Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday 21 September 2019

I'm Sticking With it Thanks!

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't - Erica Jong
Welcome to my weekend 🎈
 Woo hoo the sun is back :)
I caught the last half an hour of "Sound of the 60s".
 Enjoyed my tea and hug in bed:)
We had to be up town early....
No lie-in for our kids \o/
Up and out...
 We parked in Car Park 4
 Looking down↓
 I had to sort out my mobile phone contract...
 "Did I want to upgrade my phone?"
"No," I replied.
If I went on my hubby's account, it will be £4 cheaper. The only downside to it, was I would have to change my number.....!
*The same number I have had for nearly 21 years!...*
My answer was no to that as well.
They tried to give us a tablet for £13 a month.
I declined that offer, as I am trying to get my bill down not up↗↗↗↗
After wishing I had not bothered.
(It didn't feel like I got any savings at all!)
I now have 3 mobile accounts on my account including mine!
I took in 5 empty tubs into Body Shop and got a £5 voucher to spend online  \o/
We got a coffee to go and head home to drink it!
 While hubby took our kids to their boxing class.
I had to blog posts to write...
With the help of some great Rock and Roll music...
Light Lunch↓
 I got loads of ideas for the cake I am making next month.
My kids were going to enter the Eurovision Cake Bake at school this week.
(I won it last year)
However, no sign of any baking coming from my kitchen!
Now for a ride in Sexy Beast.
 It's getting warmer↗↗↗
 Going to check the tyres
 It was well warm....
When we got back.
I didn't fancy cooking....
Nice to have a treat once a month↓
 We carried on watching series 10 of:
It doesn't help the Sky box cuts off the episode before it finishes :(
I had to drag a tired hubby off to the bedroom......
Now to burn off that pizza! 


Friday 20 September 2019

Upgrading The Coffee....

No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn - Hal Borland
Welcome to my Friday Feeling🎈
 The sun is back \o/
 I enjoyed a warm hug and a cup of tea↓
 I gave hubby a wet πŸ’‹ before he left the house.
I had to iron my t-shirt....
 I was out early for a nice Webbs Experience..
 The sun might be out, 
But it was cold!
I goes a different way and gets to B3 a bit quicker!
 Lakeland has a offer on fondant icing..
2 for £3..
Lots of Kenny's for Sale..↓
 My nice coffee and nibbles↓
 Had a good yak with my friend.
Now for singing time to work... 
 Quick look at the newspaper↓
 Alannah Currie, rock xylophone and vocalist (Thompson Twins),is 62 years old 🎈
 I was singing above the song while enjoying the blue skies...
 I left on time today \o/
More singing along...
I will have to find another way to get to work for the 15 days as the road I normally take is closed!
Let the fun with that start on Monday! 
Back home in the sunshine \o/
 My Amazon packets arrived↓
 A little boost I need↓
 I come back from the Happy Place Of Work to a nice lolly to cool down with...
Hubby comes back from work early.
Now for a little ride with him
 Off to look around Lidl↓
 The future is looking bright with coffee↑
 Nice car in the car park↑
There was a nice car parked up when we got home↓
 Unwrapped my new coffee machine!
 Final job of the week with some good music↓
I came back home to flopped on the bed....
More warm cuddling with hubby and......🎈

Thursday 19 September 2019

Here's What I Made Earlier!

If anything just cannot go wrong, it will anyway - Murphy's Law
Another sunny ahead!
I enjoyed a hug and a cup of tea in bed.
My sons's school having an European Bake Off Competition next week.
I won it last year with my German themed cake↓
 I had a muted response off my kids when I thought about entering again!
(Instead I am entered the Bake Off competition at the school where I work at Dinnertime instead!) 
I gave everyone sloppy πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ when they all left the house.
I enjoyed coffee and vitamin C while getting ideas for the Autumn themed cake I am going to make.
 Starting my new 🍭 job is far away now.
Just waiting on the uniform! \o/
Light lunch↓
 Big sunglasses timeπŸ•Ά
 I had a quick look in the newspaper↓
 There are loads of exciting Birthdays 🎈 today.
David McCallum is 86 years old 🎈 
Anna Karen is 83 years old.
Composer, singer, songwriter and actor Paul Williams, although predominantly known for his music, Paul Williams has also appeared in films and many television guest spots.
He is 79 years old 🎈
Laurence  "Lol" Creme  is an English musician and music video director, best known for his work in 10cc. He sings and plays guitar, bass and keyboards.
He is 72 years old.🎈
Nile  Rodgers Jr.  is an American record producer, songwriter, musician, composer, arranger and guitarist.
Hie is 67 years old 🎈
 It would have been Michael Elphick's 73rd Birthday today 🎈
He sadly died in 2002 aged 55.
I liked in the series "Boon"
 Singing along with the Boon theme,
I looked across the fields of fun..
I was asked why I had a sticker on my apron.
My reply:
"For singing too much, and being out of tune!"
I finished with a red face.
While travelling on the way home,
I had Red Range Rover nearly forced me off the road! 
Gets home in one piece!
 It was nice to have lollipop!
It was nice coming back from the Happy Place of Work in the sunshine...
 My son treated me to a lovely doughnut.
 I gave hubby a big wet πŸ’‹ when he came home.
We had a nice healthy tea↓
 I went down to do my final job with some great music to sing-a-long with:
 We caught up with:
The Friday Feeling 🎈 will soon be here!