Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label St Annes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St Annes. Show all posts

Friday 25 August 2023

Sorting Out The Sequins & Nails!

 If you don't like my option of you, you can always improve - Ashleigh Brilliant
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈
We go and see if there is a parking space outside the hotel.
There was one, but a bit too small for hubby's car↓
He parked the car in the next road.
We had a nice filling breakfast.
Collects the trolley.
Now to catch the tram to Starr Gate↓↓
Now to get the bus to Lytham.
Catches the Stagecoach bus.
Gets to Lytham.
Charity Shop time.
Quick coffee break.
Back on the bus to look around St Annes.
The rain came down while we were on the bus.
When we got off, those dark clouds were still overhead us.
We did the circle of Charity Shops. 
 Nipped into Aldi before we caught the bus back to Blackpool.
We had to put up with a grumpy bus driver on the way back. I was glad to get off.
Walks over to the tram stop.
Hops aboard.
Goes past the large Disco ball.
Back to the hotel to unpack the trolley.
Cup of brew is needed.
We had a light tea.
Hubby is off to see Roy "Chubby" Brown on the North Pier.
I had my sequin trousers and nails to sort out.
Hubby goes off to get the tram.
I have a shower.
Hubby meets Chubby at the end of the show.
He has a photo taken and an autograph. 
I sorted out my sequin trousers.
Painted my nails.
Now to look into today's newspapers.
I keep the bed warm for when Hubby comes back.
He comes back and I go off like a light...Zzzz

Monday 29 May 2023

Enjoying The Sunshine!

If it's good, they'll stop making it - Herbert Block
Bank Holiday Monday
Welcome to my Bank Holiday Monday in Blackpool 🌅
Up early for a cup of brew before going down for Breakfast.
Lovely breakfast.
Now out to get the tram and bus to St Annes.
We waited at the tram stop, when a taxi driver said:
" There were no trams running...!"
We crossed over the road to see if there was a bus running.
Not on a Bank Holiday Monday.
Back to the B&B to collect the car for a ride out.
We just one parking space in the car park at St Annes. Then off for a walk about in St Annes.
Coffee and nibble needed!
A guest wanting some food as well.
After visiting all the charity shops,
Off to see Les....
There was a large queue for ice cream↓
We get a ice cream off the front, and go for a long warm in the sunshine.
Planning being put forward↓
That should be interesting when the work is going to start....and is it going to get through.
Goes back to car.
Everyone is circling the car park for a space.
Then we get in the car and go off to find Les Dawson's grave.
Found it!
We put some flowers on it.
We had a good look around the graveyard while we were there.
Nice and warm in the sunshine.
Now to drive back to Blackpool.
We popped into Morrisons to get some tea for tonight.
Now for a drive down the front...
Back to the B&B
Unpacks all the goodies we bought.
We had our tea.
I looked into today's newspaper.
Then had a early night, and to enjoy the bed!