Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 14 June 2023

One Sweaty Hump Day!

I can live for two months on a good compliment - Mark Twain
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
Breakfast and Brew.
Light weight clothing as it is going to be hot again today.
Leaves the house.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
I put on my Summer coat and summer hat.
I goes and put on my lights and buys the newspaper.
Swaps my newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my other lights.
I goes down to start.
One boy racer in his red car goes straight under my raised stick!
Then two people decides to park on the double yellow lines!
Making the traffic back up, and some traffic stopping in the Keep Clear space.
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
It was nice to sit in the garden and watch the birds.
Chopped up some veg and fried the meat.
In the oven it went for later.
Liquid lunch time.
I had a chat with hubby on his dinner break.
Then out I go...
On goes the Summer hat and Summer coat.
Big big sunglasses.
Turns on one of lights.
Walks down to the Charity Shop.
Says hi to everyone in the shop.
Getting warm.
Off to get something to keep me cool...
I gets my big stick afterwards.
We all rabbit in the square until I have to start my afternoon shift.
The fun I have.
Someone parked on the double yellow lines.
He comes out eating a ice cream, and carries on eating the ice cream while driving past me!
Still had to give out some BOINGs on the car drivers on the otherside of the road.
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Puts the oven on for the tea.
Now to sit in the garden to chill.
Nice picture in my magazine.
Hubby comes back and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is ready.
I looked inside today's newspaper.
Caught up with today's news.
Sleep Tea time.
Hoping it is not going to be too hot tomorrow!



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