Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cold. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Using My Green Fingers...

Welcome to a freezing Tuesday.
It will be getting to the point the thermal knickers will have to be dusted, and put on.
Leggings can only do so much...
Breakfast in bed time↓
Gave hubby a big 💋
He went to work.
I got my teenagers up for more fun today.
 Coffee & Vitamin C time.
 The sun might be out,
But it's cold
 *Must remember to put the time back on Sexy Beast!*
I have to get things for my dad.
Gives his car a spin to a lovely garden centre. 
 I got him two Peace Lillies and a Mother's in Law Tongue↓↓
 I repotted the plants.
(Good Deed Time)
 Still cold
 At least it's blue skies
 Nice roll for dinnertime.
 Lovely cloud patterns
 Hubby got me some lovely flowers 💮💮💮💮
It's Bake Off Final Night.
 We were watching the final task, when our sky box decided to reboot itself!!!!
It finally came back on to reveal the winner!
 My family asked if I am considering entering series 10 of Bake Off.
I know I'm good at baking,
Now to drag a tired hubby to bed,
With my warm hands..... 👐👐👐

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Time For The Bird To Come Out!

Welcome to the First of December.
Still freezing cold and frosty.
 Loads of layers on 
(including the thermal knickers)
 One cheeky parent parked on the zig zags lines.
He ended up being boxed in, 
And being stopped 
(by Me)
As I had some children to cross over 
(when he decided to move off)
One tank driver had to stop his car and scrape the rest of his windscreen as his windscreen had frozen again.
 It was time for the little bird to come back out again...
Homemade Chicken & Veg Pie!


Thursday, 6 October 2016

Playing Pandas

The sun is still shining..
It's still cold : 
(but not thermal knickers cold yet!)
Enjoyed a coffee,toasted tea cake at Asda with a friend.
Made a beef stew, and left it to cook in the slow cooker...
The pink jumper is in the wash...
So now it's Panda jumper complete with ears!
The new series of "The Apprentice" is on tonight. I got through to Round 1 of interviews for the series back in 2011. 
I may have not got through to round 2, but I made people laugh! 


Friday, 11 March 2016

Got My Wheels Back :)

I was sadly lacking the Friday Feeling!
Due to my cold and my knee hurting
 Back at my spot for Job 1.
It turned out to be Crazy Friday for traffic.
Sorted out a Dentist Appointment for next week.
(Before my Operation at the Hospital for Wisdom Tooth Removal in 2 weeks time!!)
Then I had the Good News!
The Pink Princess AKA The Money Pie AKA My car
Has been fixed....
Got a lift to pick her up.
Handed over the wedge of cash...
Now I have my wheels back! 

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Time For A Good Scrape

It's getting colder by the minute..
Woke up this morning, and the Pink Princess needed a good scrape!
At least there was blue skies and the sun was shining
Got the snow plow on order, as it's forecasting snow tomorrow!


Monday, 24 November 2014

Brass Monkey Time!

I didn't want to leave my warm bed or warm husband.
It's Monday again.
I looked out of the bedroom window.
The car frozen solid.
Time for the thermal knickers to come out!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Bump & Grind

It's now starting to get a little bit colder.
Now wearing 5 layers of clothing during the day
The woolly pink pyjamas came out last night.
Hubby had a job of removing them (laugh out loud)
Now to keep warm by doing my hour of exercise.
Using Exerbeat on the Wii.
Boxing, Karate,Pilates, & Yoga.
All primed and ready for work ;)