Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Saturday 20 October 2018

Back On The Road Again...

Woo hoo Saturday is here.
I woke up far too early for a Saturday.
 I made full use of it,
By listening to "Sounds Of The 60's"
 Nice cup of tea...
Caught up on the blog.
Now for coffee..↓
 My pack arrived ↓
 Going to bake some cakes to make some money for the above charity ↑↑
 Nice bacon and black pudding sandwich.
 Now out for a road trip.
The leggings had to go on....↓
Road trip time.
 We gets to Evesham.
 Lovely Autumn colours
 The bandstand
 The church on the hill
 We walked around Evesham visiting the Charity Shops.
 I sat down and looked at tower, while hubby added a further £1 for parking in the car park
 I enjoyed a lovely Cornish Pastry↑
We visited a Farm Shop on the way back.
(I won't be returning to it again!)
 Quick drink↑
We visit my dad on the way back.
Quick coffee↓
 Gets back home to unpack the lovely things we bought.
 The kids have got some lovely clothes to wear.
Here are some following items we bought:

 We popped over to see my Father-in-law.
I think he had forgotten I can talk for England!
When we got back.
First film of the boxset...
 Hubby went to bed after the film.
I stayed up to watch the News.
I woke up later....↓
Better get to that warm bed!

Friday 19 October 2018

Feeling The Cold Blast!

Welcome back to the Friday Feeling!
Enjoyed Breakfast in Bed with hubby.
The temperatures had dropped down over night.
Will the thermal knickers have to come out?
💋💋💋 everyone when they all left.
Now to wear yet another Super Hero t-shirt.
(Be nice and warm wearing it)
Marmite time!
 Off to drop of Birthday present and card.
It's freezing!
I pop into the Newsagents to get the newspapers, and just had to sing along with the song that was on the radio when I walked in....
I pop into see Irene and Joe.
Nice views of the church in the town centre from the roof.
Said my goodbyes.
It is getting warmer ↗↗↗↗
Blue skies!

There is one crow flying around near-by.
So glad I wore my leggings.
The sun was out, it was still chilly.
 Popped into see my dad, gave him his newspapers.
Back  home to blue skies..
Interesting On This Day in History ↓
The first Blockbuster video-rental store opens in Dallas, Texas in 1985.
C&W singer, Jeannie C Riley is 73 today.
I really liked one of her popular songs she recorded...↓
I had a nice surprise in the post...
I had a nice blast of Rock 'n' Roll,
Before heading of to my other job.
I was given free pizza \o/
My kids will enjoy that.
We caught up on some television.
There were some good guests on the Graham Norton Show.
Graham is joined by Sir Michael Caine, Chris Pine, Rami Malek and Sally Field. With music from Christine and the Queens, who perform their current single 5 Dollars.
Dragged off a tired hubby off to a warm bed..
To enjoy the last bit of Friday Feeling!