Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label sunshine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sunshine. Show all posts

Saturday 1 June 2024

Pride And Joy

If I see something sagging,dragging, or bagging, I get it sucked, tucked or plucked - Dolly Parton

Welcome to June 💮
Taking a deep breath....
Here's the fun of June....
1: 80th Anniversary of D-Day Coffee morning.
I made 14 cakes, and we raised £185 for the five D-Day Charities.

2: Redditch Pride event 🌈

3: Hubby's Birthday 🎈🎈
4: Father's Day
Hubby had loads of presents off our kids.
We went to a Father's Day event in Studley. To carry on the memories of our dads that are no longer here 💕💕
5: Collecting more.....
As Despicable 4 is nearly here...
My Minions collection is growing some more....↓
6: Youngest son's 19th Birthday 🎈🎈
A notebook for his Birthday, which will be useful for him when he starts University in September...
7: At least we had some decent sunny days for June!
More fun next month to be have!






Tuesday 7 November 2023

The Fun In The Sun!

I think I bought a bad computer. The mouse bit me 
- David Letterman
Welcome to my Sunny Tuesday 😎
I felt better having a early night :)
Breakfast and Brew.
The thermal vest is stopping on for the next 6 months. Brrrrr
Now out of the door...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I go to work.
On goes the winter coat, summer hat,
Big big sunglasses.
While I go and turn on my lights.
I chat with the District Councillor.
We talking about the upcoming Rememberance Sunday parade on Sunday.
I may have to lay off the singing abit until Sunday!
"See you Sunday," I replied.
Turned on my lights,
Fetched my newspaper.
I was telling the local Driving Instructor about the crazy car drivers yesterday.
She couldn't believe it!
Back to Sexy Beast , to get my big stick.
Now to turn on my lights.
Off to my spot I go.
All schools were back.
Lots of traffic to deal with.
One woman in a red car on the otherside of the road, wasn't even looking as I was walking across the road!
I had to give one BOING out as one car failed to stop!
When the X19 stopped at the bus stop, one truck couldn't wait, and went on the otherside of the road to overtake the bus!
Good job nothing was coming!
At least the sun was out!
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Cup of coffee needed.
I got my Council bag and bits ready for later!
I wrote yesterday's blog post.
Published two blogs from last week.
Emptied the dish washer.
Liquid lunch time.
I talked to hubby while he was on his lunch break.
Then off to do the afternoon shift.
I went into the Village Hall on Council business.
One friend arrived.
On goes my Winter coat, summer hat.
We go and turn on my lights.
Walked down to the charity shop.
It was quite busy in there.
Didn't buy nothing.
Said goodbye to everyone.
Turned on my lights.
Walked back to Sexy Beast.
I collected my big stick.
Was joined my two other friends who gave my cake tin back to me.
(They enjoyed the cake)
We went over to the square for more rabbit.
My 4th friend joined us for 5 minutes.
Then alas it was time for me to do the afternoon shift.
I said goodbye to everyone.
The low lying sun was becoming a problem.
One car went straight under my stick.
Then the sun went into a cloud \o/
Finished in one piece.
Now home I go.
Cup of brew time.
Early tea.
Netflix time.
Soon as I was getting into it.
It was time to go to my Council meetings.
At least my Garden Lights are still on!
Back here.
Gets ready for the first meeting.
We overran for the next meeting.
Roll on the next meeting.
All done.
Back home I go.
Carried on watching↓
Sleep Tea Time.
Hubby was out seeing a mate.
Younger son was also out.
Now to keep the bed warm for hubby....