Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label a-ha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label a-ha. Show all posts

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Singing Along With Some Big Songs!

 Too bad all the people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs or cutting hair - George Burns
Welcome to my busy Tuesday 🐩
Breakfast and Brew.
On goes the sexy lumo trousers.
Out the door I go..
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋
On goes my winter coat, summer hat and waterproof shoes.
The Newsagent still had the newspapers in front of the shop....
I turned on my lights and went back to Sexy Beast to collect my big stick. 
Now to turn on my other lights.
Walked to my spot.
Now for the fun to start...🍭
Rain came down.
3 BOINGs were handed out!
One BMW on the otherside braked hard when I started to walk over the road. I stopped one mini on my side, and went I got back onto the pavement he just sat there. I waved him on.
Still  car drivers can't see me wearing bright lumo clothes!
The coffee man is back in his parking space.
Finished in one piece.
I went back to Sexy Beast. 
I took off my sexy lumo trousers and waterproof shoes.
Took 2 black bags down to the Charity Shop.
Then I popped into the Newsagents to get my newspaper.
Now back home.
Cup of coffee time!
Loaded up dishwasher and put it on.
Caught up with blog up to lunchtime.
Liquid lunch!
I talked to hubby on his lunch break.
Then back out I go.
More singing of Bond...
Summer hat, Winter coat and 
Big big sunglasses went on.
First dropped off the Jugs to my friends.
Turned on lights.
My friend and I took 3 bags down to the Charity Shop.
I got some more bargains to bring home.
Turned on my lights.
Now to fetch my big stick.
Back to the square for a little bit of rabbit.
The sun was coming out :)
My friends thanked me for the Jugs :)
I thanked my friends for coming.
Low lying sun is going to be a problem.
Still had cars ignoring me and my big stick.
Soaking up the vitamin D rays.
Finished in one piece.
Back home.
At least DPD found me!
Cup of brew needed.
Charity shop bargains⮇
A early tea.
I watched 20 minutes of the new John Gotti doc on Netflix.
Then I have to pick up the bag as it is time for a Council meeting↓
Time to go with some more Bond...

Gets sent up for the meeting.
Once the meeting started up.
I chose not to go for Chairperson.
Instead I got voted on as Vice - chair.
Meeting finished.
Back home.
Had a nice hot shower.
Looked into today's newspaper.
Carried on watching Get Cotti.
 Sleep Tea Time.
We watched the first 15 minutes of the second episode and nodded off until 11.20pm!
Time for bed!
Night all x



Thursday 6 July 2023

Another Unicorn!

You're not famous until my mother has heard of you - Jay Leno
Welcome to the Thursday vibes 🌟🌟
Hubby took the rest of the 18th Birthday cake I made to his work, to get it eaten!
Breakfast and Brew. 
Now to leave the house.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I went to work.
On goes my summer coat, and summer hat.
Big big sunglasses.
I turned on my lights.
I fetched my newspaper.
I had a bit of time, so I did my survey of the Recreation Ground.
The got my big stick out of Sexy Beast.
Now to turn on my lights.
I was given some potatoes.
One blue car had to slam on the her brakes.
I could feel the burn when I walked in front of her to cross the kids over.As soon as I got back onto the pavement, she sped off.
Still gave some BOINGs out.
Finished in one piece.
I handed in my form to the Council.
Now off to the Post Office.
Good bit of parking....
Back home.
In need of coffee...
Moved some drawers around in the craft room.
Moved my clothes around as well.
All the winter pjs are now in the chest of drawers in the craft room. If it doesn't rain this afternoon, the washing will go out on the line.
Unloaded dishwasher, and loaded it back up.
Early liquid lunch.
Had a chat with hubby on his lunch break.
Now to leave to do the afternoon shift.
On goes the Summer coat and Summer Hat
Big big sunglasses
Turns on my lights.
Walks down to the Charity shop for a chat.
Got a lovely Unicorn cup :)
Then off for a drink!
I put my bargains in
Sexy Beast.
Got my big stick and went into the square for a little rabbit......
Then it was time to start.
I said goodbye to my friends.
With the sun out, still has cars trying to drive under my stick, until I lower it and they can't! 
Still Boing the cars over the road as they are failing to stop.
Finished in one piece.
Time for a much needed brew.
Puts the food in the oven.
Now to watch another Bond film...
Hubby comes home and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is ready.
Looks into today's newspaper.
Another Bond film to watch......
Great film :)
Sleep Tea Time.
The Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈