Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label End Credits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label End Credits. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Only Popped Into Look At Their Christmas Display!

Recreations: Gardening without bending - James Ferris
Welcome to my Sunday 💓
The sun is back \o/
Heardle Time.
Heardle 60s:
My answers:
Brew and Breakfast time.
Puts washing on the line.
Now out for a little ride in Sexy Beast. 
The moon is out...
The Sun↓
Checks the tyre pressures of Sexy Beast.
Nice blue skies.
The Drive Through at Starbucks wasn't open.
Just walked in to collect my order!
The to give some roses to my mum and dad.
Then off to look at a Christmas Display↓
Now to look outside....
Now to go back in to pay for my plants.
Once paid for my plants.
Now to try and fit them into Sexy Beast...
Got them all in\o/
Back home.
Unloads all the plants.
Quick lunch....
Then time for a bit of gardening......
Cut back plants.
Moved some plants around.
Tidied up the garden.
Once all done.
Now to try and make some vegan pastry!
It didn't stick together too much.
In the end the kids had it on top of  their pie.
While I did mashed potato for ours.
In the oven it all went!
It didn't help my hubby knocking off my goose off the top of my cupboard!
Will make sure the other one is safe on top of the fridge freezer.
Tea is ready.
Now to look into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1959:
Bobby Darin - Mack the Knife.
UK No.1 on this day in 1976:
Pussycat - Mississippi
UK No.1 on this day in 2004:
Robbie Williams - Radio 
US No.1 on this day in 1976:
Rick Dees & His Cast of Idiots - Disco Duck
We watched the last episode of season 3 of Yellowstone.
The ending was so mind blowing.
We had to watch the first episode of season 4.
Sleep Tea time.
Didn't realise the time!
Back on the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow 🎡



Friday, 6 May 2022

Less Frantic Friday Feeling!

For sincere advice and the correct time, call any number at random at 3.00am - Steve Martin.
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈
Nice big hug...
Brew with breakfast.
Let's open the curtain to check the weather!
No thermal vest needed!
The kids came back from the count at 3am this morning....
Redditch had 7 Labour Councillors now.
Now to get out of the house:
Gets the newspaper.
Now to slip into the summer coat, with Big Big Sunglasses.
Turns on my lights.
Now ready to rock 'n' roll...
Had a chat with the parents, some asked what happened on Wednesday. I told them the brief details, and I was being asked what I am doing over the weekend... lots I replied.
A few BOINGs happened on the cars on the otherside of the road.
One major Boing for one car on my side that failed to stop.
At least I finished in one piece!
Back home.
Coffee machine went on,
As did the washing machine!
The soup maker went back on again..
Gave all my plants a water with the new watering can...
Now for some light lunch...
Rain is forecasted later, so the washing will have to wait until tomorrow to be put out.
Now for the final shift of the week!
I still puts on my summer coat.
Turns on my lights and waits...
My friends arrive and we have a good rabbit..
I wish them a good weekend when it was time to start!
Car drivers being good for once!
No BOINGs give out!
I survived!
Has a much needed brew...
Now to start making the tea for tonight.
Faggots were put in the oven.
Peeled the potatoes.
Hubby came back and had a warm hug and a sloppy wet one!
Tea is served.
Afterwards hubby and younger son went food shopping.
Time to look into today's newspaper.
UK No.1 on this day in 1995:
Oasis - Some Might Say.
Hubby came back from shopping.
Once it was all put away.
Time for some telly!
Have I Got News For You.
Followed by sleep tea...
More of the Friday Feeling in bed.....🎈