Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday 18 July 2017

Trying To Take My Arm.....

Someone tried to take off my arm.
While I was in the middle of the road during the morning shift of Job 1.
She couldn't wait a few seconds for me to move out of the way.....
 The temperatures were going up up up ↗↗
 I didn't visit my dad as my prodical brother
(who can't do no wrong in my dad's eyes) was visiting our dad.
So instead of "Bonanza"
I settled for peaches and cream!
 The Gnome family is getting bigger...

Monday 17 July 2017

Raising The Leg Once More...

Back on the wobbly work wheel for the final week..
The sunshine  was back...
 Out came the Superman t-shirt again.↓
Tried all the day to get through to my Doctors...
Engaged tone....
About 4pm, I got through, and got to see a Doctor at 5pm....
My Baker's cist in my leg is leaking....
I have one leg bigger and painful than the other one.... 
Can it get any more hotter?
Now to relax with the left leg elevated.....

Sunday 16 July 2017

Are You Ready For Love?

We have now reached Sunday....👏👏
I'm on fire to get things done!
Had a treat as it was so hot...
 Had a look around a garden centre for some plants....
(I knew I had left it somewhere...!)
Got a few plants...
Now off to look around Dunelm for some bargains...

After taking a lot of time on what I am going to get....
I needed a drink....⛾
Got what I needed.....
Time to slip on those sexy gardening gloves and 
Give the garden some 


Saturday 15 July 2017

Shake Your Groove Thing

Welcome to the weekend....
Had a little play of the gearstick before we left the bed...🏩
We visited a car showroom who was putting a event on.
*There was a draw for 6 second hand cars.*
A little bit of bagpipe music to set the mood!
Then off to...↓
Then it time for some afternoon tea....
I found a large collection of Top of The Pops new boxsets on CD.
Which one shall I have??
Which one can I sing along with the most?
Disco wins.....!
Time to shake my groove thing!

Friday 14 July 2017

Cowboy For A Day (But Without The Horse!)

The Fun bus arrived with lots of Friday Feeling for me to share about ✨✨✨
(*One week to go until the six week's school holidays start*)
Out came the special hat and t-shirt...
 Now for some B3 experience...
 Coffee and chat time at
 Quick nibble..
 The kids at Dinnertime enjoyed my 5 gallon cowboy hat & my Minion t-shirt.
They were all tired from taking part in their Sports Day in the morning....
 My feet are up now,
I am trying to plan for some exciting things to do for the weekend.
(That pile of clean washing can wait a little bit longer to be put away....:P) 

Thursday 13 July 2017

My Name is Tallulah...

 I just had to make the most of Thursday....
It has to be worn yet again....

It was either sunny,cloudy or dull weather today...
 (My dinnertime view)
I am all geared up for the Funday Friday tomorrow.
I have my special hat, special t-shirt, and...
Plus those gold stickers are being handed out in Job 2.
While I play musical statues with the kids at Dinnertime. Once they are standing still, 
I flick my pom pom about and sing in a funny German accent....."My name is Tallulah.."
Now the kids sing  it back to me......
I might have to learn the whole song before next Friday in my wobbly German accent.... 
(with green poms poms for added effect!) 

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Vegetable? Animal? or Mineral?

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
Had my new blue Superman t-shirt on for a desired effect..
To cap it off, out come the lollipops....
After the good compliment I had yesterday,
I was in good mood 🎈
So this morning I welcomed a visit of the new Year 5's and their parents.
One parent was having difficulty crossing the road.
All I said was:
"Excuse me, if you would stand there, I can cross you over."
She did that.
I crossed her over with her children.
Then she said to me:
"I'm not an animal!!!"
I was only thinking of her and her children' safety of getting over the road in one piece!
Before she came back, I had finished \o/
Now to enjoy the sunshine, coffee and picnic in my local park...before Job 2
Nowt funny than folk me thinks...