makes Perfect....!

Welcome to Tuesday.
Take-away coffee from M&S
Chill time in the Library.
Sorting out number 7 Kindle book.
Old characters,new characters, divorce,and death.
Of course one character has to die,boo hoo ;'(
But on the flip side, there is going to be lots,lots and lots of sex.
Now to practice on hubby,some of those hot,sweaty sex scenes....
Good job I have warm hands.... 

Monday 26 October 2015

Lots Of High Hopes

Woo hoo it's Monday once more.
Nice to enjoy a cup of tea with hubby.
He went to work, I stopped in bed for an extra half an hour.
Then I had the phone call!
More hours with Job 3
Woo Hoo! 
I nipped into my local Salvation Army Charity Shop.
Got some Xmas presents for my hubby and sons.
Now to start doing those extra hours..
The Duster and Henry at the ready! 


Sunday 25 October 2015

Making Full Use Of .....

I gained an extra hour in bed, as the clocks went back.
I made full use of that hour I gained.
Jumped on hubby twice!
He wasn't expecting that!
Late Breakfast.
We visited Droitwich.
Our kids enjoyed themselves on the play area.
Even nipped into Waitrose for my free coffee!
Will be making full use of hubby again tonight!
He won't be expecting that!

Saturday 24 October 2015

Eye To Eye...

Hey ho another Saturday.
Lie in, playing with the gear-stick and tea in bed.
No sunshine today only dark clouds and rain!
We did some top up shopping at Aldi's.
Bumped into few Stepford wives
They looked, I smiled.
Got home to make a strawberry cheesecake with hubby.
Then I finished off my Halloween cake.
It titled "Up To My Eyes".
Now to celebrate that by doing the funky chicken in my living room!!

Friday 23 October 2015

The Removal Of Some Wisdom!!

It's Friday once more....:)
Nice lie-in until 6.30am.
Cup of tea in bed with hubby...
Only one job to do today.
Went off to the Dental Hospital about my lop sided wisdom tooth.
They had lost the x-ray from my Dentist.
So had to have another one done.
Back on the waiting list again.
Nice to pay £4.50 for the privilege to park in the hospital car park!
Roll on next January or February for the wisdom removal!

Thursday 22 October 2015

Waving Goodbye To Henry ;'(

Woo it's 3 jobs Thursday for the last time.
I was awake at 4am, sipping on a strong coffee.
Finished JOB 1 for good by 7.30am :/
With sadness,and tiredness, I did my best.
Said goodbye all the spooks that has been entertaining me for the past 6 weeks.
Even said goodbye to the long suffering Henry.
I'm sure the new cleaner will give him loads of love like I did.
Now to try to get my body clock away from the 4am start up time!
If I wake up early, I might have to jump on my hubby!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Time To Play With The....

Welcome to Hump of The Week!
I am so damn tired....
But not for much longer...
Half term holiday starting on Friday....
The alarm will be turned off..
Time to relax, chill, and bake...
Might even get to play with the Pumpkins!!

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Opps It Happened Again!

Welcome to 4 jobs Tuesday.
I had a visit to the Dentist in between all the jobs.
I managed to get a take away coffee from M&S before JOB 3.
Then it happened again...
More negative words about my performance at JOB 1.
What did I say will happen?
 If I had any more negativity about my job?
Back to 3 Jobs very soon.

Monday 19 October 2015

Anyone Else Wants To Join?

Back on the wobbly work wheel today.
I got up before the alarm clock went off.
I did my 3 jobs, and went home to rest.
Roll on Friday,
Week off from 4 jobs!
Then off to my son's PTA meeting tonight.
Only one other parent turned up.
Oh dear.
I have dentist trip and 4 jobs tomorrow.
Wish me luck on them!