Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Sunday 24 July 2016

A Little Bit Of Adult Time!

The morning consisted of lie-in, tea and a little bit of love...
Children went off with their dad..
Now for some adult time...
It took us FOUR times to decide on a table ..
Not this fussy about the food!
We had a lovely carvery, with my dad :)
I wrote the list of things we have got for Larry.
As he is going in for a full service tomorrow.
Found a guest near the money tree...


Saturday 23 July 2016

Showing The Red Card!

We are only into the 1st day of the School Holidays..
Already had squabbles, arguments, the bored word mentioned, and the removal of pocket money.

By the end of the 6 weeks holiday I am not going to have a voice, and have lots of grey hairs!
Tomorrow they are seeing their dad for the first time in months..
We will see if they play up for him or he if loses his temper....
The 21st present I bought my older son, was not collected.......
So I handed the contents to  our local Charity Shop and
gave a £80 donation. 
Roll on tomorrow \o/


Friday 22 July 2016

School's Out For Summer!

Today is the last day of school for our kids, and last day of work for me.
Still the sun is shining( not moaning about that!)
One car tried to spoil my good mood by having to do a very quick emergency stop( nearly took me out!)
Enjoyed my coffee,chat and toast at Webbs.
Larry enjoyed the sunshine...
 I had a few thank you gifts for crossing over the kids safety.
Finished for 6 weeks....
Puts Larry to bed.
Then a telephone call from the school,
"Can you collect James's PE kit from the school, you have half an hour!"...


Thursday 21 July 2016

Bring Me Sunshine!

Another hot and sweaty day lies ahead.
Visited my local Asda,
 Had fun on the self service till.
Breezed through it, with no help at all!
Having plenty of suckies (lollies) at the moment.
I like having lots of Vitamin D,
But the wall of heat is not helping...
Nice to seat in the shade and not worrying about not turning into a red lobster!


Wednesday 20 July 2016

Give A Little Love...

Welcome to my Hump of The Week.
Where to start...
Firstly it's my older son's 21st Birthday.
Present and card will be collected on later in the week..
Had a enjoyable time at Webb's, coffee, chat and laughs..
Then for kick off....
It's still so hot and sweaty.
One parent refused to move off the Zig Zag lines after I told him twice!(the car on the left)
I felt like lamb being cooked in tin foil,
And that's wearing my summer coat!
To end the day on a high.
Another parent thanked me for keeping their children safe crossing the road...
  2 days to go and it's a six weeks school holidays!!!

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Kissing The Back Of Larry!

It was so hot last night, we have to resort to desperate measures..
We had to sleep on top of our 16 tog duvet, it was so hot!
It was getting quite warm doing the first shift of Job 1
So where else better to go besides home to keep cool?
That's right, Waitrose!
Air conditioned, free coffee and reduced food...
 Comes out to load up the shopping in Larry.
Only find someone kissing the bottom of Larry!
Put the shopping on back seat..and back to singing along with the 1970's tunes..



Monday 18 July 2016

Hot & Steamy

It's getting hot hot hot..
 Time for skimpy clothes and huge sunglasses.
Some people are trying to outshine my Larry by getting a orange coloured car...Nice try!
While I was driving off my drive, I had 3 pairs of eyes giving the Larry the look of Love!
 More hot, sticky, sweating, weather due tomorrow..
Best leave the bedroom window open tonight,
As we could have some steamy windows....