Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label My Super Ex Girlfriend. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Super Ex Girlfriend. Show all posts

Sunday 21 July 2019

Using More Blue Chalk!

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do - Walter Bagehot
We had a sort of lie in...
When I woke up, 
After breakfast,
I found someone selling half a tub of blue paint. I made her an offer, and won it \o/.
Now to leave the house↓
 It's getting warm again↓
 We pick up the paint.
 Then off to Aldi for this week's shopping.
 Pity I don't drink↑
 Only the best toilet roll↑
 I got a spare mop too.
Back home for lunch.
Now for day two of snooker.
Off we go
 Hubby's match starts at 3.30pm
 He puts up a great fight but loses:(
Nice table set up↓
Drowning our sorrows↓
Gets back home.
  It looks like its going to rain.
I will leave repotting of the plants for tomorrow.
I caught up with this blog.
Later on one of my favourite films were on:
Hubby got his work things ready..
I just have 2 jobs to do tomorrow...
I have still got to mount the Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡


Thursday 7 February 2019

On Days Like These

“One of the hardest things you will ever have to go through is the death of a child." - Shannon L.Alder
Welcome to my Thursday. 
While I was enjoying my cup of tea,
I received some bad news. 
My friend's grandson passed away yesterday at the tender age of 2 weeks old. :'( :'(
I was looking forward to seeing him and all the family this weekend.
I gave everyone  big 💋💋💋 when everyone left.
I was in a sombre mood when I had my coffee and apple.
I made a Birthday card for my work colleague↓
 Now for some liquid lunch↓
 Now off to work↓
 Now to enjoy a sing a long with The Hollies↓
 Birthdays Time↓
 Eddie Izzard: British actor and comedian(The Avengers) is 57 years old.
Clarence "Buster" Crabbe: American swimmer (Olympic gold 1932) and actor (Tarzan the Fearless, Flash Gordon),would be 111 years old.
(He died aged 75 in 1983) 
 Matt Monro(born Terence Edward Parsons): English singer(Born Free), dies aged 54 in 1985.
Richard Hatch: American actor (Battlestar Galactica), dies at 71 in 2017.

Shoe rationing begins in US (may purchase up to 3 more pairs in 1942) in 1943.
Now into work...
 My hat for today↓
Goes back home singing along with some great Hollies tunes↓
 Sunshine time :)
 Comes back from Job 2  in the sunshine.
I make a card for my friend who lost her grandson yesterday.
 I made a tasty onion,garlic, risotto↓
 Not long to go until the Friday Feeling arrives....🍾🍾🍾

Sunday 27 January 2019

The Wind Is Going Well Wild!

The wind plays its own music - Bert McCoy
 The wind was banging my wind chimes really loud at 4.10am......
We had a nice lie-in...
 Tea time....
Playing I spy with a toilet tube....↓
 Wow look what the wind has done to my garden!!!↓
 Those dark clouds are coming over...
Now for a good workout with Henry..↓
Feel better after that!
Now for ping time!
 Back out in the wind..
 While in Morrison's
I noticed a good magazine...↓
 Then a great tune came on....
I just had to sing along...
(The looks I had.....)
We gets back to enjoy a nibble...
While drawing the curtains in the Dining Room.
I came across a great CD I listened to alot....
 I used to have the film poster as well.
(The film is on my highly recommended list)

I thought I can play the CD tomorrow on the way back to work....
Opened up the CD case, no CD in it...!!!!
Birthdays Time. 
 Alan Cumming: Scottish actor,(Goldeneye) is 54 years old.
 Gillian Gilbert: English musician and singer, best known as the keyboardist and guitarist of the band New Order is 58 years old.
Thomas Crapper: English plumber and inventor (ballcock), dies at 73 in 1910
André the Giant: was a French professional wrestler (WWE) and actor.(The Princess Bride) died aged 46 in 1993.

"Heartbreak Hotel", single released by Elvis Presley, his first million-selling single in 1956.
But first, we are watching a great film all ready for Monday....↓
I'm getting ready to mount that wobbly work wheel for tomorrow.....