Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday, 31 August 2015

It's Getting Very Wet and Slippy

It's Bank Holiday Monday.
It has rained all day :(
We visited Beckett's Farm for its Funday Monday.
Nearly slipped over in the mud twice,
(If I had, it would have caused a big enough crater to have seen from the moon ;P)
We got home to dry out.
Made 3 jars of marmalade and 2 jars of lemon curd.
Still got 3 bags of bramley apples to get through yet!

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Smelling The Coffee Beans

It's Sunday once more.
We have bags and bags of bramley apples to use,
Now to hunt high and low for tin foil pie dishes,
Two supermarkets explored, none found!
Actually found some in Wilkinson's!
Even had the time to visit my older son in M&S.
His Mocha was so nice :)
The list of school uniform is slowly been crossed off.
Less than a week to go and it's back to school and work!

Saturday, 29 August 2015

Let's Jump Again!

It's been a busy Saturday.
Jumped on hubby even before he opened his eyes.
Got more school items for my kids.
Bought yet more books from the  book sale at my local library. (That will please my heaving book shelves)
Then off to Droitwich Spa.
Raided the charity shops for more bargains.
Had my free coffee at Waitrose.
 I have wrote over 25 labels,
for all the jars of jam and jellies we have made.
We haven't finished jamming yet either!
 Now to carry on from this morning with hubby :P

Friday, 28 August 2015

Making Beautiful Music Together....

Enjoyed a half price breakfast at Webb's this morning,
So to burn THAT breakfast off,
Hubby and I have been doing what we do best,(besides that ;))
Making lots of jam, jellies, and lemon curd.
My children were happily watching "Aliens in the Attic" again.
Just as we sat down to rest our weary selves, 
One of my sons asked what we had been doing in the kitchen.
"Making beautiful music together" I replied!


Thursday, 27 August 2015

Feeling The Plums

Today has been a mix of showers and sunshine.
Hubby has been attempting to get more greengages off the tree,
As soon as he goes up the stepladder, it starts to rain (heavily)
So with the 4 kilos of greengages they picked yesterday,
we made over 8 jars of jam!
They are being stored  for the winter months,
When it's freezing cold and snow on the floor.
We will be eating a lot of food containing  jam to keep warm! 


Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Licking The Spoon..

Today we have been picking fruit,
Then making jam.
We have a plum tree heaving with red plums.
So out went hubby and our son, picking them.
I had my jam pan ready.
Once that tree was stripped of fruit.
We now move onto the greengage tree.
More jam and jelly to be made.
Wait until we move onto the pear tree....

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Busy With My Warm Hands!

Today was to get more school uniform and get my book published.
Got some white shirts and black trousers.
We got some size 10 and size 9 adult trainers for P.E.
Now to get this book proof read!
Left hubby alone for an hour, and the book was read.
Fingers crossed it will be on Amazon tomorrow.
Now to celebrate with hubby, using my warm hands!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Twit Twoo....

Making the most of Hubby's holiday, and a Friends and Family Train Card,
We jumped on the train to Birmingham.
Had a lovely all you can eat at Ming Moons.
Then we walked it off by going to see the new Birmingham Library
We took photos of the different coloured owls that are everywhere. 
Then it started to rain again.
Hubby has so far proof read my new book to Chapter 5.
He has got to read another 15 chapters yet!
Already planning book 6!
Now to use the hubby to get more ideas for it ;P


Sunday, 23 August 2015

It's Getting Well Steamy In Here!

We got up early on  Sunday morning (must be mad!)
We visited the car boot at Long Marston.
Next was to get the refund for the coffee I was charged for last week at Waitrose.
I did however have a cheeky free coffee, and got loads of reduced food.
We looked around Stratford Upon Avon before it started to rain.
I had a battle on my hands with a woman in the food hall in Marks and Spencer
I had got most of the reduced food, even before she reached for what was left!
I came back to finally finish book 5 of The Sleepily Village Mysteries.
My hubby is proof reading it at the moment.
He replied,"There is a LOT of SEX in this one!".
I winked, and said, "We can practise some of what you 
have read so far.....later ;p"

Saturday, 22 August 2015

What A Way To Go....

Today we went out in the sunshine.
First stop we visited Alcester .
Had free coffee at Waitrose.
Got some interesting books from the charity shops.
Then off to Evesham.
We enjoyed looking around and getting bargains.
Had a picnic by the river.
We just got back to the car before the rains came.
At the moment, I have a dilemma.
I nearly have finished my new book.
However, I have to kill off a Cad,(bounder, unloving toe-rag) character.
I could do a easy quick death???
A slow, painful death......?


Friday, 21 August 2015

Hold On (I'm Coming!)

I was up early and ready.
All ready to visit Alcester,
 And have a free coffee from Waitrose.
Pity my kids had other ideas,
By the time we got out and there.
No parking spaces, so off home we went!
Record time out of house = 40 minutes.
Hubby breaks up today for a 10 day holiday!! :)
I will be making several uses of Hubby don't worry ;)
Now to oil the handcuffs and wax the whip....

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Let's Get It On.....

Today the kids have played happily in the house.
Loads of things to keep THEM busy.
What am I to do in my house?
I could make jam, or make my 4th Wedding Anniversary card.
Even better, attempt to finish my latest book!
With help from a lot of filter coffee I see the light in the distance.
However writing all these steamy sexual encounters,
is making me all horny.
So what happens when I come up behind my hubby and
gives him a hug??
 While he is sorting out the Chinese takeaway..

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Grabbing The Berry....

Welcome to Hump Of The Week.
I was determined to get out of the house today.
I dragged my kids kicking and screaming into the nice bright sunshine.
We visited the Lake.
Not for kicking a football around this time.
We went collecting Blackberries instead
After an hour and half
 we went home for lunch,
Then the rains came...
Oh dear, a sudden scramble to grab the dry washing out on the line outside....!

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Hot Hot Hot!

It's been housework day.
The Shake 'n' Vac came out,
Closely followed by Henry the hoover!
Got back into writing steamy encounters for my new book,
So hot hot hot, there is smoke coming off my keyboard!
Served up a medium hot curry with rice for tea.
I only put a few chilli flakes in it,...Honest!!
As hubby was moaning his mouth was burning..;)
My mouth wasn't burning, as I love hot hot hot grub!


Monday, 17 August 2015

You Hum, I Play!

I have been so busy today.
First was coffee and chat at Webb's.
Then had to put the back seats down in the Pink Princess.
to pick up some Xmas presents for James.
Fitted them in the car...just!!
Found a good guitar, was tempted to try it out....
I said to a member of staff, you hum it, and I will attempt to play it ;)


Sunday, 16 August 2015

Dancing The Night Away...Part 2!

We made most of the sunshine on this Sunday.
First up, was to look around Long Marston Market and Car Boot.
Then visited Stratford Upon Avon's Waitrose store
For reduced food and free coffee!
Carried onto Aldi for more food shopping.
Our last visit of the day was Burton Farm Recycling Centre.
We got more bargains from there too.
Now to fix some of the bargains to the kitchen wall...
While dancing away the last few hours of Sunday Night!

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Pretty In Pink

Today we were invited to my hubby's friend's wedding.
Out came out the pink hat.
Pink flamingo maxi dress,
Pink make up 
I was waiting for the comment:
 "Barbara Cartland just showed up".
The party was nice,
the food was delicious,
However the music was crap, 
I didn't get chance to do the funky chicken on the dance floor!  

Friday, 14 August 2015

Time For A Little Play ..

It's Friday once more.
No sun but loads of rain
(At least it gives me a day of from watering the garden!)
So on goes the apron.
First up I made a Shepherd's Pie for tea(later)
Then out came Kenny the Kenwood for a quick play
We had to nip out for whipping cream..
(Whipping and cream brings back so many memories ;))
The blackberries were collected from out in my front garden.
I had a fight with a few nettles and thorns, and lost...
Hubby will kissing the stings I had,... better....later ;)

Thursday, 13 August 2015

I Hate You Butler!!!

Today I have been spring cleaning my written Kindle books.
I have changed the two book covers for 2 & 3.
(Now available to download).
I am still writing Sleepily Village Mysteries 5...
I want that finished by the end of the month..
Then I can give my brain a chance to rest...
 (and give my hubby a rest from trying out all these sex scenes I have been writing about)
So sad to hear about the death of Stephen Lewis ( Blakey from On The Buses):(
Anna Karen who played Olive, is the only surviving cast member still alive.


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Big Plates Of Meat!

Today I have been making the most of the sunshine,
Plenty of hump for Hump Of The Week!
First off was to find some bargains in Bromsgrove,
Then off to Droitwich to do the same.
Got my free coffee from Waitrose.
Their new seating area is going to be called The Grazing Area???
Will I hear lots of moos when it opens??? 
It's now time to buy new school uniform
As my sons have big feet,
Aged 10 (size 8 adult) and Aged 11 (size 9 adult)
They might have to wear shoe boxes come the start of the school next month!

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Using my Warm Hands...

Today, I have been having loads of fun!!!
I played with Henry the Hoover,
Danced with mop while I moped the floor.
Even chilled in my garden in the lovely sunshine.,
listening to the birds sing.
Done a healthy tea
Spinach, red onion, garlic, ginger, with mince.
All wrapped in a warm wholemeal tortilla wrap.
 Now to use my warm hands on my ever willing hubby ;P


Monday, 10 August 2015

Oh No, The Rabbit's Packed Up :(

As normal on a Monday, I write a few chapters of my new book.
I get horny, and I jump on my hubby as soon as he comes home from work,
My poor rabbit has given up the ghost after 8 years...;(
Through the lean years and lots and lots of batteries..
Why you ask do I need a rabbit to help with my sex life???
Because my boiler takes ages to warm up, and 
the rabbit cuts the time in half....
I don't suffer from any cobwebs whatsoever....
Good job really, as they itch like crazy.... 

Sunday, 9 August 2015

A Ticket To Ride ??

Woo hoo it's Sunday again.
Sun shining once again.
I woke my hubby from his slumber again ;p
We packed the cool box.
Out the door we went.
We visited Stoneleigh Park, to attend The Great British Craft Festival.
I stocked up on my craft crap.
Followed by a picnic.
Now to plan for the week ahead to keep the kids amused,
And to make the hubby even more tired ;P


Saturday, 8 August 2015

Pink Cow Time!!

Woo hoo Saturday once more.
Enjoying the sunshine...
Got more cake books from my Library who were selling off excess books.
Had a take-away M&S mocha.
Then we went to Alcester to fetch the pink cow ( I spotted last week) from a Charity Shop.
I looked in Waitrose while hubby went cow hunting...
I actually DIDN'T have a free Waitrose coffee this time
(Bump, fall to the floor in shock!)
More Pink added to my Pink Princess car!

Friday, 7 August 2015

Playing With The Sausage!

It's Friday once more.
I dug deep into my craft crap,
I made two cards.
One wedding and one Birthday.
this weekend.
My hubby is moaning he is well tired.
He is blaming work, I blame me...
Time for sausages for tea
First I had to prick them,
That brought back memories!

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Game Of Love!

 It's Thursday once again.
I couldn't keep awake for hubby when he came home from Snooker last night :(
I however got to him this morning before he went to work ;)
I was telling a friend about my adult toy box.
It has a BIG padlock on the front.
I told him to try Lovehoney website...
I have applied for some Full-Time Jobs,
Just in time for the new school year.
I might give my hubby a rest tonight....
From the orange that is....