Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Windy Problem

After another bad night of toothache.
I had to resort to jumping on husband at 1.30am to get to sleep!
The Dentist says it's my left wisdom tooth lying on its side that's the problem
4 month waiting list at the Dental Hospital for treatment!
Enough about me.
The wind is back,blowing things around my garden!

Monday, 30 March 2015

Pain,Pain & More Pain

I was in agony all of last night with toothache
Painkillers,clove oil was used to stop the pain.
I have a preplanned visit to the dentist tomorrow.
I still might have a mouth that feels it has been hit by a heavyweight boxer for a few hours.
At least I won't be talking that much.
Silence is golden!

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Lazy Sunday

We turned the clocks forward last night,
Even had a sneaky lie in,
Nice to lie in bed with a warm husband and a nice cup of tea for once ;P
Had a late brunch without the bacon.
Henry came out for quick play.
Now got to fight through the gales, rain and people for a few hours out exploring a town called Shirley!

Saturday, 28 March 2015

Moving The Hands Forward!

First day of the Easter holidays.
Nice lie in and cup of tea in bed.
The males of the family went for haircuts.
Then we popped into Droitwich.
Read newspaper and had coffee in the Library.
Popped into Waitrose, for a treat.
Then to Webb’s garden centre and Asda for my dad.
Now I have to remember to put the clocks forward an hour before I go to bed…..

Friday, 27 March 2015

Chocolate Coin Anyone?

After washing my work tabard yesterday,
I opened the washing machine door, and found 3 coins.
3 chocolate coins that is.
They were left over from the Kings & Queens table on Wednesday.
I will find some use for them ;)
Today is the last day at school for my kids and last day of work for me!
Over the Easter holidays,we are going to use our National Trust membership
to the fullest!

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Could Be A Case For Mulder & Scully???

Today I have been catching up and writing (my longer blog)
Put the washing machine on.
Entertained my brother for an hour, (he talked & I listened)
I got the vouchers for Aldi from the Daily Mirror.
They will help with this week’s food shopping.
There are rumours of another X-Files TV series.
Will it be any good I wonder?
They brought back “This Life” for one episode
Enough said about that….

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

It's Back!

Whoo hoo the sun was shining today.
I played with my Henry this morning.
I even used the polish and duster too!
The final Kings & Queens table of March.
A co-worker got my kids some Easter eggs.
We had our Internet connection back this afternoon...
I have missed it so much…….