Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label new book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new book. Show all posts

Tuesday 7 August 2018

A Bit On The Heavy Side..

Welcome to my Tuesday...
Going to try to start on the cake today....

The sunshine is back again..
Sexy Beast was having a rest today.
My kids walked over to see Granddad and deliver his newspaper.
I, on the other hand,
Had a date with Henry....

I enjoyed that little play.
More washing added to the line outside...
Had a light lunch ...
 While catching up with Bake Off series 6.
While at Job,
I was asked about the new book...
 "How's the new book going?"
 "Fine, nearly finished it," I replied.
 "I am looking forward to reading it," He said.
 "So am I, I have finished the book in my head, just got to write it down...!!!"I laughed.
While cleaning the toilets, someone said to me..
"I'm overweight.."
"Really?" I asked, looking puzzled.
"Going to have some take some off.."He replied.
"Oh,"I replied.
He then showed me the truck, he started to take stuff off the back...
Oh those double meanings get me into trouble sometimes...
After I finished, I enjoyed a lolly to cool down.
 Now for some chop chop for tea...
 Pasta twirls with:
 Garlic cheese sauce,
 Spring onions,
 Can of tuna 
More Garlic.... 
Before I started to water the plants...
We had a nice red finish to Tuesday.
 I had a new visitor in the garden.
 Back on the walking hump tomorrow..
Hopefully it won't be too hot....😎

Friday 23 February 2018

Enjoying Some Warm Love...

I felt a bit rough today.
( Drinking of any alcohol wasn't the cause!) 
Perhaps some Friday Feeling might help! 
Coffee & Nibbles...↓↓
Back to writing of the new book...
 My younger brother borrowed one of my sons to help him do my dad's shopping.
(My son knows when everything is,
And my dad has the same things every week)
 At least Henry is happy.
New bags has arrived! 
Now for chop chop...
After an hour...
It is served up...↓↓
 Spicy Pork, with Masala potatoes.
Served with Spinach Falafels and salad.
Had a lemsip....
I enjoyed the rest of Friday Evening....
Snugged up with my warm hubby in bed....;)


Wednesday 15 November 2017

It's Just The Steps!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
I have had a much quieter day than yesterday.
Even had a little lie-in until 6.30am!
(Woo Hoo)
I felt my creative juice flowing..
Foot up, laptop out...
 I was expecting a visit from my brother and dad.
I got a lovely parcel through the post...
Big hooks only need apply!
20mm & 25mm
I have appointment to the hospital when I have the old cast off, and new cast put back on for 6 weeks.
Getting out of the house is going to be fun that day! 
My brother and dad turned up for tea and chat.
For some reason, my dad can still think I get into my car and drive.
I told him the clutch foot is still out of order..
Soaked the good foot..
 Now to break those big big hooks in...


Monday 3 August 2015

I Want Your Love!

It's back to Monday.
We are still enjoying the school holidays..(Just)
We enjoyed a few hours looking around Webb's.
loads of lovely plants to look at.
I had coffee and cake ;)
My little monkeys were enjoying playing on the play ground.
I was writing notes for the next book.
When I got home, I wrote those notes up. 
I was getting Hot,Hot, Hot, and Horny!
As soon as hubby came home from work, he was dragged upstairs to a warm bed...
That's better!
   Having even more later..!

Thursday 23 July 2015

One Brick At A Time!

After last night of writing of more my new book into the early hours.
Then I attempting to act out the sex scenes (of my new book) out on my hubby in the VERY EARLY hours of Thursday morning.
I had a much deserved lie-in, whereas hubby had to get up for work, after having just about 5 hours of sleep.
So my kids got out their Lego and came up with some wonderful designs.
I took to weeding,feeding the garden (That's my excuse for fresh air!)
I told them to make sure they pick all the Lego up.....
As nothing quite hurts by standing a lone Lego brick in bare feet!....