Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label playing with Henry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label playing with Henry. Show all posts

Monday 12 March 2018

Which One To Do?

Welcome to this wonderful Monday *Feeling*
Once everyone had left the house.
Coffee with a smile...
 Washing machine went on....
Had a little play with Henry..
Caught up on some reading....
✂ Cut out some nice recipes...↓
 After a liquid lunch....↓↓↓
 As it is Shakespeare Week,
To be or not to be...that is the question?
Do I do baking or crafting???? 
 Crafting while watching House MD *Wins*
 Now onto Season 6...
Getting the hang of making Flower looms now \o/
 Nice little hot stir fry to end the day with...
The other half is being frozen for next week.
Now to raid my wool stash.... 

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Designing,Making, & Playing...

Welcome to my Hump of the Week,
My son wanted to me to make a card for his favourite TA who is leaving on Friday.
(She helps in Breakfast Club)
So after everyone had a quick 💋
I got down to it...
 So much craft crap...
The Dining Room looked like a 💣 had hit it!
While making the card, 
Alexa was busy delivering the tunes...
  1. Happy Tunes 
  2. Best of Oasis
  3. Best of Fleetwood Mac
The finished card..
 I whipped up a "Goodbye" wreath too.
Liquid Lunch soon followed..
Had a quick play with Henry..
 Then its back to chop chop for the Evening Meal...
The ingredients were:
Pork Steaks,
Lemon Juice,
400g Charlotte potatoes halved,
Feta cheese. 
 It looks like I will be having a play with Kenny tomorrow....
As my son's favourite TA will have some cupcakes made by another Leaving Present.
 Now the itchy baking hand can stop itching!