Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Plants & Pants!

 I'm no angel, but I've spread my wings a bit - Mae West
 Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
Hubby's back is giving him problems...
A little rub helped!
Extra warm hug and brew helped.
Both kids were at home today.
I still opened their bedroom windows.
Gave out sloppy wet 💋💋💋
On goes those big big sunglasses.
On goes the Summer Coat.
Let the fun start....
No sighting of the Lambo today.
Nice view of Rolls Royce with the gold lady on top of the Bonnet instead...
Blue skies and it was getting warm!
Finished in one piece.
Now to take a little ride in Sexy Beast.
I got some things for the Birthday Cake I am making for my youngest son's Birthday next week and some nice reduced items!
Still have to prove my age!
Now for some cold coffee..
The temperature is going up when I got home.
Hubby's new pants arrived and more plants for me was delivered!
Before I put the shopping away.
I cleaned out the fridge, and sorted out all the food in there!
Looking a lot better now!
Puts all the food away.
Feeds the birds.
Waters the plants.
Repots the plants that came earlier.
I received my P45 from my old Cleaner job.
Time for lunch!
I find out my new trainers I bought last year, that I can actually fit into now!
Now out to do the afternoon shift.
Once I turned on my lights, I sat on the bench in the park in the shade. One parent didn't like it and had to sit on the bench further up.
Now for the fun to start!
One learner driver nearly ended up with a cracked windscreen, as my lollypop stick was in the middle of the road. It looked the Driving Instructor slammed on the brakes!
Then another car failed to stop on that side, and my stick nearly went BONG BONG on his car roof when he went past!
One Elderly gentleman had to slam his brakes on as my lollypop stick was in way of going further. I could hear the gums banging when I crossed over the road, and when I returned back to the pavement. I put my hand up to say thank you for stopping....
What a afternoon!
Back home for a suck on a lolly!
My neighbour's son had some spare flowers left over at work.
(Good job I have 3 bags of compost
some pots!)
Tea is served.
Now to repot as many plants as I can before it gets dark!
I ran out of compost and pots!!
I still had plants left and some plants coming in the post tomorrow!
Back out tomorrow to get more pots and compost!
The old sofa was put out for collection.
By 9.45pm I had finished watering the plants I had planted...
I was so tired.....
Gave hubby a back rub to help with the pain......
Let's hope the sunshine carries on tomorrow....



Tuesday 22 June 2021

Adding More,More,More!

 I get out of breath playing chess - Billy Connolly
Welcome to my interesting Tuesday 💪
I massaged my hubby's lower back as he is still suffering from yesterday trying to carry the heavy sofa into the house!
Then hug with brew.
Get's one son up for school.
Then I give out my sloppy wet 💋💋💋 before I left.
It was not very warm...
Still had to put on the big big sunglasses 🕶
I had to put on my lightweight jacket under my Summer Coat, as it wasn't that warm!
Tree Shot↑↑↑
 A lorry driver was trying to deliver the huge trailer containing the Breast Screening Unit.
He got it in the car park, then started to unrevel the stairs etc.
Lambo must be staying a home now, as haven't seen it at all for nearly 2 weeks.
Some cars drivers had to slam their brakes on  as I walked across the road....
I finished in one piece.
I looked at what was delivered earlier...
Now to take off the coat and off to get some pots and NO Plants...
I couldn't find anything to wipe the trolleys down with :(
One was walking around with no facemask on.
Lots of lovely plants...
I need the half price pots....
3 bags of compost.
Back home to unload Sexy Beast.
I was careful with my back lifting out the compost. 
Washing machine went back on twice.
Hung all the washing out on the lines.
Loaded up the dishwasher and put it on.
Then I made a chicken casserole for tonight's tea.
All put in the red casserole pot and in the oven.
Then the temperatures went down, there was cloud cover and the sun disappeared!
It was so cold,
the soup had to come out for lunch!
Now out for the afternoon shift.
Suddenly there was blue sky and it was feeling warm!
As I go and put on my lights.
I chat with the woman who gave me some free plants on Friday. She was doing yet more gardening. She showed me her lovely back garden full of plants, and gave me more plants for my garden.
I thanked her so much and put the plants in Sexy Beast. 
I had a good afternoon, most of the cars stopped, some didn't want to , but had no choice.
Stop or windscreen...
Back home to do some more gardening.
Now to use the pots and compost I bought earlier...
Hubby came back for a nice hug.
Time to serve up the grub!
The old sofa is being collected by the Council on Thursday.
We had a few hours of sorting out the bills, as we have to look for a new provider of our gas and electric,as we changed last year, and the supplier went bump next day, and it's took this long to get the final bill!
Lovely full moon tonight!
It was getting cold as well....
The bedroom window was shut and we jumped under the 16 tog duvet to keep warm.....
Let's hope Hump day tomorrow will be warmer!



Monday 21 June 2021

Trying To Get It In!

 "It is better for you to be free of fear lying upon a pallet, than to have a golden couch and a rich table and be full of trouble." ~ Epicurus
Welcome aboard my Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡

Hubby was having half a day off to help bring in the sofa we are having delivered.
But first, hug with brew.
Got one son up for school.
Next to give out sloppy wet 💋💋💋 .
It was feeling a bit cold, so I had a lightweight jacket under my Summer coat.
Tree shot↑↑
Several cars failed to stop, they just went under my stick, like I wasn't there!
No lambo this morning.....
(Must be in the garage)
At least the sun is starting to come out!
I finished in one piece.
Now fun to deal with the sofa being delivered!
The sofa came, then there were problems.
Hubby pulled his back out trying to lift it.
Couldn't fit the sofa through the archway.
Over the fence it went instead.
The younger son and me then tried to get it through the front door!
Finally got it in!
We put the yellow covers back over it...
Much needed coffee time!
Then to drop off some clothes at the recycle bin at Sainsburys.
Then to see if any brother has left anything on my dad's grave for Father's Day 🎈
Younger brother added some Xmas red berries, red flower and two other fake flowers to the grave. He did put up against the bench a fake orchid plant, which I moved to the grave and is on show.
I will order the 80th Birthday balloons for my dad's birthday later on today.
Get's back home.
Gave hubby a big sloppy 💋 as he went back to work.
I meanwhile have to put all the pictures back up on the hall wall!
I had a email from the Cleaning Firm,
I am having my tax refunded in this month's wages \o/
Then light lunch afterwards.
Back out for the afternoon session.
A couple of car drivers, totally ignored my big stick when I was walking out into the road.
They carried on going.....(on the other side of the road)
I was glad I bought a cold drink with me, as it was well warm!
My friend appeared with his dog and we had a good chat up to 4pm.
Back home for me.
I had some making up the time with some reading of the newspapers.
As I had a bit of me-time, I started to read from May 24th upwards.
One interesting bit about an alarm clock↓
I had my tea made by one of sons...
Nice bit of Stir Fry.
I just finished reading the last newspaper when hubby came home from visiting his dad.
All went in the recycle bin.
Quick catch up of today's events....
The sofa feels really nice to sit on.....
We didn't stop long in the living room, as the temperatures were dropping, and we needed to get under that 16 tog duvet!