Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday 29 June 2018

Gib Ihnen Kuchen

Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈🎈
To my youngest son who is 13 years old today...
 I was up before the alarm went off.
Time to take photos of the sun coming up.
 Wakes up the Birthday Boy...
He likes his cake I made.
 It means,"Give Them Cake!" in English.
The German looks better...
"Gib Ihnen Kuchen"
I decided to make a German based cake, as he loves learning German at school.
He is hoping to take it at High School.
Jack  opened all his cards and presents.
He loved all the balloons and bunting outside.
Gave them kisses when they all left.
I left later on in the sunshine.
 Back to the Doctors to pick up my new sick note...
 Chilling in the Doctor's waiting room.
 Wow that looks so nice....
 Nice price for jacket = £525
Trousers = £380
 Kenwood was second.
I looked over to a woman who was waiting also, she suddenly ripped a page of a magazine and put the offending page in her pocket.
Guess she liked the pink suit as well...
 Nipped into Morrisons.
The self-service wouldn't let me have a full cucumber only a half cucumber...
The Sales Assistant  soon told off the self- service till off and added the full cucumber to my bill...
Then the red light came flashing after I added the full cucumber to my bag....
Once the kids came home, they tried Jack's Birthday Cake...\o/
I took Jack to Kick-Boxing.
Hubby and James went off to watch some local wrestling.
We came back, had tea, and feet up to watch a Family film.
Hubby and James came back later...
We watched the sun do down...↓↓ 
 Off to bed early...
Far too much Friday Feeling for me to cope with 😎 

Thursday 28 June 2018

Getting The P-A-R-T-Y Started!

Welcome to the 28th June.
My youngest son is 13 years old tomorrow.
Loads more sunshine, and cake to make
 While the final 3 sponges were in the oven.
I added some bunting to the garden, all ready for tomorrow...
 Sat in the shade to enjoy the sunshine!
 Pumped up the balloons...
Had a quick cup of coffee before adding chocolate frosting to the small 9 cakes..
(Which have been coloured in the colours of the German flag) 
 Needed a cold drink as the chocolate was melting...↓↓
 I finished decorating the 9 small cakes.
The big cake needed decorating...
The heat from the oven and the hot weather was helping me with the chocolate....
I finally finished the cake.
Hubby pumped up the remaining balloons.
So while the soon to be teen-ager went to bed early. We added the balloons outside.
 All ready to P-A-R-T-Y tomorrow!

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Hot & Sweaty Hump

Welcome to my Hot & Sweaty Hump of the Week...
 Nice cup of tea to wake up with.
Kissed all the males of the family before they all went off to school and work...💋💋💋
I did head or tails with Kenny & Kane.
Kane won!
Now to make 6 sponges
 With the heat from the sun and the heat from the oven...
I was getting sweaty!!!
 Lunch ↑↑
Went down to Morrisons for more supplies!
Singing along in the heat...
 More using of lemons↓
 In the end I made 9 sponges.
My son to be 13 says,
"Don't go too much trouble mum for my cake!"
"Too late!" I replied.....
I had to sit outside in the front garden to sit down to cool down!
 I was tempted to have a water fight....
However didn't fancy showing off ANY white bits due to my T-shirt getting wet!