Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee. Show all posts

Friday 11 August 2023

Sunshine With A Dash Of Coffee....

I don't believe in miracles. I rely on them - Bredan Behan
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈🎈
Breakfast and Brew.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one  💋 before he left for work.
Then it was time for us to leave for a little road trip...
Trying a new place for coffee...↓
Gets some things from the Farm Shop.
The man on the till didn't understand Crunchie Friday Feeling...
Now to go for a coffee...
I order a Bacon Bap, coffee and toast..
I have another coffee.
The friends I would at the coffee morning with yesterday, turned up on there Tandum.
I waved to them and said "Good Morning."
I wished them a good holiday, and hope the weather is nice.
We leave....
Now to try to find a parking space....
No spaces by the Chemists, there was one space opposite the Charity shop. Someone came into the car park after me, and was well pissed off I had the last parking space.
Now to look what bargains I can find.
Gets some bargains.
Nips into Co-op to get my newspaper.
Back to Sexy Beast we go.
Home would Bound...
Unloads my bargains.
Liquid lunch time.
Now to use up some bananas...
Gluten Free Banana Bread goes into the oven.
Now for some tea at 3...
Banana bread is done!
I put the tea in the oven.
Hubby comes home, and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is ready...
Now to watch some telly...↓
Next is:
Next up:
 Hail Britpop:
The battle between Oasis v Blur


Thursday 10 August 2023

Passing The Llama Around !

Don't torture yourself. That's my job - Morticia Addams, The Addams Family
Welcome to my Thursday Coffee,Cake and Chat day 😍
I had a nice shower before Breakfast and Brew.
I gave hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before he went to work.
Now to load up the cake into Sexy Beast.
The books for the Charity Shop.
My youngest son is ready to go.
Here we go...
Parks up.
I met one friend walking his dog, I gave him two cupcakes, and will see  him and his wife later on at the coffee morning.
Drops off the cakes, ready for the upcoming Coffee Morning.
Then off to drop off things at the Charity Shop and their chocolate cake I made for them.
Goes past my Lollipop spot↓
Drops off things and cake in the Charity Shop.
(Will pop back in after I have gone for a coffee)
First stop was to nip into the Butchers for tonight's tea.
Next stop was a much needed coffee.
Nips into the Co-op for some bits...
A good Private Eye front cover↓
Drops into the Charity Shop and gets some right bargains....
Including a Minion cushion↓
Free bed spread!
Goes back to
Sexy Beast to put the things in.
I met one friend who I gave two cupcakes to. 
Goes into the coffee morning.
My cupcakes had gone but my Llama cake was still there.
I had a coffee and a little bit of someone's else's cake.
Had a chat with 3 of my friends, the 4th friend was busy.
One friend left, and will be seeing him later on in the month as it's his 73rd Birthday 🎈
No one wanted my Llama cake, it was going to be the 7th prize in the raffle.
In the end I took it back, put it back in the tin.
I left with my two other friends.
(I did try my luck on the raffle)
(I will find out later if I have won something)
I wished my friends a good holiday and off we went to see if I could give my Llama cake to someone else.
First went over to my friend's workplace.
Locked up.
Went over to see his husband at  home.
Not there either.
Leaves a wet raspberry as a message on his answering machine.
Goes home to unpack all my goodies.
Liquid lunch time.
Didn't win nothing on the raffle :(
I got on with writing two more blog posts.
Tea at 3.
I put our tea in the oven.
My friend came over for the cake.
Hubby came home, and had a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is ready!
Faggots, mash and mushy peas.
Look into today's newspaper.
 The cake went down well with my friends↓
First film to watch was:
Next one:
Sleep Tea Time 
Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈🎈



Friday 7 July 2023

A Warm Friday Feeling!

A real diplomat is one who cut his neighbour's throat without having his neighbour notice it - Trygve Lie
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈🎈
Let's hope for a nice sunny day 😎
Breakfast and Brew. 
Now to leave the house...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
On goes the Summer hat and Summer coat.
Big big sunglasses.
I go and turn on my lights.
Gets my newspaper on the way back up.
I swap my newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my other lights.
Let's go to work...🍭
Because the teacher's were on strike.
There was hardly no school traffic and only crossed under 15 this morning.
At least finished in one piece.
Ex-Plum was moaning I reported him to the CMS because he forgot to pay his maintenance on time! He wants me to remind him when to pay it.
I know what will happen if I have to remind him to pay it.....A great big F**k Off.....
He was probably refuse to pay soon, even though he has 4 months left to pay! 
Coffee time!
Has a coffee and chat with friend.
Wishes her a good weekend.
On the way home, I nip into Morrisons to get tonight's tea.
Back home.
I only have a sandwich for lunch.
I chats with hubby on his lunchbreak.
Now to do the final afternoon shift!
On goes the summer hat, summer coat,
Big big sunglasses.
Kissing the wall↓
I put on one set of lights.
Time for a Friday Feeling treat↓
I go back to Sexy Beast to collect my big stick. 
Off to the square for a rabbit with my friends.
I wish everyone a great weekend, before I start my final shift of the week.
As the Teacher's were on strike.
There was light traffic for a change and I only crossed under 18 people.
At least the sun is out!
Back home.
Brew time.
Let's enjoy a bit of Bond...
Hubby comes home and a has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is served.
Quick look in today's newspaper.
Finished watching Moonraker.
Now onto another one....
Great film :)
Sleep Tea Time.
Roll onto the weekend...