Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Giving The Bush A Good Trim Again!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
*Another month without no child maintenance......*
*£895 in arrears according to the CMS
 And it's no joke.... *
(All I get excuses from ex-plum.
The arrears date back from December 2017....
I hope he is looking forward to the letter from the Small Claims Court.....
On A brighter note... 
 As my redundancy meeting was cancelled for this morning, hubby has the day off to join me doing the walking.
 Nice cup of tea in bed.
 The walking leggings are now on...
Off we go for our little walk...
 On your marks.....
 We did 8 laps....
That 666 number follows me everywhere!
Gets home for a light lunch.
 Jack had done some baking...
Nipped down to Morrison's for some cleaning supplies for Job 3.
Jack had replanted my plants in my new planters that arrived today.↓
 While I did Job 3.
Hubby gave our large bush a good trim...
 He took the branches down to the tip.
I returned to make some nice..
Cauliflower and Broccli cheese 
 Try to keep my eyes open to watch a episode of...
Too much Hump!

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