Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday 7 October 2018

Anyone Want An Apple?

No chance of a lie in today.
So much to do...
 Bacon & Black Pudding Sandwich↑
The sun might pop its head out later..
 Quick drive to Droitwich
 Has a free coffee and newspaper.
Now off to the Apple Weekend at Hanbury Hall..🍎🍏🍎🍏

 We got a large bag of apples for £4
 Lots of Holly..
 We shared a nice piece of carrot cake
We left as it was getting very busy.
Dropped off the jug of flowers to my mum's grave.
 Still blue skies↓
I went to do my job, with some nice tunes to sing-a-long with.
Gets the uniforms ready once I get back.
I have newspapers to catch up with...
I try not to relax too much,
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow!

Saturday 6 October 2018

Having To Use Plan B..

I had a lie in for once...
I will catch up with "The Sounds of the 60's" during the week. 
It is raining outside.
(No Intention of stopping)
Plan B today...
Trip to town.

 The view from level 11 of Car Park 4
 Long way down 
We didn't stop too long,
Only 45 minutes.
Picked up a lovely coffee.↓

Dropped into see my Dad.
The battery on his car has gone dead.
Even his battery charger stopped worrying.
Time for a nibble I think!
After 4 hours,
I ordered a new battery charger for him.
My brother is popping in tomorrow to sort out his battery on his car.
 Now to do some shopping and looking around...
 Gets back home to unpack everything we bought..
 Coffee and cake time!
Kicks off my shoes...
It is getting cold outside.
We have held off enough...
The Heating as to go on!
Hopefully the sun will be back tomorrow...
Nice trip to Hanbury Hall is planned...
To enjoy some apples...🍎🍏 

Friday 5 October 2018

Breaking The Chain...

Woo Hoo the Friday Feeling is back..
 Too much Friday Feeling for me,
Woke up too early.......
 3.30am and counting sheep....
The alarm went off...
Time for breakfast...
 Another Superhero t-shirt being worn today.
I watered my plants...💮💮
The lorry is back..over our drive.
 My Amazon order was on its way. I sat in the car, I kept looking up the road, no sign of the courier. I couldn't wait any more. I reversed off the drive, just got up the road, when a white van appeared parked outside my house with my Amazon order!
Picks up newspaper.
Pops into see my dad.
Said "Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary!" to him.
 My mum passed away 5 years.
(She will be having some flowers tomorrow)
More great music to listen to...↓
 More nice views...
 Looking forward to listening to the new 60s music.
They arrived at last..↓↓
Time to celebrate with coffee↓
Now for chop chop....
Beef Cottage Pie with Cheesey mash
Caught up with:

Warmed up my hands...
As something needs some warmth..