Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday 13 November 2017

Having The Touch Of Magic!

Welcome to a day of much needed Monday Motivation!
It would have been my late mum's 73rd Birthday
Once hubby and kids left the house.....\o/
Time on my own with my wheelchair for company...
While waiting for the broadband to be turned on...
I had to hop with my other toy to reach the telly remotes...↓↓
Now to snuggle under the blanket to catch up some telly watching.
Once my kids came home from school.
They moved some plugs around and....
We have internet!
Two hours with some smooth 70's hits from Alexa...
I had to educate my kids with who
was singing the songs...
"Who's singing this?"
"Kenny Rogers."
"Who's sing this?"
Etc Etc Etc
I had a dry mouth answering the questions to the 1970's Pop Quiz....
Hot chocolate Time

Sunday 12 November 2017

Ring Ring Goes The Bell...

Slept like a log once more....
We had to move the living room around abit.
So I could do a U-turn in my wheelchair. 
The Amazon Echo was booming out some great 60's tunes..
Like Matt Monro's "On Days Like These.."
We had to use our small bedroom television to watch some telly in the Living Room from now on.....
Found the much needed bell...🔔
Time for some needed Indian Food...
Better burn off some calories by doing some  sexy moves in the wheelchair.... ♿

Saturday 11 November 2017

Goodbye To Another Nasty Family Member...

I slept like a log in my Laura Ashley bed.
Now to get used to hopping everywhere.
Hubby had a to-do list.
He had to drop in something for the staff at the hospital where I stayed for 10 days.
I meanwhile caught up on some telly.
I had a new toy to play with too.
 Just turned over to watch Dalziel and Pasco.
The television went off, and the red light was flashing at us.
Television broke down....
Talk about bad luck in the past 3 weeks.
  1. Mobile Phone broke
  2. Broke foot
  3. Television broke
Then I had a message off my brother.
My late mum's sister had passed last Tuesday.
The same sister who sent my dad a card after my mum died, saying:
"Sandra ate herself to death".
Then she and my mum's mum didn't attend my mum's funeral.
When my nan passed away in January,
I chose not to go to the funeral.
As when my brother went, my aunt said to him:
"Who are you?"
Then started saying nasty comments to him at the wake.
The last time I actually spoke to her.
It was 14 years ago and having my hair done at her hair salon.
 She said:
"Has your mum lost any weight lately?"
Not a nice person at all.
Another funeral I won't be attending! 

Friday 10 November 2017

Pieces Of 8, Then Hop x 3

I was having loads of Friday Feeling as I might be going home today...
Just had to wait to move onto a ward...
Leaving my B3 side room which I have spent 10 days in....
But first breakfast..↓
 Enjoyed the view from my bed...↓
Time for a fish and chips lunch↓
 I was finally moved to the ward.
 I had a new plaster cast added to my leg.
Then had a X-ray on my foot to see how the surgery went.
A light tea↓
 Got dressed ready to go home..↓
When we did get home.
How am I going to get to my bed in the living room with two front door steps, and a plaster cast on my left leg???
After an hour of messing about
I finally made it to my bed at last!
There was a nice card to come home too :)
 Now have to hop like a pirate,
For the part a parrot is needed
And for me to say "Pieces of 8 a lot!"


Thursday 9 November 2017

Keep On Moving The Foot!

Did plenty of disco dancing of the repaired foot during the early hours.
As I was suffering from bad foot pains.
(I had to keep moving it)
Not much sleep either, as the patient in the next room was being very noisy.
One consultant came to see me and asked.
"What is she doing here!"
(nice bedside manner)
Increased painkillers.
Replaced old cast with new cast.
Hopefully won't have those pains back.
Back on the toy tomorrow.
Nice food to finish the day with...
Hopefully I might be back home tomorrow...

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Feeling Not Quite Right...

I suffered the effects of the operation during the early hours...
I had green bile coming up twice.
Filled up the bed pans. 
Upset because of feeling crap :(
Nice view from my window
 Back to eating food at last
 Had some foot pains..
More food needed..
The colour returned back to my face.
My friend visited.
Left me some healthy nibbles...
Follow the black arrow →
For some serious foot pain

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Popping Into Theatre

I woke up expecting breakfast.
But had NBM on the white board above my bed.
(Nil By Mouth)
 Operation Time!
Slipped into the sexy hospital gown.
Follow the black arrow →
While I was being led down to the Theatre.
(I was doing the sound effects)
I was introduced to the Surgeon and his staff.
One man introduced himself as "Dan."
"Hi Daniel" I replied.
"No one calls me Daniel!" He snapped.
Then I went out like a light
Much later, was woke up to change the sexy gown for a cleaner one..
Wheeled back to my room.
Suddenly my teeth began to clatter..
At least my Achillis Tendon has been fixed!

Monday 6 November 2017

Getting Ready To Be Plastered

Welcome to my Monday full of motivation. 
No wobbly work wheel for me. 
My two wheels don't wobble
I watched the sunrise 
While eating my breakfast
I had loads of visitors today. 
I had so many, 
My mouth turned dry!
Time for coffee!
I had a lovely dinner
Then I had a ultrasound on my foot. 
I was tempted to say to the screen
"Where's the baby?" 
🤣 🤣 🤣 
I now know a bone has broke. 
Got to have a op. 
8+ weeks recovery time. 
At least I'm going to be plastered over Christmas! 🎅
Nice healthy tea. 
Back on the crochet
I had some nice items delivered from Amazon 
Time to put my two wheels  to 🛏