Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday 1 June 2024

Pride And Joy

If I see something sagging,dragging, or bagging, I get it sucked, tucked or plucked - Dolly Parton

Welcome to June 💮
Taking a deep breath....
Here's the fun of June....
1: 80th Anniversary of D-Day Coffee morning.
I made 14 cakes, and we raised £185 for the five D-Day Charities.

2: Redditch Pride event 🌈

3: Hubby's Birthday 🎈🎈
4: Father's Day
Hubby had loads of presents off our kids.
We went to a Father's Day event in Studley. To carry on the memories of our dads that are no longer here 💕💕
5: Collecting more.....
As Despicable 4 is nearly here...
My Minions collection is growing some more....↓
6: Youngest son's 19th Birthday 🎈🎈
A notebook for his Birthday, which will be useful for him when he starts University in September...
7: At least we had some decent sunny days for June!
More fun next month to be have!






Wednesday 1 May 2024

Additions To Our Family!

    He's the kind of guy who can brighten a room by leaving it - Milton Berle
Welcome to May.....
It's going to be one of those months↓
(Someone had knocked one of my light bollards over)
Onto more things happened in May:
1: Council elections: Older son got re-elected back onto the Council \o/ 
2: We got 4 gerbils. (All females)
3: It was the 11th Anniversary of my mum passing away :(
4: We went to Kidderminster for my hubby's Pre-op for his eye operation. His late dad's house has had a upgrade!
5: We had a B3 moment.
Getting ready to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day next month.
7: There were some visits from classic cars in Redditch.
8: We had to cancel our holiday to Edinburgh due to an important Hospital appointment for hubby.
So our kids went instead. Hopefully we can go to Edinburgh in August (fingers crossed)
Scottish lollipop man 🍭↓
Busy June coming up!







Monday 1 April 2024

Eye To Eye!

If only he'd wash his neck, I'd wring it - John Sparrow
Welcome to March 🌸
I have been so busy in March..🐝
As part of my Leap Year Birthday celebrations...
We saw Rick Astley in concert..↓↓
With Belinda Carlisle in support↓↓
We stopped in a hotel afterwards.
Pity we didn't get to stop in this room↓↓ 
Studley Stitchers did a great Pillar Box Topper↓↓
The bad news of the month was:
Hubby's vision was getting worst.
(I won't go into detail, it will make you wince)
He has to give up driving,
He is working from home.
Hopefully he will have to have the operation in late May/June.
He might have to have another operation on the good eye, as the vision is going on that one too :(
 I had a lovely Mother's Day..↓↓
We visited the NEC to look around the Craft Fair↓↓
I had lots of Easter eggs off the children before I broke up for the Easter Holidays ↓
I have been baking and helping out at the Warm Hubs this month. The Easter one I made the Rice Krispie Chocolate Treats.
 I supplied the pink rabbit.
(It didn't need batteries!)
Of course, I had to have a good egg for Easter...↓
Hopefully I will get the blog updated soon....🫰


Thursday 29 February 2024

Time To Dance....

"I said to the First Officer,"Gad, that sun's hot," to which he replied, "Well, you shouldn't touch it." - Spike Milligan.
Welcome to February 💕
I have had a busy month with one thing and another.
I will get the blog updated soon.
My PC was out of action so that blew my plans apart!
I had a lovely Valentine's Day 💕 
I got a 1980s's Sindy House to house all my newly acquired Sindy Dolls↓
It was my real Birthday on February 29th🎈🎈
The sequins had to come out....↓
I had so many cards, flowers, nice words and waves off everyone doing my Lollipop job.
At least I had a good February, 
However, as we are two weeks into March....
It's not going very well :( 
To boost my spirits....
I have been making lots of videos involving my Sindys which won't let me put them on here :(
If you want to see them, they are avaliable to view on TikTok under the name of @sindydollownerover50
Now to shake the blues off with a bit of dancing.....