Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Sewing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sewing. Show all posts

Thursday, 9 December 2021

Playing With My Brother Again!

 There is only one thing in the world worst than being talked about, and that is not being talked about - Oscar Wilde
Welcome to my Thursday 🎄
Nice warm hug.
Followed by Brew and breakfast.
Thermal vest goes on.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet 💋 before I go.
On goes the 2 winter hats, and winter gloves.
Turns on my lights.
Now for the fun to start 🍭
Oh dear, it's going to be like this morning.
Point blank not stopping and going under the stick. Then they stop in the keep clear area, which makes it a bit difficult to cross the kids over.
At least I survived in one piece!
I goes back to Sexy Beast.
I starts to write out my friend's Birthday card.
I got chatting to my friend who is recovering from a op on his hand.
(It is still really enlarged)
He has been on his spin bike every day, cycling 7 miles a day...
I laughed and said:" I can do just about 3 miles, when I get on mine!"
He is having his other hand done next month.
Told to take care.
I wrote out my friend's Christmas Card.
Then I go and deliver them.
He opens the front door and thanks me for his cards.
Then off to get my newspaper before going home.
Puts on the coffee machine.
Gets out the Sewing machine.
Changes the yellow thread to blue on the bobbin.
Threads the needle.
Now for a much needed coffee.
Does the bathroom curtains.
Just waiting on the linings to arrive from Amazon.
What's behind the Advent Calender door today?
Time for part two.
On goes the 2 winter hats, with gloves.
I turn on my lights and head down to chat with my two friends for a good rabbit!
I said goodbye to my friends.
Now for the fun to start.
It went quite well, except a few just driving under my stick for the sheer fun of it!
The linings arrived.
Fixed them to the back of the curtains.
Up they went.
I put the fish in the oven.
Hubby got some chips on the way back home.
He had a sloppy wet 💋 off me.
Tea is served.
Our son hung up his Jigsaw in the the picture frame on his wall.
The picture that was replaced by his jigsaw is on my bedroom wall.
I looked into today's newspaper.

Steven  Forrest  was a Scottish singer-songwriter, better known as Steve Bronski.  He was a co-founder and keyboard player of the group Bronski Beat, known for the single Smalltown Boy and Why? As well as being a musician he was well known as an LGBTQ activist and was openly gay himself from an early age.
Born in Castlemilk, Glasgow Bronski worked in his youth as a labourer. He lived in a flat in Brixton, London during the early formative period of Bronski Beat with his fellow musicians. Later on he squatted with partner and bandmate Larry Steinbachek in Camberwell, London. Following the break up of the band he lived in Thailand for many years, as well as Paris, France, before returning to the United Kingdom.
He sadly died in 2021 aged 61. 
We had a early night without watching televison.
Sleep Tea Time.
Off to bed early ....Zzzzz
Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈




Monday, 25 October 2021

Clearing The Room!

Every time I paint a portrait, I lose a friend - John Singer Sargent
Welcome to my Monday 🎈
(No Wobbly Work Wheel this week 🎡) 
Nice warm hug with brew.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet 😘 before he goes to work.
Now to make full use of nice comfy bed 🛏
I am going to have a rare lie-in.
Felt better after that!
Gets up, gets dressed.
Puts on the coffee machine.
Loads up and puts on the dish washer.
On goes the new washing machine.
Empties all the bins in the house.
Now for coffee...
One son gets the newspaper for me.
My new curtains arrive for the Dining room.
One son helps me put them up.
Tumble Drier goes on.
Nice healthy lunch.
Now for the follow up for the parcel which was supposed to be delivered to me on 14th October but was delivered elsewhere.
Fed-Ex has picked up the parcel and delivered to the correct address! 
I was told.
"Not here, I replied back"
This Business is trying not to give me refund, not answered my emails and just hoping I will go away, however they don't know me well enough!
I need to chill.
What better way to do some sewing with a brew.
Tea at 3 time.
The first 3 draught excluders done.
Then the remaining three done \o/
Hopefully our house won't be so draughty now!
Hubby was visiting his dad with all the shopping he got yesterday and playing snooker afterwards.
While our kids had their tea, a nice tune came on the music channel we were watching.
Then I flicked it over and started singing along with Def...
The room cleared!
That's nice!
I got on with my tea.
Then I caught up with Kenny Everett's series 3.
Then I wrote yesterday's blog post.
Hubby won his snooker singles match but lost in the doubles.
His team still won 3-2.
Published my blog post.
Quick read of today's newspaper.
Roger  Miller   was an American singer-songwriter, musician, and actor, widely known for his honky-tonk-influenced novelty songs and his chart-topping country and pop hits "King of the Road", "Dang Me", and "England Swings", all from the mid-1960s Nashville sound era. 
He sadly died on this day in 1992 aged 56. 
Now to snuggle down into that warm bed with hubby 😘


Wednesday, 13 October 2021

So Many Doing Bad Parking Today!

I'm a minor player in my own life story - Tony Wilson
 Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
Warm hug to start Hump Day with.
Brew with breakfast.
It was still dark when I opened the curtains.
(But it remain dry I hope)
I gave hubby a sloppy wet 💋when I left.
I went the other way to work as due to the Traffic lights at the bottom of the road.
I had 4 layers on under my Summer Coat.
Now to turn on my lights...
Let the fun start....🍭
Two van decided to park on the double yellow lines opposite. Causing problems with the traffic and for me!
Plus cars were leaving it late using their brake pedal!
One flat bed lorry failed to stop and nearly hit the traffic lights in the back of his lorry as he went past!
One lorry driver put his hand up as his went past me, while I had my stick up in the air!
At least I finished one piece!
No rabbiting either!
I nipped into Morrisons to get a few things...
Singing along with Michael McDonald while going around the aisles.
Some good Dvds....↓
A great Cd↓
Got my bits and bobs.
I picked up my neighbour's magazine and newspaper on the way home.
Oh dear, lorry over the drive yet again...
I parked over the road and refused to move!
The lorry driver moved so I could get on my drive.
He then parked opposite my drive...
So why couldn't do that in the first place!
I puts on my coffee machine.
I go round and give my neighbour his magazine and a bit of chat.
When I come back,
Coffee time!
Then I wrote yesterday's blog post up to lunch.
Light lunch 
Then it was time for part two.
I took off one layer of clothing.
I put on  the Summer coat.
Put on my lights.
Then had a good rabbit with my two friends.
Then I had a disagreement with hubby via text message.....over laddergate from last night!
Then it was time to start the afternoon shift 🍭
Cars drivers were actually stopping for once!
(That's even lowering the stick down either!)
Finished in one piece.
Now back home.
Jacket potatoes were put in the oven.
Now to take out all my stress with my sewing machine!
Two more draught excluders made..
Hubby came home, said sorry for last night.
I gave him a big warm bearhug and a big sloppy wet 💋
The males of the family had beans on jacket potato.
I had salad on mine.
With a much needed brew!
While hubby and son went to the Storage Unit to collect more stuff to put in the loft.
I quickly looked in today's newspaper!
Chris Farlowe (born John Henry Deighton) is an English rock, blues and soul singer. He is best known for his hit single "Out of Time" written by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, which rose to #1 in the UK Singles Chart in 1966, and his association with bands Atomic Rooster, the Thunderbirds and Colosseum. Outside his music career, Farlowe collects war memorabilia.
He is 81 years old 🎈
John Ford Coley  is an American singer, classically trained pianist, guitarist, actor, and author most known for his partnership in the musical duo England Dan & John Ford Coley.
He is 73 years old 🎈
Once the things had been put in the loft.
We carried on watching Kenny Everett.... 
Now for some Sleep tea...
I am expecting a parcel to be delivered by Fed Ex.....let's hope they find me!