Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label The Rockford Files Season 1 Intro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Rockford Files Season 1 Intro. Show all posts

Tuesday 13 September 2022

Hanging Onto The Summer Sunshine!

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me -Fred Allen
Welcome to my Tuesday fun 😎
We only had time to do one Heardle.
Heardle 60s:
My answer:
Breakfast and Brew time:
Now to leave...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one before I leave 💋
Now to play a Big Tune, on Repeat↓
I go and get the newspaper.
Comes back to Sexy Beast.
Gets the summer coat.
Now to turn on my lights.
Turns on my lights.
Now for the fun to start..
Crossed a load of people over in 5 minutes.
Back Boinging....
Loads given out.
I actually dropped my stick down,
and surprise surprise they stopped.
Chatted to loads.
Caught up on the gossip!
Finished in one piece!
Back home I go.
Coffee machine goes on.
Quick tidy up.
My friend comes around.
Another fridge magnet added to the collection↓
Coffee and chat time.
I thank my friend for coming around.
Light lunch time.
Now to go and do afternoon shift.
Nice big tune to hum along with↓
I was a bit early.
Lets go down to the Charity Shop..
Gets some bargains...
On the way back to Sexy Beast.
Buys my ice lolly.
Drops off bargains, 
Gets on my Summer Coat.
Puts on my lights.
Collects big stick and lolly.
Sits in square with lolly and one friend to have a good rabbit with!
Says goodbye to my friend.
Now to start the afternoon session.
Oh dear.....
Limbo drivers are back again!
At least it was only the big stick out in the road and nothing else!
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
I got chatted with my late neighbour's son, for coffee and chat.
Then I go back home and follow hubby to the front door.
It was a bit late to do any tea.
Take away time.
Chicken Balls with Dip!
Looked in the newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1962:
Elvis Presley - She's Not You
UK No.1 on this day in 1980:
Kelly Marie - Feels Like I'm in Love
UK No.1 on this day in 1986:
The Communards - Don't Leave Me This Way 
UK No.1 on this day in 1997:
The Verve - The Drugs Don't Work.
UK No.1 on this day in 2003:
The Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?
We still have 3 episodes to catch up on:
We fell asleep during the last episode.
(We will rewatch it tomorrow)
I didn't need no Sleep Tea as I was well tired.
Hope I have a better Hump Day tomorrow 🐫






Wednesday 15 June 2022

Pruning The Bush Back!

Today has been eighty degrees in the shade.I was clever.I stayed in the sun - Tommy Cooper.
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
Sunny Hump Time 🐪
We got the Heardles done.
Heardle 60s was:
 My son's Heardle results↓
Time for breakfast and brew.
Now out into the sunshine..
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋
I go get the newspaper.
On goes the summer coat
Big Big sunglasses.
Turns on my lights.
Let's go to work!
It is getting well warm.
Sweat starts to fall from face.
Good job I have a ice cold bottle of water in my pocket.
It might be warm, but the car drivers are still not stopping for my big stick!
Few more BOINGs give out.
Tell the parents its going to get hotter...
Finished in one piece.
Delivers a Birthday card.
Back home.
The coffee machine goes on.
Waters all the plants.
Now for coffee in the garden.
Prunes back the bush↓
Props up a rose with a 6ft cane.
Gets some weeds up as well.
I am a phone call reminding me of the Warwickshire Lollipop meet up next week.
Apart from my Supervisor, I'm going to be youngest one there :D
Liquid lunch time.
Now out for part 2.
Puts on my Summer coat.
My lights get turned on.
Gets my ice ice lolly from the shop.
Picks up my big stick.
Sits in the square and waits for my friend.
(My other friend is having a carpet fitted)
My friend turns up.
Time for a little rabbit...
It's getting warm!
Said goodbye to my friend.
Part 2 time!
I see my other friend who arrives a bit late for work.
Oh dear back to ignoring the big stick again!
Felt better after that!
At least I finished in one piece.
It's getting well warm!
Back home.
I write 2 blog posts.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
Hubby went off to see a friend to enjoy a night of watching WWF wrestling.
I looked into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1956:
Pat Boone - I'll Be Home
UK No.1 on this day in 1974:
Ray Stevens - The Streak
USA No.1 on this day in 1963:
Kyu Sakamoto - Suliyaki 
USA No.1 on this day in 1974:
Bo Donaldson and The Heywoods - Billy, Don't Be A Hero.
I carried on writing more blog posts.
Sleep Tea time.
I kept that bed warm for when hubby came back home....





Monday 18 October 2021

Nice Firm Grip!

 The only flair is in her nostrils - Pauline Kael
Welcome aboard my Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡
Nice warm hug to start Monday off.
Breakfast with a brew.
It is still dark outside....
I think the rain is going to hold off this morning.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet 😘 before I leave.
I didn't park where I normally park, as the Hall is giving out Covid Boosters.
I put on my Summer coat but with 4 layers of clothing.
I turned on my lights.
Now for the fun to start...🍭
At least the weather stopped dry.
Some car didn't understand the Stop on my stick and totally ignored it!!!
Too much early Monday Feeling 🎈
Finished in one piece.
I gets the newspaper on the way home.
Puts on the coffee machine.
I missed a call from the Council.
I tried to phone back.
Number 5 in the queue,
Waiting time is over an hour....
Number 4...
Waiting queue is over an hour
Number 3 ...
Waiting queue is 35 minutes....
Number 2 ..
Waiting queue is 35 minutes...
Finally number 1
When the phone was answered, I gave a good morning...
She was shocked on the other end of the phone
(Not used to people being happy on a Monday)
I have to wait for a phone call back when the Plumber is coming around....
As far as the holes in the roof.
(I phoned up 4 weeks ago about it)
It's with the contractor now.
"I have buckets ready for when the weather changes,"...I told her. 
I googled to see the reasons about water appearing under the washing machine.
Whether the cost of repair is going to be the same as buying another one.
My late dad said:"When it starts shelling out money on it, time to replace it, throwing good money after bad!"
I think he meant me shelling money out on Larry the Land Rover....
Still no sign of the Plumber, hubby got back on to the council.
Knock at door, the Plumber is here!
"I didn't know there were houses down here!"He said.
"If I had a £1 for everyone saying that, I wouldn't be living here!" I replied.
He wanted me to go on all fours to pull on the waste pipe under the sink.
I have a good nice firm grip, so I opted to hold on the pipe outside instead.
No chews marks on the pipe.
The Plumber says,"The problem is the washing machine!"
At least the rat didn't chew the waste pipe!
I thanked him for coming.
(Getting a quick getaway from my talking!)
Next problem to get in touch with the firm about my possible refund as the parcel that Fed-Ex delivered elsewhere!
As soon as it classed as missing, they will send out a replacement order!
My Amazon order that was unable to be delivered yesterday (two Sundays running)
was delivered....!
It's raining quite abit.
Time for those sexy lumo trousers to be worn!
 Time for a bit of Manfred Mann..
While I got into my winter coat,one of my friends appeared, we had a quick chat, as he hadn't brought his coat, and his passenger window on his car was left open.
I said goodbye to him, and went to put my lights on in the rain!
I chattered with my other friend in the rain until I started my afternoon shift.
I had 3 layers under my winter coat,
I was well warm!
One bronze car didn't like being kept waiting and gave some nasty hand gestures to me when they went past.
I just shot them a look! 
One car nearly had the windscreen tapped and cracked, there was only cms away away when she drove under it!
I was glad to finish in one piece.
All nice and sweaty!
Back to more singing with Manfred Mann!
Back home.
Now to try and write Saturday and Sunday blog posts.....
Hubby went to see his dad.
His dad's hand had swollen up.
I called it the Kenny Everett hand...
And his dad's foot swollen up as well.
His dad is refusing to phone the doctors.
I am not saying nothing, no one listens as normal if I did!
Meat free Stir Fry Time.
I finally got Saturday's blog post wrote by the time hubby came back from his snooker match.
He won his singles and doubles matches.
However his team lost 3-2.
Sleep Tea time.
Let's hope this week can't get any worst!