Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Old Favourite!

We came across a lovely classic 1970s car earlier on.
It was a Ford Cortina in lovely condition!
I too owed one,mine was a maroon X reg Ford Cortina.
It only had 4 gears, no seat belts in the back and I could only play tapes!!
Enough reminiscing, it's back to school and work for us tomorrow.
Sandwiches made,uniform sorted out, for the children and for hubby.
Even a stab vest for me, to wear at work.......

Saturday, 30 May 2015


After looking at a cheesecake for sale for £8.25 yesterday.
We decided to make our own.
In the end we made two.
One Chocolate and one Lemon Cheesecake.
We also made Spinach,Red Onion, Red Pesto, & Goat Cheese tart.
I have two birthday's coming up in two weeks.
Better start designing their Birthday cakes & Birthday cards!

Friday, 29 May 2015

Window Shopping!

What a day I have had!
First we have had heavy rain on and off.
We starts to take newly fixed hubby's car out for a trip out.
However,it was veering to the left a lot.
Back to the garage it went....
More work to be carried out on it.
Meanwhile out came the Pink Princess for a spin instead.
Looked around Evesham Country Park.
All we did was window shop, because it was so  expensive!
Now I'm in the mood to make my own cheesecake after seeing how much one was too buy!!!!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Fighting Over The Pouffe!

It's pay day for me!
I celebrated with taking full advantage of a sleeping hubby ;)
Most of my 3 wages went to help pass hubby's car through his MOT.
However I did have enough left over to visit my local Salvation Army Charity Shop.
I didn't get too much.
I will smell and look good with some of the items I bought.
I bought a small pouffe.
Now have both kids fighting to sit on it!
I will be looking out for another one to keep the peace!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Loads Of Money (Not!)

I paid for my MOT for my car.
So my Pink Princess has got another 12 months MOT :)
Hubby  had four Suspension springs fitted to his car to get it through his car's MOT.
Even had to raid the piggy bank to pay for the MOT retest.
I have ten quid left to my name.
I'm going to be a skint Domestic Goddess for a while :/

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Needle In A Haystack!

I have had a very frustrating Tuesday,
First, I got the wrong part for my car :(
Then trying to find the right part, 
Was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
I took out my frustration on doing some baking.
First was making a Apple Pie (with help from my hubby)
Then I made Rhubarb Fantasy Loaf!
Once the loaf came out of the oven, came the good news!
Finally found the right part for my car.
Plus she passed her MOT!!


Monday, 25 May 2015

A Little Loving.....

Whoo Hoo another Bank Holiday Monday.
We packed a picnic, and drove to Bidford upon Avon.
We looked around the car boot.
We haggled hard and got some great bargains.
Including a old picnic basket
We were chilling in the park afterwards.
I bumped into some Stepford Wives who blatantly blanked me!
Never mind them ;P
Got home, and gave the picnic basket A Little Loving
Amazing what a bit of green gingham material and ribbon can do!

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Going Far & Wide For A Coffee ;P

Had a lie in.
I took full advantage of a sleeping hubby as it was Sunday morning ;)
We had a late brunch.
We visited Aldi in Bromsgrove  to do our food shopping.
We travelled a bit further to Droitwich for a  coffee.
Hubby commented it was a bit far for a coffee..
It's not just any coffee, it's a Waitrose coffee and it's free! I replied.
We are aiming not to buy ANY more food this week except milk.
As we don't have a cow in the front garden, to milk!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Driving My First Car.

It's Saturday!
First day of our holidays.
We went to Stratford Car Boot.
Very busy, but high prices.
Visited my dad, and stopped for tea.
I browsed through the photo albums.
I found a photo of me driving my first car.
It had to be pink of course!


Friday, 22 May 2015

Out Comes The Record Player

Whoo Hoo, last day of work today for a week!
My kids & hubby break up today for the Whitsun holiday
The sun is shining, the washing is out on the line.
My mate Henry has been out for a play.
Something great arrived in the post today.
A great song on 7" vinyl record!!!
I love vinyl records..
The crackle and the occasional jump of the needle!
My record player later is going to VERY busy later...

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Gimp Suit Anyone???

The Sun is shining.
I made it through the early morning dodging traffic.
Out came the slow cooker, as I am making a Casserole for tea tonight.
Then out came Kenny the Kenwood.
I have made Mary Berry's Carrot & Walnut Cake.
I had some very interesting mail.
I laughed when I saw what someone wrote on my packet!
Someone knows me far too well ;)


Wednesday, 20 May 2015

This Year's Love!

It's Hump Day once again.
Finished one job today, 
No more dramas or Chocolate Teapots 
Until I go back in June :)
Now to celebrate with a good film tonight.
Only two more days to go until my holiday starts...
Whoo Hoo :)

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Testing The Patience

It's Tuesday once more.
The rain was on and off all day.
Had a car driver show me "the finger" during my first job.
Chocolate teapots doing less than normal during my second job.
Third job, I well used my blue latex gloves.
Roll on next week, it's Whitsun Holiday, and a week off from two jobs!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Back-Pedalling Time

The rain is back again.
The green wellingtons came out to play.
Soaked to the skin doing my first job.
Enjoyed a coffee and chat before my second job.
The rain was being stubborn and was refusing to leave.
During my second job I could hear a lot of back-pedalling.
The noise was that loud, it hurt my eardrums!!!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Being Good

As we had no electricity for nearly 6 hours.
The sun was shining once again
We packed a picnic, and visited National Trust's Croome
We enjoyed making a den as a family.
We have re-homed golden hamster called Ruby.
Even got my free coffee from Waitrose.

Saturday, 16 May 2015

Playing With The Pots!

It's Saturday, and the sun is out.
Time for more planting and re-potting.
Got  more plants...
However run out of compost.....
3 bags of compost later.
Plants were re-potted, fed and watered.
Now, off to enjoy the sun, in the shade!

Friday, 15 May 2015

Cherry Time

The sun is out once more.
Made the most of it, the washing went out to dry on the line.
Did a quick bake of cherry shortbread.
They were quickly consumed by my fellow Dinner ladies.
Roll on the weekend, more sun and loads of fun to be had ;)

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Jumping Puddles

It's been a wet day.
Chopped up the mushrooms and leeks I needed for tea
So out came Kenny the Kenwood.
I used blueberries  in the dessert.
It was heavy rain in the afternoon.
So out came the wellington boots for the afternoon shift.
I did Leeks & Mushroom Risotto for tea.
Blueberry cheesecake for dessert.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Daisies & Buttercups

Welcome to Hump of the Day..
The sun was out..
So out came the big sunglasses and floaty skirt..
Only two jobs to do today.
Had to put up with a Chocolate Teapot.
In the mean time,
I showed children how to make daisy chains,
Then I  showed them if they like butter using buttercups.
I had better make the most of the sun,it's going to rain tomorrow! 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Sniffing The Spinach

It has been 3 jobs Tuesday.
Rain in the morning, followed by  sunshine in the afternoon.
Soon took off those roller skates when I finished all my jobs.
Now to make tea from scratch.
This was my first attempt to make it.
In went the spinach,two different kinds of cheese, onion,spring onions,
garlic,parsley,2 eggs, and filo pastry.
The end result:
Spinach Pie

Monday, 11 May 2015

Planting The Kiss!

It's Monday again!
Back on the work wheel.
Before I left for work, I gave my hubby a kiss and hug.
I forgot I had applied my pink lipstick before hand.
So he went to work with a kiss mark on his collar!
At least he can say the kiss mark is from his wife!

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Reaching For The Gardening Gloves...

We reached Sunday safely.
We have fitted in so much today I am amazed!
Tidied the garden,mowed the lawn, and weeded.
Off to get more plants, most were off the reduced stand.
Had my free coffee,free magazine & reduced lunch from Waitrose.
Even had time to look around the Jinny Ring....
Got back just in time to replant all the flowers we bought today.
Great family effort to start a new week!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat

Whoo hoo it's Saturday once more!
Time to jump out of bed to the sound of NO alarm clock!
Plus no school or work :)
We explored Stourport on Severn.
Walked by the River Severn.
There was some paddling boats tied up.
I commented, one boat wouldn't hold us, (four people) in one.
Like in the film Jaws, Brody says:
 Further along the river, I found the bigger boat!

Friday, 8 May 2015

Time To Leave....

Our General Election yielded some shocking results
Terrible night for the Labour party and Liberal Democrats.
Three Party Leaders resigned.
I did put on a social media website,
"I will have to now leave the country"
The comments after, was no country is perfect.
Time to get my own island far far far away!

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Shake & Vac

It's General Election Day in the United Kingdom.
I voted at 7.10am this morning.
I passed on working with the chocolate teapots, for something more interesting...
Like playing with my Henry the Hoover & Kenny the Kenwood.
Sprinkled some Shake and Vac all over the floor...
House is smelling nice.
After all my baking, the result was:
Chocolate Iced Carrot Cake.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015


I have been having such a bad day.
Dealing with road rage from car drivers.
Chocolate teapots doing less work than me.
After getting wet on my second shift of the day of being a Lolly Pop Lady.
Someone needed my help!
They needed someone with a car to jump start his car.
So here comes the Pink Princess to the rescue!
After a good 5 minute jump start, his car sprang into life.
He said thank you, waved and drove off.
Out of the darkness, I had some sunshine! 

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

My Invisible Coat

It's back to work for me today.
3 jobs Tuesday.
Twice a day I forget to take off my invisible coat for my first job
Twice a day car drivers don't see me in the road with my Lolly Pop Stick.
This invisible coat does work!
The invisible coat doesn't work on the bus drivers,as they see me, wave to me as they go past!
I say it can only get better (fingers crossed)

Monday, 4 May 2015

No Chance!!

So much for a lie-in on a Bank Holiday.
I was up for 4am(couldn't sleep), enjoying the first cup of tea of the day.
Searching for another house on the Internet.
Loads of lovely houses with big kitchens and big gardens.
Later on, we looked around a car boot.
The sun was out shining,so the sun glasses came out.
Got to get into work mode for tomorrow.
As it's 3 jobs Tuesday.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Not Using That Tomorrow!!

It's been a mixed bag of weather today.
Heavy showers and a burst of sunshine.
When the sun appeared we were off to feed the ducks.
Some ducks had some little babies.
Nice to sitting on the bench and watch the world go by.
We have had another Bank Holiday tomorrow (Day off from work and school)
One thing's for sure, one item won't be used tomorrow...
That's the alarm clock! 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Time For Plants & Cake !!

We visited a local Plant Sale.
The weather had changed, from sunny to rain. 
There were flowers,vegetables, cactus, and jams.
I was freezing looking around.
So we headed indoors to look at the next best thing...
Cakes and coffee.
As normal, cakes win!
Nice to try other people's bakes!
They did raise £950.



Friday, 1 May 2015

I'm So Funny.

I went to Webb's for a mocha,cake and chat this morning.
While holding a Wisteria plant at the till
I replied to Till Assistant.
"I will pretend it's someone's throat!"
She laughed
Then I said,"I have been told I have warm hands!"
The Sale Assistant couldn't stop laughing.
Then she look at the badge I was wearing.
More laughter!
Glad I brightened up someone's day!