Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday 3 September 2017

Enjoying Some Sunday Love....

Had a nice lie in.
(More Sunday Love πŸ’‘ )
Then off to pick up a nice bit of Loom..
 We checked on our grey gerbil, Tom.
He had passed away😒
Now down to 4 gerbils and 1 hamster...
I went off to have a Dunelm experience to cope with the loss..
This could be my bedroom! (I wish)↓
or even my living room...↓
I got some nice things in the sale....
My hubby fetched my final Lloyd Loom purchase (for now)↓
Not long before kids and me go back to school and work...
Back onto the healthy meals....

Saturday 2 September 2017

Happy Third Blog Anniversary

Wow 3 years ago.....
I started to write this blog...
So much has happened....πŸ˜†
Thank you everyone for reading my blog posts \o/ 😍😍😍
This morning it was play with gear stick time,πŸ’‘
Then off to get some free school uniform....
 More shirts and trousers...
Speaking of uniform,
I washed mine,
and let it dry....
 As back on my spot on Wednesday...
The name tags arrived.
Be ironing them into my son's High School uniform tomorrow.... 
Now to celebrate the Anniversary of this blog by having a hot chocolate..πŸ˜ƒ 

Friday 1 September 2017

Adding More Loom!

Wow, this week is going so fast!
Got so much Friday Feeling to share about....
We visited Bewdley to pick up some more Lloyd Loom items..
 Enjoyed a nice hot chocolate by the river.↓
 Got some nice items from a Charity Shop we looked in.↓
 There was some shoes however not in my size however :(
 Now to put my Lloyd Loom on show :)

Thursday 31 August 2017

Wishing For The 00..

We had a busy Thursday...
First I had a blood test...
Pity my number didn't have 00 before my number..↓
 Then to carry on with our road trip to pick up something for the kitchen...
Even had a takeaway coffee on the way..
↓Splashback for behind my oven↓
While on the way back home, I picked up a nice blanket box for £5!
Now to use up some chilli!


Wednesday 30 August 2017

Here It Comes Yet Again!

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
As normal it decides to rain.....🌧
We decide to change the colour scheme in our kitchen.
First a roll of wallpaper...↓
Just as soon as the pasting board comes out....↓
It pours down with rain...
Even the lighthouse gets wet...🌧
The kitchen is looking a lot

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Let The Singing & Dancing Commence!

After getting my shoulder looked at...
Made the most of hubby being on holiday.
Time for coffee, chat and late breakfast at..
 Nice price...
Now for the breakfast....🍴
My friend gave me some tins.
Now to add them to my kitchen..
I signed up to Amazon Music...πŸ˜€
I was in my element listening to lots and lots of nice music.....🎢
Let the singing along and the dancing  commence...πŸ‘―πŸ’ƒ 

Monday 28 August 2017

Enjoying The Sunshine!

We actually had sunshine on a Bank Holiday Monday for once!
Off to visit Bidford on Avon
We visited the car boot.
Got some nice bargains...↓
Added a nice trim to the lamp!
 Now to enjoy this sunshine on this Bank Holiday Monday...with wearing of theπŸ‘™