Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday 6 July 2019

Back On The Road...

A tourist is someone who goes 3000 miles to get a photograph pf themselves in front of their car - Robert Benchley
What a surprise I wakes up really early on a Saturday morning!
Just in time to hear "Sounds of the 60s" on Radio 2.
We enjoy a nice cup of tea listening to it.
At 8.30 it was time to wake up the kids!
"Wakey Wakey!"
After they had their breakfast and got changed..
We were out of the house...
Road Trip Time!
 Let's hope we don't have a windy problem like last time I wore the dress!
 Off we go....
 First we got some great things from the monthly sale by the Droitwich Lions↓
 We moved the car to the long stay car park.
Nice to see the church on the hill again
 Charity Shop Time!
Pity they didn't have any in my size!
 One of my favourite shows↓
 Went for a coffee in the Library...
I read the newspapers↑
  Now for a reduced lunch from Waitrose↑
 A bargain boxset↑
We finished putting the pictures over the bed, and 
got a new bed spread to go over the duvet↓
 We nearly have finished sorting out our bedroom.
Just waiting for one other item...
(clue: It is a movie poster)
My spare curtains arrived as well↓
 I caught up with my blog...
Until I saw the time....↓
Hubby was fast asleep when I got to bed...
Now to test my new earplugs!  

Friday 5 July 2019

Somewhere Down The Crazy Friday...

Rams can service, shall we say, up to 80 females in a day - Sam Neill
Woo hoo....
It's come round once more \o/
The bedroom is nearly done...
I gave everyone sloppy πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ before they left.
I had more sorting out of crap before the temperatures go up↗↗↗↗
E25 code came on the dishwasher...
(Hubby can sort it out later)
Now to enjoy some Friday Feeling.. 
Early lunch 
 out in the lovely sunshine..
 Big sunglasses time!πŸ•Ά
I had a quick look in the newspaper↓
 It is Robbie Roberson's 76th Birthday today.
I played his 1987's self-titled album to death
(Until the tape couldn't play no more!)
 (Brilliant album)
It was my co-worker's last day. She had more flowers and cards.
Guess who is doing her job for the remaining 2 weeks????
I had a nice red face when I finished!
 When I got home I need a very big lolly!
 I came back from my second job...
 Needing another lolly....
I got the tea in the oven.
Then off to fetch a nice picture for our bedroom wall...
We came back to enjoy fish cakes and salad.
While my hubby went to see my dad.
I went off to do my final job of the week with some great music..
It was still light at ten pm when I got back↓
 The picture got put up on the wall...
(Picture of it tomorrow)
I found more nice pictures for the bathroom.
(Pick up for them is Tuesday)
Just had time to watch the paper review before I dropped off to Zzzzz

Thursday 4 July 2019

Surprise, Surprise!

Always be a poet, even in prose - Charles Baudelaire
We slept on top of the bed...
It was so warm......
Hubby was back to work after having 3 days off to get our bedroom sorted, etc etc.
All had nice wet πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ when they left the house.
I enjoyed a cold shower,
Before I started to sort out my mountains of clothes...
  I need a serious coffee!
The homemade card and present was wrapped up for my co-worker who is leaving after 12 years.
 A little light lunch↓
 The sun is back!
 So is the big big sunglassesπŸ•Ά
I have a quick peek at the newspaper
 Blue skies
 The whole school were waiting for my co-worker to arrive for work.
As she appeared....
She was given flowers, cards and presents. 
The food arrived.
Now to carry on with our jobs.
I had a nice red face when I finished.
 I needed a very large lolly when I got home!
 I came back from my other job
with another red face!
 Evening Meal then off to do my other job with some good music..
Some nice red skies greeted me when I go home↓
 Even got the nice curtains up in the bedroom window \o/
 Now to wait for that Friday Feeling to arrive🎈