Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday 17 September 2023

Just Like Magic!

 On the keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key - Scott Adams
Welcome to my Sunday 💓
We had a nice lie-in.
Breakfast and Brew.
Now out to do the food shop for the week.
The Lidl car park was getting packed.
Just about got a car parking space.
Nice books in the middle aisle↓
All ready for Christmas!

Does the shopping, and back home we go.
We tried again with some Magic bags for this afternoon.
We put the food away.
Time for some liquid lunch.
With coffee.
Then I wrote yesterday's blog post.
Now to go out in Sexy Beast.
First was to check the tyre pressures.
Next we picked up a magic bag from Morrison's cafe.
(I got some reduced olives off the reduced stand, trying to pay for them was just plain terrible!)
Then off to town to collect more Magic Bags.
We parked in Car Park 4.
Down down we go↓↓
We got a Magic bag from Muffin Break.
Two from Starbucks.
We had some time to waste to get two from Coffee #1.
We enjoyed a coffee in there.
At the time that it was due to get the Magic Bags, the staff said they forgot to cancel the Magic bags on the Too Good To Go app.
So there were no magic bags and I will get a refund!
Second week on the trot this has happened.
No more from there in future!
Back home with what we got.
I put the tea on.
Wrote two more blog posts from June.
Now out to get one more Magic bag.
Got it!
Now for tea!
We finished off watching the film we were watching last night.
Then onto↓
Sleep Tea time.
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow 🎡


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