Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 17 March 2016

The Good, The Bad And The Chaos

The word that described today!
Got 2 plastic cowboy sets from B&M Bargains.
I got one brown leather belt in the sale for a £1 at Sainsbury's.
The hunt was on for another one.
Salvation Army Charity Shop had one for 50p.
Gets home to make the gun holsters, only got one sheet of brown felt.
The hunt is back on!
The 1st Haberdashery shop I visited was shut.
Second one, she was open, I bought all her brown felt!
(One shirt and shoulder holsters failed to be delivered off EBay :()
Good job I had a Plan B!
More tablets from Doctor for my Baker's cyst.
By 11pm, I had finished making both gun belts.
Complete with gun holsters, handcuffs and spare bullets!
My children  are now ready to play Audie Murphy and Clint Eastwood for Sports Relief tomorrow!

Wednesday 16 March 2016

Found A Good Use For The Cowboy Whip!!

Welcome to a cold, dry Hump Day.
Potty mouth parent, attempted to cross over the road without my help.
It stood in the middle of the road for a few minutes, before any car would let him over the road.
I have been chasing money owed,On the phone for a few hours!
Spent time tidying up the house!
I sorted out my cake ingredients cupboard.
Even found a chocolate bunny (From Last Easter) and two chocolate Santa's from last Xmas!
Bagged up the ingredients for James's cooking lesson tomorrow.
Most of their cowboy accessories have arrived for Friday.
The leather cowboy whip won't be took in, that's being warmed for use on hubby on Friday Night!

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Nice To Feel Wanted!

I have had a mixed bag today.
Woo Hoo I managed to get a Doctor's appointment for this week.
Visited Dentist ( So I could get a letter for the Hospital to take out the tooth next to the wisdom tooth)
Cost £18.
Grabbed a quick take away M&S coffee.
One parent decides I am not really needed to cross the children over twice  a day.
(He is sulking as I am having 3 days off next week to recover from the Operation)
"There are traffic lights they can use to cross the road, so you ain't needed!" He said.
(Nice to feel wanted!)
Majority of parents want me there, only a minority don't.
Damned when I am there, Damned when I'm not.
Let's hope Hump Day tomorrow is a lot better!

Monday 14 March 2016

Playing Cowboys....

Back on the wobbly work wheel.
Nice to see the sun out again.
One driver yet again, braked at the last minute and nearly took my legs out!
Collected my 3 pairs of glasses.
The Optician checked to see if my glasses fitted.
He said,"Your hat has fell down!"
My response was,"At least that's the only thing that's fallen down!" ;p
Wow, I can see a lot clearer!
Used my new glasses to use the Internet, to search for two fancy dress outfits for Friday.
After much discussion, one is going as a cowboy actor, Audie Murphy.
The other son is going as a cowboy, "The man with no name" after several Clint Eastwood films.


Sunday 13 March 2016

Nice To See You, To See You Nice #2

Sunday started with blue skies and the sun shining.
I was armed with a can of polish, duster and a pinny.
Wiped away the dust in the Living Room.
Played "Musical Chairs" with my ornaments in the Living room window.
We visited Morrison's, bumped into a man who was on my Level 3 Microsoft Word course at College 2 years ago. He was also on EXCEL level 3 with my hubby. Hubby scored 100%. 
The man didn't like that!
Then we visited the near-by lake. Bumped into ex-co- worker from my old JOB 2
 She is leaving there before Easter. 
I asked "If the other co-workers missed me?....."
Then there was a tumble weed moment.....
(I saw this cake, and it so reminded me of the answer I didn't get!)


Saturday 12 March 2016

Found The Reason!

Welcome to the start of the weekend...
Started Saturday off with a nibble and a bacon sandwich!
It was too late to visit Pershore.
So we visited Alcester instead.
Brisk visit around the Charity Shops.
Hubby forgot the list for Waitrose.
(He had a smack on the bottom for that!)
Just about remembered what was on the list.
The free coffee helped with that.
Now got my son's ingredients for this three course meal he has to make at school,
As part of Year 7's "Chef Of The Year!"
I meanwhile found out the reason why I need stronger glasses....
(I bought it from one of the Charity Shops)


Friday 11 March 2016

Got My Wheels Back :)

I was sadly lacking the Friday Feeling!
Due to my cold and my knee hurting
 Back at my spot for Job 1.
It turned out to be Crazy Friday for traffic.
Sorted out a Dentist Appointment for next week.
(Before my Operation at the Hospital for Wisdom Tooth Removal in 2 weeks time!!)
Then I had the Good News!
The Pink Princess AKA The Money Pie AKA My car
Has been fixed....
Got a lift to pick her up.
Handed over the wedge of cash...
Now I have my wheels back!