Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday 21 April 2018

Enjoying The Pink Sunshine!

I actually caught the last half an hour of "The Sound of The 60's"
No lie-on.
The sun is out...
Off for a ride... 
 View from the car park.
 Now for coffee...
 Enjoyed the sunshine on the Church Green..
 Onwards to our local Record Shop.
as it is 
Record Shop Day 
 Had a free cup of coffee.
Gets back home to play the vinyl..

Followed by
and more..
Now another ride out...
 Food shopping Time!
We did it in record time.
Unloaded shopping.
Caught up with some TV programmes we missed.
And then..
Had to tear ourselves away from the telly...
As the Pendulum clock bonged Midnight! 

Friday 20 April 2018

Trying To Get It On!

I had a early taste of the *Friday Feeling*
Once I had the tea,
the rest of it soon followed...
Where has the sun gone?
No getting the 👙 today...
Nibble time!
My pack arrived for June 14th..↓↓
The sun arrived...\o/
Lunch outside...
 Now to turn the Sexy Beast over..
Enjoying the sun's rays...
 I did a quick tea...
Pie with mustard mash & veg.
We caught up and finished series 2 of "Soldier Soldier"
Now to Get on with inviting the weekend in....


Thursday 19 April 2018

The Sunshine Made Me Do It!

Welcome to sort out Thursday.
The sun was back again  😎 
I had to sort out all my haberdashery gear...
First sewing box emptied..
 Plenty of eyes...
Plenty of lace..
 I came across this little bag I bought off ebay years ago. Look what I found in there....↑↑
 Dinner outside in the sunshine..
Finally sorted out all my haberdashery stuff!
Found some interesting books..
Put all the sewing boxes back...
Went for a little ride....
(To clear some cobwebs)
 Nice Apple Blossom.
I bumped into a old school friend.
Chat chat time.
While at the self service till,
I showed him the most important things in my trolley...
He replied:"You have bought some scones to go with them?"
I laughed.
While waiting at the petrol station,
I turned on the radio...
A great song was on...
I couldn't hold back
I had to sing-a-long with backing vocals...🎶🎶
The looks I had
(As the car window was open)
The more looks I had...
The louder I sung...
(I blame the sunshine,
Is my excuse for backing vocals) 
The song is today's pop video..
Getting ready to welcome the Friday Feeling! 


Wednesday 18 April 2018

One Tassel Or Two?

Welcome to the Hump of the Week!
Opened the curtains in hope of gathering the sun's rays.....
None yet...
Nibbles time...
Followed by putting 2 washing machine loads on the line.
 (Where is the sun?)
 Apple blossom...
Nip and Tucked the Blog.
Had a delivery of Haberdashery...
So many things I can do with Tassels.....
 I now feel the sun's rays...🌞
 Time to put on the 👙
I didn't even hear a knock when it was pushed through the letterbox..
I did a quick chop chop tonight...
Stir Fry 
Now to soak up more sunshine...



Tuesday 17 April 2018

For The Whipped Or Not?

I was up early as I was going to enjoy some coffee and chat..out of the house \o/
I had a nibble before I went out...
 No heatwave  just yet :(
Had to put away the big sunglasses
 Onwards & Up ↗↗↗ wards to...
Enjoy my Dunelm Experience..
(Kenny would get so jealous!)
 I was asked if I would like whipped cream?"
"Oh yes, I miss having whipped cream on everything ;)"
 Got some bargains in Lidl as well.
Back to my friend's for lunch...
 Cheese,tomato,sweetcorn, onion, on toast.
With sprinkled oregano on the top.
I even tried Asian Tea for the first time.
So so lovely :)
I said goodbye and thank you to my friend and her family for having me.
Waved goodbye to Dunelm...
 It was all downhill on the way home ↘↘↘
I had a night off from chop chop.
It was time to put up the left foot,
and watch a bit of telly...
I have the bikini, sun hat and sun cream all ready for the mini-heatwave tomorrow...