Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Say Hello 2016, Wave Goodbye to 2015

Last day of 2015...
Really hope it only gets better in 2016..
At least my stab vest is retired!
One car driver might have a speeding ticket in the New Year.
He overtook me in a 40 mph zone (I was doing 35mph)
Right in front of the active working speed camera.
I had my last free Waitrose coffee of 2015.
We are going to bed before midnight before all the fireworks go off.
As we have lube to use, 
Plus there will be enough bangs going off in my bedroom ta!
Happy New Year to you all.

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Time To Stock Up On The Adult Toys

While my ex-husband had our kids for a few hours.
It was time to spoil myself and current hubby.
First we had a tea for two at M&S.
Then it was time to stock up on our toys in Ann Summers.
The Sale helped.
Had a play with some of the toys.
Some toys were well eye watering....
Stocked up on the Lube (always need lube ;p)
Who is going to win the gold medal tonight?


Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Things That Go Bump In The Night!

Not long now before 2016 is here.
I had a email from Waitrose about half price champagne and spirits
Sorry love I don't drink alcohol,I'm ...tea-total!!
The only spirits I have here, is the ones that go bump in the night!
Only yesterday about 6.15am. (While I was in bed)
 I heard the kitchen tap being turned on.
Then as I was about to explore the noise,
 I heard the microwave door being slammed shut.
Down I went with the 12 bore, 
Got into the kitchen no one there!
The same ghost that threw a heavy box of cake equipment to the floor last November.
As long as it doesn't want a threesome, it can carry on exploring my kitchen!

Monday, 28 December 2015

A Bit Too Much Of Huff & Puff...

Woo hoo it's Bank Holiday Monday.
I got up 2 hours before anyone else.
Wrote more of book 6 of Sleepily Village Mysteries.
We finally went to Lakeland to pick up my Internet order.
Popped into Waitrose for my free coffee.
Loads of reduced food went into my trolley.
A couple were huffing & puffing about how much we had...
I just smiled and sipped my free coffee.
In the end I had £10 off, £27 for 40 items.
Now to tuck into that lovely reduced food....

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Keep The Love Coming....

Woo hoo it's Sunday.
Nice bit of love and cuppa in bed.
Washed and dried the ever flowing blond locks of mine.
Had a lunchtime meal at Nando's with my family.
I visited and gave my late mum a lovely heart shaped wreath.
 Going to break open my new box of adult toys later.
Best to warm up my hands......

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Homer Did It....Honest!

I have reached Boxing Day.
Try to do little as possible.
No chance!!!
Tidied up our boudoir of a bedroom.
 Then moved onto our Dining room.
A best jam jar got broke, with the help of Homer
Ate more Turkey, (Gobble Gobble) in some sandwiches.
Nearly finished eating the turkey.
Now to sip some Shloer
and watch Shaun the Sheep: The Farmer's Llamas 

Friday, 25 December 2015

Making The Most Of Xmas!

Woo hoo Christmas Day is finally here.
Unwrapped the presents.
Made Christmas Dinner.
My dad joined in the fun!
Still sober (2 year anniversary of being tea-total)
Having some fun with the Lego on my Xmas Cake.
Hulk realised he turned down the only chance of Nookie he could have had on Christmas Day!

"Pie Mr Hulk?" Asked Mrs Santa.
"Can I have what Santa had please?"
Hope you all have a Happy Christmas! 

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Shame It Missed!

One day to go...
I left out painkillers (for Santa's back), mince pie, and a pint glass of Brandy!
The Santa hat has been out and about!
 Trying to do the Big Tidy Up.
Henry the hoover came out for a play.
He accidentally knocked the DVD rack,
DVDs came tumbling down on top of me.
The only DVD that didn't hit me was..

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Who Is The Man In The Red Hat??

Two days to go until Xmas day.
Stocked up on the Shloer (As I don't drink alcohol)
I have got Lego scattered all over my Living room.
I have Henry the Hoover fuming in the corner.
He can't come out to play just yet!
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is on the television.
My kids point to the television:
"Who is that?"
"Who is that?"
"Who is that?"
"He played James Bond"
"Oh in Dr No?" my kids asked.
(Well done, they are learning...)
"How about the one with the red hat mum?"
I try to remember,(can't) a quick Google, 


Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Time To Replace The Box!!

We have reached Tuesday...
3 days to go...
No snow only lots of wind and rain.
Finished at JOB 2  for Xmas.
I was given a lovely wicker hamper basket.
That's ideal!
I need a upgrade on the box that stored my adult sex toys!
It will have a nice shiny new padlock fitted....
Don't need my pink furry handcuffs going missing................


Monday, 21 December 2015

Blame It On Santa!

Woo hoo it's Monday before Christmas...
4 days to go until Santa has a bad back from lugging my presents.
Nibbles are here, there,everywhere, in the shops, & in my house....
When they are about, you can't stop....
I will stop in a minute...
Until there are no more :(
I will blame it on Santa ;)
So reminds me of a card I saw over the weekend!

Sunday, 20 December 2015

The Tale Of Two Santas

Another action packed Sunday.
First we looked around at Webb's.
Even looked around the huge free garden.
Then off to Waitrose for a free coffee.
Got more white fondant icing as it was only £1.50 for 500g!
Been slaving away making the Xmas cake.
Finally finished!
It's called "The Tale Of Two Santas!"
The bad Santa is in cuffs.
The good Santa arrives with Mrs Santa and 3 Reindeers!
Mrs Santa delivers the pie!

Saturday, 19 December 2015

The Milkshake Is Not Supposed To Go There!!!

Woo hoo we have reached the Saturday before Christmas.
We was supposed to leave the house early...
Yeah right, 
We pulled off the drive about 10.30am!!!!
Santa Hat and Xmas jumper being worn!
Checked tyres and filled the Pink Princess up with diesel
Now on off to Kidderminster....
Loads of last minutes Xmas presents via the charity shops!
Popped into see my Father-in-law.
I don't know who needed to charge their mouth battery afterwards,
Me or Him!!
Bellies were rumbling...
So extra treat we went for pizza at Pizza Hut.
Came out to find someone had threw milkshake all over the Pink Princess.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Using My Warm Hands....

Woo hoo my last day of working today!
I had some more presents off parents from Job 1.
Nice message in one of the cards:
  I have made a Steak & Mushroom pie for tonight's tea.
Getting back on the writing front for the next Sleepily Village Mysteries 6.
I finally received my Lego Santa for my Xmas Cake!!
My Xmas cake is called "Tale of Two Santa's" when I finish it ;P
Now to start playing with some fondant icing with my very WARM hands!


Thursday, 17 December 2015

Every Present Counts.....

Woo hoo.
We have 8 days left until Xmas Day is here.
Had a lovely present from one of the parents this morning from Job 1.
Nice to be appreciated ;)
Henry the Hoover had a new bag & air freshener inserted
Got as far as putting the marzipan on the Xmas cake.
Just put the mince pies in the oven,ready to to be baked.
The rain came and so did the darkness during the afternoon session of Job 1....
Final day at work tomorrow...
Then I have to master the Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings \o/

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

More Suck & Swallow!

Woo Hoo It's Hump of The Week.
It's 9 days to go until Xmas Day.
Out came the Xmas tablecloth and Xmas smelly candle.
I delivered some Xmas presents and cards to friends.
More Lego has arrived for the topping of my Xmas cake.
I now had the parts arrive for Henry the Hoover.
He can now suck and swallow a lot better! 

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Where's My Santa????

The countdown to Christmas is on.
10 days to go...
Just about finished making the cards.
A bit more wrapping of presents.
More mince pies to make....
Turkey to order...
Making sure I leave out the painkillers for Santa, 
As his back might give out carrying my presents!
The bits are starting to appear for my Xmas Cake.
I ordered a Lego Santa,  
Instead I got a Lego Liverpool football player !!! 


Monday, 14 December 2015

Back On The Wobbly Work Wheel

It's Monday again!
Back on the wobbly work wheel.
Popped into Webb's for a coffee and chat.
I had my normal order.
Only to find they had got rid of the Special Offer.
Had to pay full price...
The shame of it ;P
It was nice to have my dinner times back.
Nice to relax and retire the stab vest!
After having several late nights watching House M.D
& using my warm hands on hubby.
Time for an early night!
 Bed at 8pm!
Out like a light I went!

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Red Hot Love...

It's Sunday!!
It's been cold and grey.
Was kept warm by some red hot love from hubby ;p
I have been planning the design of my Xmas cake for this year.
It's going to have the WOW FACTOR..
Collected my youngest son's winter coat from town.
Enjoyed a takeaway M&S Millionaire's Mocha coffee.
Not much in the way of reduced food in M&S food hall ;(
Wrapped up more presents,
Still have to make more Xmas cards.
As I am not doing my dinner time job no more, got now more time!
Now to polish my Lollipop stick, as only got this week and I break up for the Xmas break! 

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Missed You So Much...

Rolled into Saturday.....
Without the help of the alarm clock!
Played with the warm gear stick ;)
We visited Droitwich Spa.
Did some Charity Shop visiting...
Held off the free coffee at the Droitwich Waitrose....
As we visited the Waitrose in Alcester...
 free coffee...missed it so much!!
I asked the till operator, if she was ready for Xmas?
"I haven't wrapped a present or wrote a Xmas card yet!" she replied.
"You are going to busy Christmas Eve then?"
She just winked at me.
Now to relax my warm hands (for more fun later) while watching the semi-final of "Strictly Come Dancing!"

Friday, 11 December 2015

Watching Me, Watching You!

Woo hoo Friday is finally here...
Not long to go until the weekend!
Now to take it easy doing the following:
  1. Made more Xmas cards
  2. Posted Xmas cards
  3. Attempted to make a Lime Drizzle Cake
  4. Drinking very expensive Filter Coffee. 
I managed to stop the one and only finger flicking BMW driver
During my second shift of JOB 1, in full view of the Police.
Isn't Karma a wonderful thing ;)


Thursday, 10 December 2015

Warm Hands To The Rescue!

Hi all!! I'm back now.
I have been ill since Monday evening.
I surfaced out of my bed to do something with my warm hands...
Play with the fondant? or make some Xmas cards?
Made about 11 Xmas cards for friends and family.
Now to make the most of Job 1 until next Friday( the kids break up from school for Xmas).
The one and only BMW driver went past me twice this morning.
She shouldn't need to worry about me ,catching her giving me the finger again.
I see it once, and it's nothing to boast about!



Wednesday, 9 December 2015

End Of A Era

Still feeling ill.
Been trying to gain my strength back by sleeping a lot.
Missed my final day at JOB 2.
I can only get better! 


Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Handle With Care Part Two

Oh dear, the flooding, pains and the migraine is back.
Bed has been my only friend today....

Monday, 7 December 2015

Final Countdown....

Woo hoo back on the wobbly work wheel......
I now have two days left at Job 2..
So glad I wore my stab vest, still plenty of backstabbing...
Who am I going to give my stab vest to, after I leave?
I had a visit of 3 Police Officers in the afternoon shift of Job 1.
While they were there, the Facebook Troll was so so quiet...
Even the BMW driver kept her finger down...
Fingers crossed hubby has his car back tomorrow,
As he waited for a bus in Evesham, his bus didn't stop.
Hubby finally got home, 2 hours late.
He had a lovely warm hug off me....