Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Another Year Older!

The older you get the more dangerous it is to sneeze!
Birthday Time 🎈
Another year older :)
Time to open all my cards and presents!
Breakfast and Brew.
On top of my thermal vest, on goes my sequins.
Now for coat and to do job.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I left.
Now onto work I go.
On the winter coat, winter hat, and winter gloves.
Goes down the road to turn on the lights, and then to get my newspaper.
Everyone was liking the trousers!
Back to Sexy Beast to swap newspaper for my big stick.
Went to turn on the other lights of mine.
Let's start moving to my spot....
Everyone was loving the sequins!
It was getting well warm,
Off comes the scarf, and gloves.
Few BOINGs and emergency stops I had to deal with.
Another one parking on double yellow lines!
Finished in one piece!
All ready for Birthday Breakfast!
Meets up with friends!
I thanked everyone for their Birthday cards and presents.
Off home I go.
Liquid lunch time.
Now out for part two.
On goes the winter coat, and winter hat.
I goes and puts on my lights.
Nips into the Charity Shop.
Wonder what I found on the floor?
I walked back to Sexy Beast to fetch my big stick.
More friends joined us for a big rabbit!
I thanked everyone for their Birthday wishes and cards.
Now to do the afternoon shift...
A few cars didn't stop on the otherside of the road. Few on myside did the lumbo under my stick!
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Cup of brew needed!
More cards and presents to open.
I got some nice things from the Charity shop↓
Hubby came home and gave me a sloppy wet one 💋
and flowers!
While he made me a Birthday Tea.
I had quick look into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1958:
Perry Como - Magic Moments
US No.1 on this day in 1981.
Eddie Rabbitt - I love A Rainy Night
I had a lovely steak tea.
No Birthday Cake as we are still in Lent.
(No chocolate or cake until April 6th)
Heardle Time.
Heardle 60s:
My results:
Sleep Tea Time.
Now to enjoy more Birthday fun with hubby in bed 🎈



Monday, 27 February 2023

It's Coming Around Again!

Life is just one damned thing after another - Elbert Hubbard
Welcome aboard my Wobby Work Wheel 🎡
I'm leaving the Heardles until later on.
Breakfast and Brew.
On goes the thermal vest.
Next the coat, and out into the fresh air...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
On goes the winter coat, winter hat and winter gloves.
Off down the road to turn on my lights.
Bought newspaper.
Now to swap the newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my lights.
Let's get moving to my spot....🍭

Everything was fine until after 9am.
Then 3 BOINGs given out, and an emergency stop!
Made it in one piece.
Back to Sexy Beast
I noticed a sign↓
Wonder who that could be?
Back home.
The coffee machine goes on.
My friend comes round for chat, coffee and nibble.
She gives me my Birthday present and card for tomorrow.
I thanked my friend for coming and the presents.
Liquid lunch time.
There is a chance of rain.
I chose not to wear my sexy lumo trousers.
Now out to do the afternoon shift.
On goes my winter hat, winter coat and waterproof gloves.
I put on my waterproof shoes as well.
Looking up at those dark clouds...
I turn on both sets of lights.
Back to Sexy Beast to collect my big stick.
My friends arrive for a good long rabbit.
I said goodbye to everyone.
That rain is coming soon..
I was right, it did pour down.
BOINGs given out as well.
I was glad to finish and get out of my wet leggings!
I got changed.
Cup of brew time.
I looked in the today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1999:
Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
US No.1 on this day in 1954.
Doris Day - Secret Love
Tea time
Now to watch some Top of the Pops from 1988
Heardle Time.
Heardle 60s:
My results:
Sleep Tea Time.
Only got my 51st Birthday to celebrate tomorrow!🎈
Shake Shake Shake those Sequins!