Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday 30 September 2018

Time To Upgrade The ....

After snuggling up with hubby at ↓↓
 I soon fell asleep.
We gets up a bit earlier than normal
 The plan was to go and have my haircut.
We got in early.There were 3 in front of us.
Two girls were having foils. I booked to go back in, later on in the week.
Now to get some coffee and newspaper.
 Little bit much for reduced yoghurt
 Free newspapers
 Back home to drop off the shopping.
 Dark clouds coming over.
Now off to town.
 The view from Car Park 4.
 We go and look in Poundland, Wilkinsons and Claire's.
 More views.
 More earrings to try out.
We enjoyed listening to the BBC Hereford & Worcester radio station all day.
Some great hits to sing a long with.
Now to sort out the t-shirts and earrings for the working week..... 
 I have a lovely t-shirt coming this week...↓
Drum roll for tomorrow's t-shirt....

Saturday 29 September 2018

Playing In The Rose Garden

No need for an alarm clock.
My body clock got me up...
 Cup of tea in bed while listening to 
"Sounds of the 60's"
While hubby took our kids for a dentist appointment...
I enjoyed coffee before my job...
 The sun is out once more...
 Hubby has mowed the lawn, all ready for the Winter.
 Spider caught a wasp, and wasn't letting go of it!
Nice trip out in Sexy Beast...↓
 Buy one and get one free on the compost.
Off to another Garden Centre
 (Not to spend no more money next week)
 (Not to look at my bank account Monday ↑)
 More bargain flowers↑↑

 Temperature's not too bad in the sunshine
 Plenty of planting to do...↑↑↑
Now to pick up my Dunelm Order↓
 We did our small Lidl shopping too.
 Someone flying away ↑
 The Plum is never far away....
We watched a series on Netflix..
Very interesting....
I fell asleep...
Woke up at 2.18am
Time to rub some cold hands over someone! 

Friday 28 September 2018

Feeling The Blush

It's come round so quick!
Plenty of Friday Feeling to share about \o/
 Cup of tea to start the Friday off with!
Time for Batman to appear!
Had to find out the funny hat,as I might be dishing up the meals later..↓
 Sunshine time....😎

 Hubby had a Macmillian Coffee Morning at his work.
I enjoy jacket potato for lunch↓
 While I was at work, everyone was eating scones with Jam and cream.
One was talking about fresh cream on scones.
I replied to him:
"I prefer whipped cream in a can, it goes on anything, even scones!"
I could feel the blush when I left the room....
Came back to more blue skies...
 We caught up with some:
  Nice sky before the darkness comes.
Then to escape to the bedroom,
To use some hot strawberry flavoured candle on hubby.....