Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday 11 May 2018

Singing & Playing The Air Guitar

Hey, Hey it's Friday!!!
Going to enjoy this Friday Feeling...
The sun is trying to poke through the clouds..
Alexa played Rock 'n' Roll hits...
Singing loads & playing the air guitar!
Washing put on the line...
Cleaned up the big Kenwood..
Had to move the kitchen around a bit.
I heard Kenny whimpering from the Dining Room..
I have named the big Kenwood....
The pink scales look nice too. 
While I was sorting out my dad's cupboards, I found some cake decoration items my late mum had bought and forgot about...
The sell by date on the blue packet was July 1996
The sell by date on the red packet is shown below↓↓
 More coloured stones for the garden↓
 Coffee Time
I had to Keep Calm as the only tin of soup that was left.....
Was Pea & Ham 
 I went outside and the sun had disappeared...
 The dark clouds are rolling in..
Caught up on today's action..
with something tasty..
nearly forgot the coffee...
Rewatched a film with a great soundtrack..
Just had to sing along with some great songs
Next film to watch...
Just waiting for the weekend...
Tick Tock.....


Thursday 10 May 2018

Having To Find A Name!

Welcome to my Thursday...
I dropped another sick note into Job 3.
Showed off the patch work quilt scar on the back of my left foot...😄
The sun was out again..
Those big big sunglasses has to come again 
I had a early lunch.
Then for a walk over to my dad's in the sunshine.
(exercising the achillis tendon)
 My dad hasn't got a Henry.
He has got Dave the Dyson
I had to play with him instead
After hoovering the hall, living room, and dining room.I put Dave back.
My dad pointed to the stairs and said:
"The stairs need hoovering...."
I replied  by saying:
"Is that why the last slave is 6 foot under?"
 I had a chat with his neighbour while I soaked up the sun's rays in the back garden.
Cleaned the kitchen,
Polished in the hall, living room and dining room.
After that I had a much needed coffee.
My dad "gave" me my late mum's big "Kenwood" food mixer as he was worried my younger brother would have it and sell it!
The sun was still shining when I got home.
 Added more Pink to my kitchen↓↓↓
(My late mum would be happy)
 Now to find room for my bigger Kenwood and to name it!

Wednesday 9 May 2018

The Bird Starts To Sing....

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
It didn't start well for hubby.
He bought some trousers from Tescos
last night. Tries to put them on...↓
Oh dear the security tag is still on.
He went into work with the Jeremy Clarkson look...
(shirt and jeans) 
 On a brighter note....
The sun is out again..
 The courier had to phone me, as he couldn't find me....
Parcel received ↓
Coffee & Vitamin C time...↓
 Now for the wine...
 I cooked the chicken in it.
 Chicken and Mushroom Pie.
It started to cloud over..
 The washing comes back in off the line just in case...
The bird started to sing as the pie was done.
It brighted up a bit after tea.
I went for a little ride to drop off one of new sicknotes...
 When we get back,
We catch up with ↓
 There was a case of non-payment of child mainterance...↑↑
I might to have apply to go on the show about the same reason..
(I could win a Oscar for my performance) 
Now to use my warm hands on my husband's cold bits.....

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Never Had The Chance To Say Goodbye

Welcome to my Tuesday.
I woke up at 3.15am
Couldn't get back to sleep...
A Refridgeration Lorry up the top of the road turning itself on every hour...
(It had been parked since 5pm last night)
Cup of tea time...
  I couldn't fight the sleep past 
I got up 2 hours later...
More sunshine...
 Coffee time
 Getting me legs tanned...
 My friend arrives for coffee and chat.
I help her with her application form for a job she is going for.
 Nibbles time↑↓
 I thanked for friend for visiting me.
Wished her Good Luck for the job.
After a while the sun disappeared...↓
 I got the washing in off the line...
A few hours later it was back \o/
 Today is a sad anniversary for me.
 My mum died five years ago.
I really do miss her.
I will visit her with flowers at the weekend
 I didn't have a chance to say goodbye..