Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Sunday love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunday love. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 November 2023

Hunt The Presents!

A well-written Life is almost as rare as a well-spent one 
-Thomas Carlyle
Good morning all 🐎
Not long with December is here,
Going to look around the house for future Christmas presents I have hid.....
Breakfast and Brew.
Grabs rain coat.
Now for a little ride in Sexy Beast.
Checks the tyre pressures.
Coffee and nibble time↓
Then off to speak to my parents.
Nice long chat.
Then back home we go.
liquid lunch time.
Then it was time to hunt the presents for Christmas.
While I was looking for hubby's, he went to put the tea on.
Found everyones, and hid them in the Craft Room to be wrapped up!
Time for tea...
Followed by a hot shower for me.
Then sorted out the washing....
(Which was done yesterday)
Sleep Tea time.
Watched a few minutes of Headliners..
All ready for the Wobbly Work Wheel 🎑 for tomorrow 🍭


Sunday, 5 November 2023

Adding More Rainbows.....

He left a bad taste in my mind - Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury
Welcome to my Sunday πŸ’“
Four years ago on this day, 
I started my second stint of being a Lollipop lady in a different area. 🍭
Breakfast and Brew
Now to put all my lollipop gear back into Sexy Beast.
Swept up the leaves off the path
Got loads done in the garden.
Liquid lunch time.
Then out for a ride in Sexy Beast.
Checking the tyre pressures↓↓
Nice Air Freshner↓↓
Off to see my parents for a chat...
It was very quiet for a change.
Had my chat, back home we go.
Hubby got on with making the tea.
I wrote 3 blog posts.
Published 3 blog posts.
Tea is ready!
I had a hot shower.
All ready to watch some telly!
Sleep Tea Time.
We caught up on the news and newspaper review.
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow 🎑


Sunday, 8 October 2023

Staying Well Away....In The Garden!

Appreciate me now, and avoid the rush - Ashleigh Brilliant
Welcome to my Sunday πŸ’“
Still feeling rough.
Took another test, and still two lines!
I woke up early, and left sleeping beauty alone to sleep.
I got on writing Friday's blog post.
Sleeping Beauty came down and we had breakfast!
Gets dressed.
Goes outside for some fresh air and vitamin D!
Hubby starts by cutting back things that had gone rampant!
The Wisteria is another plant is growing all over the place!
Next up was the Butterfly plant was cut back.
For doing that, hubby was rewarded!
At least we have blue skies..
Slowly getting July Blog posts wrote.
Lunch time.
Hubby goes and sits in the garden to listen to the audiobook ready by Sir Patrick Stewart about his life.
Later on, hubby went for a shower.
I had wrote 8 blog posts.
I had to send my apologies for not attending tomorrow's Planning Meeting.
Then I went off to have a much needed shower.
Tea is ready.
Now to watch the last episode:
Caught up with the news and newspaper review.
Sleep Tea time.
No Wobbly Work Wheel 🎑 as still suffering with Covid.


Sunday, 24 September 2023

Too Much Of The Little Things!

There is no such thing as a little garlic - Arthur Baer
Welcome to my Sunday πŸ’“
Breakfast with Brew.
Out for a little ride.
Hubby fills up his car with fuel.
Then onto see my mum and dad.
*Spooky Alert*
We were at the end of the line of graves.
No one around and we heard a woman cough.
Nobody was around and we both heard it!
Slowly back to the car.
We go to get hubby's tyres pumped up.
One woman was dragging it out so no one could use her spare minutes of air.
Hubby pumped up his tyres.
Coffee and nibble time.
Then back home.
Washing machine went on.
Dishwasher was unloaded and loaded up.
Hubby started to collect all the old branches from under our living room and take them down the tip.
I wrote Friday's blog post.
Light lunch.
Then wrote yesterday's blog post.
Hubby was getting quotes for a new gravestone for the six relations buried in the burial plot.
I might carry on writing June blog posts as this week, I have full Council Meeting on Tuesday night, and got to make two cakes for the Bake off on Friday:
I had a light lunch.
Then I went back to writing 3 more blog posts from June.
Hubby got on with the tea.
I made the stuffing.
Just finished writing a July blog post when tea was ready.
Now to catch up with Priscilla....
We had  45 minutes left to watch.
Next up
Oh dear, I can't get the time back for watching this....not recommended this one.
Sleep Tea Time.
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel 🎑 tomorrow.
Baking cakes with Kenny!