Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Time To Grab A Star!

Welcome to Hump Of The Week.
I was up early again today.
I left the house in darkness.
I looked up at the dark sky,
There were stars twinkling back at me.
Being up early, there are not many people on the road.
Plus those spooky moments like on Monday.
While cleaning at 6.15am, heard a man talking
Except I was the only person in the building at the time! 


Tuesday 22 September 2015

Remember Me?

It's 4 jobs Tuesday.
Woke up with a smile.
Whispered in my sleeping hubby's ear at 4.40am
"Remember me?" in a deep voice.
That made him laugh.
Fun and games during the day.
At 5.30pm, off come the roller skates.
I had to brush the smoke away from my feet.
When my hubby came back from work,
He crept up behind me,and whispered in my ear,
"Remember me ?.

Monday 21 September 2015

Up Before The Crack......

I lay in bed at 4.30am, listening to my hubby snoring.
"That's it !" I said, I got up 5 minutes later.
Dressed, armed with a strong cup of coffee,
I had breakfast, and was ready for work.
The hamsters wanted to come out,
So 2 of the 3 went into their balls.
Kissed a sleeping hubby, and into the dark I went.
From 8.30am, it hasn't stopped raining.
Got wet doing second and third job!
The sun came out before the last shift,
So that saved me wearing my green wellies...
On a more positive note,
Woo Hoo
I have sold two more copies of my book
"The Diary Of An Unloved, Sex-Starved wife!"


Sunday 20 September 2015

Licking The Strawberry....

Woo hoo it's Sunday once more.
As normal,I took full advantage of a sleeping hubby ;)
I visited two, yes TWO branches of Waitrose today.
Got loads of reduced food from both of them.
My younger son picked up a reduced item and asked:
"What is this for?"
"Oh to make your mum very happy!"
In the trolley it went.
Let's hope tomorrow, no one asks:
 "Who's been playing with the Strawberry?"

Saturday 19 September 2015

The Steam Coming Off The Page!

Made the most of Saturday, and my husband!
We visited town, saw the fair, 
I decided my feet were stopping on the ground!
We visited Droitwich.
Gave some books into the Free Book Shop.
Found some Hot Hot Hot books.
Pity I have already got them, and practice on my hubby....
Visited Waitrose, for my free coffee.
Then back home to practice on hubby with my warm hands!

Friday 18 September 2015

Get Down Tonight....

Woo hoo it's Friday once more.
I have now got off the wobbly work wheel until Monday.
The alarm will be made redundant for 2 days.
Now I make full use of husband....
I don't know who will be more tired after this weekend.
I have to get rid of my sexual frustration somehow,
So out comes the adult box of toys,gimp suit, and a small orange (vitamin C for hubby).
Now to warm up my hands....

Thursday 17 September 2015

Plenty of Shake,Shake Shake

It's Thursday once more.
I have 2 jobs instead of 3 today.
So making the most of the time available.
I had a little play with Henry the hoover.
Did lots of Shake,Shake Shake with Shake and Vac.
So my house is looking nice and smells nice too.
I made the mistake of sitting on the settee,
Soon I was asleep..Zzzzzz
I have to be careful, as my late mum once said of my sleeping habits:
"I could fall asleep on a washing line....."
At least I get 8 hours sleep a night...
In bed,or on the settee, or on a washing line!