Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Happy New Year.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happy New Year.. Show all posts

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Bad Winds, Bad Drivers, & Shiny Sequins!

 "Where's your Christmas spirit?"
"I drank it!" - Jack Benny and Phil Harris.
Welcome to my December. 
 Time for the sequins to come out again ;)
1: Warm Space:
2:Body Camera and low lying sun problems:
I have now got a body camera over Christmas.
My Supervisor wore it, and the very first time she walked in the road, she nearly got run over. The low lying sun blocked the license plate of the offending car. Week later, someone tried to run me over while I was in the middle of the road. This time, I got the offending license plate to report them to the Police!
3:Storm Darragh
We were going to see Human League in concert on the 7th December and stop overnight in a nice hotel in Birmingham. Due to the storm arriving, a tree blocked the train track and we couldn't leave Redditch. Walked back home with our suit cases in the heavy rain and wind, our front garden took the brunt of the storm!
4: Making Christmas Decorations in Droitwich.

5: Sequins, and Warm Space.
Christmas Themed Warm Space.↓

Lollypop job with Body camera and sequins
Final full council meeting of 2024.
6: Breaking up for the Christmas holidays. 
First present↑
Nice rainbow after I finished the morning shift.
Lots of presents of the children and parents↑
It rained on my final afternoon of December ;(
7: Christmas Party
Sequin time! 
8: Visiting parents with wreaths.
9:Christmas Day.
I was nice to have our children stop over for Christmas :)
10: Visited Stratford upon Avon 
11: Betty the Gerbil enjoying some Turkish Box of Delights
12: I got my crucial haircut before New Year's Eve.
The hairdresser normally only cuts men's hair. So it was the first time he attempted to cut lady's hair. Nice short back and sides.
He did a really good job :)
14: Stopping up to watch the fireworks..
We didn't to toast in the New Year, as we were catching a train very early on New Year's Day! 

Happy New Year to you all 🎆🎇



Sunday, 31 December 2023

Highlights of 2023!

The truth is more important than the facts - Frank Lloyd Wright
Happy New Year everyone 🎇
Just a quick update on how 2023 went for me.
The Best of 2023 
My older son became a Councillor and started at University.
I too, became a Councillor on two Parish Councils
The sequins made appearance....
My youngest son turned 18!
(Even better is I won't have to see my ex-plum any more \o/)
 We visited Blackpool twice \o/
We visited Bobby Ball's statue↓
We visited Les Dawson's grave↓
Keith Harris's grave↓
I came first in a Macmillan Bake Off in aid of my lovely friend who passed away in September.
The minion collection is growing...↓
Third Anniversary of cutting off both of my brothers \o/
The Worst of 2023
We stopped in two hotels and after staying there,we won't be going back again. :(
My lovely friend of 30 years passed away in September :'(
My hubby's brother cut contact with my hubby \o/
Their inheritance was paid out, no contact with hubby for two and half months until after Christmas. When hubby had got badly written message from his brother, asking where the £600 payment from a plan their dad took out for his  brother's kids was?
(Hubby didn't realise there was time limit!)
 Hubby's brother had wanted a huge games machine that hubby  got rid off while clearing out their dad's house.
(Hubby's brother couldn't fit it in his car when he came down on the Sunday after their dad had died, when he grabbed the new 2 week old microwave, and coffee maker from their dad's house)
I hope Hubby's brother enjoys his inheritance!
At least my Hubby is paying for a nice new Gravestone for his  late dad and the 5 family members in the family plot. It should be ready in April just in time for his late dad's Birthday.
We went to see Madness in concert before Christmas.
Oh dear, they only played two old hits in 40 minutes. They played their new album, which we couldn't stand. After 40 minutes we walked out of the concert. At least the DJ before Madness came out played some great tunes!
Now to see in the New Year...


Saturday, 31 December 2022


 Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one - Brad Paisley
New Year's Eve
Welcome to my Saturday Fun!
We were early to do today's Heardles.
Heardle 60s.
My answers:
Breakfast and Brew.
We listened to "The Sounds of the 60s"
UK Top 3 Singles from 1964 
Val Doonican - Walk Tall
Petula Clark - Downtown
The Beatles - I Feel Fine 
Now to put on the thermal vest.
Out to visit some charity shops and to do food shopping.
First stop was to collect some plastic boxes from Argos.
Nice car in the car park↓
Looked in 3 charity shops before Argos.
Pity they weren't my size :(
I did however pick up 2 more minions!
Picked up boxes from Argos.
Now onto to Lidl to do the food shop.
Pity they weren't in my size ↑
We did the shopping.
Back home to unload it all.
Light lunch.
Now to start making room for everything.
Found the Return Back to Work Form from my old lollipop job from 4/7 2018.
I just returned to work after having 8 months off due to my foot injury.
I was only back to work for 2 weeks.
As I asked on the form,
Can I come back in September?
I found out sometime soon after I broke up for the 6 weeks holidays, I was up for redundancy.
My last day was Aug 31st.
Pity one arm don't talk to the other leg and they paid me for September. So after they clawed back the overpayment, I was left with £100 redundancy money! 
More moving about in the Living room!
We ran out of room to put the DVDs.
We made room on top of hubby's wardrobe!
All the minions were put together.
After all this moving about,
Time for a stiff drink!
We had some party food to go along with it.
Quick look in the newspaper:
US No.1 on this day in 1966:
The Monkees - I'm A Believer
We caught up Gordon...
I wasn't going to keep awake up to midnight.
I kept yawning....
Off to bed I went.
I wished my hubby a Happy New Year.
(As we are going travelling alot in 2023.
Some of the places we are going to are:
 Las Vegas, Australia, and going on the train to Scotland in 2023)
Wishing you all a Happy New Year!