Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Do You Want To Know A Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Do You Want To Know A Secret. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Happy Birthday Mum!

Television is a weapon of mass distraction - Larry Gelbart
Welcome to my Hump of the Week 🐫
It would have been my late mum's 75th Birthday today🎈🎈🎈🎈
I will be popping around later to see her with her flowers and balloon 🎈
Anyhow I had a lovely cup of tea and cuddle in bed 
I gave everyone big sloppy 💋💋💋 before I left the house.
It was freezing cold.
Good job I have the thermal knickers on!
I survive the morning shift of 🍭
Then round to give my mum her flowers 💮💮
I wished her a Happy Birthday.
Then it was back home for a much needed coffee!
Followed by a early lunch.
 Back out for a ride↓
 More singing to do..
Quick peek at the newspaper
 Whoopi Goldberg is 64 years old 🎈
  I looked across the fields of fun↓
I comes out with a nice red face.
More singing to do on the way home.
 Coffee and nibble time↓
 It's still single figures↓
 Blue skies for the afternoon shift of 🍭↓
Afterwards, I gets back home.
Now on to Happy Place Of Work.
Does my bit, then back home to start on the tea...
Jacket Potato with some nice vegetables↓
 Now to to burn it off at work with some great tunes↓
 It was raining when I got back home.
I had some nice sleep tea,
Before I could hear the rain on my window pane, I was fell asleep....zzzzz