Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label and warm hands.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label and warm hands.. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 September 2018

I Can See For Miles & Miles..

Welcome to my Thursday...
 A bit earlier for a cupcake↑↑↑
Once everyone left the house.
I went outside for some fresh air...↓
 Tidied up the house...
 Coffee, banana and catch up of newspapers
Is it going to rain??? 
 The farmer busy cutting down the hedges..
 The path to the Jinney Ring is clear
 All the crops have been harvested
 The tractor in the distance...
 It was threating to rain during the dinner time.
Gets back to Sexy Beast, and it pours down all the way home..
 Now to do some chop chop before my kids come home from school.
Chicken Tart with Red Pesto with Asparagus.
 Went to other Job
Made some men laugh....:)
Back home to dish up tea...
Had a lovely massage from hubby...
Then I did likewise with my warm hands ;)


Friday, 9 March 2018

I'm Back On It!

Welcome to Friday...
In need of some...
 After yesterday's Drama......
I now have been unfired \o/
I had a bit of a nibble...
To celebrate having Job 3 back.
Alexa starts playing some nice 1970s music...
My dad and my next door neighbour are both in the same ward in the same hospital.
(Fingers crossed my dad is coming out today)
I made my next door neighbour a Get Well Soon Card.
  My dad was discharged out of hospital \o/
Did some chop chop for tonight's tea.
Visiting my mum tomorrow with a early Mother's Day present...💗💗
Now to put my warm hands to some use...


Monday, 5 February 2018

Strapping The Pinny On Tight!

Welcome to that Monday Feeling..
I started off with a coffee and smile..:)
 The pinny went on...
Had a quick play with Henry..

Rested the foot,
Now to play with some pastry..
 Rolled it out,
And added it to the tart tin.
After 45 minutes in the oven.
The Leek,Tomato,Goat's cheese tart was done..
(I pan fried the Leeks before adding them to the tart) 
While I was in the mood..
Out came a good book..
Followed by Kenny the Kenwood.
It didn't help I had run out Baking Powder...
I just can't jump into The Sexy Beast and go and get some just yet :(
Googled the problem, and found the answer.
Got on with the baking...
I had the 1970s playing all day..
While grating the lemons....
A sad song came on :'(↓↓
Into the oven they went.
My kids came back from school,
Then turned off to the 1970's I was listening to!!!
Back on that went!
They were ready!
 Lemon flavoured Tray Bake, with double cream and cherry topping..↑↑↑
 Lemon flavoured tray bake with double cream rose pedals, lavender seeds and lemon on top.↑↑↑
Used 3 tubes of double cream today \o/
Now to wrap up my friend's daughter's birthday presents for Thursday..↓↓
 I am having some new footwear tomorrow,
So I can walk about the house in them,
Instead of the kinky black boot...
Now to put Kenny to bed....


Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Come A Little Bit Closer....

I had one of those nights when I was doing lots of...

Lots of things on my mind...
I had two choices today.
Go back to sleep Zzzz
Carry on writing the next part of my steamy book..
What was my choice...?
After writing the steamy 13th chapter..
It was coffee time....
 Pity my hubby was at work...
I needed to practice some of the love positions I was writing about...💞 
One my of main characters is getting far too much nookie....
 (My hubby will get far too many ideas if he reads what Frank gets up too)
So moved up to Chapter 17 with over 20000 words wrote...
 Still more sex to write about tomorrow after visiting the hospital to change my plaster cast.
I just hope my hair on my leg has not grown too much...under that cast!

I am now chilling to some Rock'n' Roll hits,
I'm thinking about more STEAMY plot lines,
And using my warm hands on my hubby at the same time 💓

Saturday, 18 March 2017

So Small But Loveable!

So much for a bit of Saturday Love..💗
No chance!💘
Done little bit of work...
Then off to Bridgnorth to rehome
 two gerbils called Tom & Jerry
Hubby and I cleaned out their cage.
One son doesn't do teamwork,and went off in mood.😖
The other son planted all the plants I bought yesterday.⚘💮
Going to use my warm hands on hubby later,
As Hunt for Red October has now left port for another month...\o/