Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Chas & Dave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chas & Dave. Show all posts

Thursday 15 June 2023

Limbo Dancers Out In Force!

 A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never remembers her age - Robert Frost
Welcome to another sunny Thursday 😎
Breakfast and Brew.
Time to leave the house.
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leaves.
On goes the Summer coat and Summer hat
Big big sunglasses. 
On the way to turn on my lights.
I hope who is ever parking on the double yellow  lines will be gone by the time I start↓
Turns on my lights. Gets the newspaper.
Swaps my newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my other set of lights.
Now to walk down to my spot...
No sign of that boy racer from yesterday.
Two Boings were given out.
Lots of last minute braking as well.
At least I survived the morning shift.
Back home I go.
Unloaded the dishwasher.
Loaded it back up.
Washing machine went on.
Cup of coffee is needed now.
Tidied up the garden up to lunch.
Liquid lunch time.
I talked to hubby on his lunch break.
Now out to do my afternoon shift.
On goes my summer hat and summer coat.
Big big sunglasses
I turned on my lights.
Visited the Charity Shop.
On the way back to Sexy Beast,
the poster for the next coffee morning was put up.
Kenny is going to be busy this weekend!
I collect my big stick. We go and stand in the shade and have a good rabbit.
Said goodbye to my friends.
Afternoon shift
 People still leaving it too late to apply the brake.
I am in the middle of the road, and I can hear them braking very late behind me!
3 Boings handed out.
Finished in one piece.
Back home I go.
Cup of tea is needed.
Puts the tea in the oven.
I go and sit outside in the shade.
Hubby comes back and has a sloppy wet one 💋
Tea is dished up.
Now to look into today's newspaper.
We caught up on the news and newspaper review.
Sleep Tea time.
The Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈🎈



Thursday 25 May 2023

Nearly There......

 Politician are people who, when they see the light at the end of the tunnel, order more tunnel -John Quinton
Welcome to a sunny Thursday 😎
Breakfast and brew time.
I gets dressed.
Time to leave the house...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 😘.
Now off to work I go....
On goes the summer coat and summer hat.
Walks down the road to turn on my lights.
Fetches the newspaper.
Swaps the newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on the other lights.
Let's go to work.....
Having fun with the Flower Lorry. The Tractor couldn't come up the road as someone's car was sticking out its back end!
Few Boings given out!
Survived in one piece!
Back home I go.
Coffee time.
Trying to sort things out for next week's holiday.
Funny Girl's sent an email with 30% of tickets.
However upstairs (Where we sat last year) are unavaliable. 
My eye cream has gone up by 30%......
Liquid lunch time.
Now to do the afternoon shift.
The sun is back out!
I put on my summer coat and summer hat.
I turn on my lights and walk down to the Charity Shop.
I have a good chat and gets some good 60s boxsets to listen to on the way to Blackpool tomorrow night.
I turns on my other lights.
Goes back to Sexy Beast.
Gets my big stick.
Goes and sits in the square.
I have a good rabbit with friends.
Said goodbye to my friends.
Still had to give some BOINGs out for the traffic on the otherside, as they were failing to stop.
One even stopped in the Keep Clear space.
At least I survived in one piece.
Back home I go.
Cup of brew time.
I put the tea in the oven.
Out I go for a Council Meeting.
then back home.
Tea time!
Quick look into the newspaper.
We caught up on the news.
Sleep Tea time.
Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈
Breaking up for Whitsun too :)






Monday 22 May 2023

Things Can Only Get Better!

 Politics is the systematic organization of hatred - Henry Adams
Welcome aboard my Wobbly Work Wheel 🎡
We are going to see my son's first full Council Meeting later as a Councillor :)
Breakfast and Brew.
On goes the white summer dress.
Now to start the working week....
Gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
On goes the summer coat and summer hat.
Puts on my lights and fetches my newspaper.
Swaps the newspaper for my big stick.
Now to put on my other lights.
Let's get ready to walk down to my spot....
Plenty of BOINGs given out for those cars on the otherside for not stopping.
Then a bin lorry parks on the double yellow lines to fetch their bread from the Bakery over the road.
Cars couldn't see me crossing children over the road as they were overtaking the lorry!
Few narrow escapes!
At least I finished in one piece!
Back home.
Puts on the coffee machine.
So does the washing machine goes on.
Coffee time.
Inbetween writing two blog posts, I hang two loads of washing on the line.
Liquid lunch time.
Now to do the afternoon shift.
As soon as Track 13 starts...
Everything goes wrong!
(Track 13 is at the end of the blog post)
On the way to work, these things happen:
  1. Van in front of me,signals to turn right, Last minute swives back in front of me!
  2. While at the roundabout, car goes past me and nearly takes the front of my car out while he goes past me!
  3. Lorry was parked by the petrol station.The cars were trying to get past it,then the car in front of me, turns into the petrol station with no signal!
  4. Fiat 500 follows me all the way to work, even went into the car park, and sat there while I reversed into the parking space! Then they drove out of the car park.
On goes my big big sunglasses 😎
Summer hat and Summer Coat.
Let's hope nothing else happens....
  1. I turn on my first set of lights.I used my crossing to get across the road.In the middle of the road, one car slowed down, put one foot in the road, and the car driver put his foot down!
  2. While waiting for my friend to park, I was waiting on the pavement, when a van tooted his horn at me to move out of the way so he could park on the pavement and double yellow lines. I moved out of the way and told  him, he might end up getting a ticket for parking there!
  3. My friend appeared, and he went into the Thai Massage Shop!
I went down to have a look in the Charity Shop, and put my lights on the way back to Sexy Beast. Picked up my lollipop and went into the square to have a bit of rabbit.
I said goodbye to my friends and started the afternoon shift.
Plenty of late breakers on my side, and plenty of BOINGs on the otherside.
At least I finished in one piece!
Now to go home.
Let's reveal what happened on the way...
  1. Gets to the island, the car on my right decided to swive in front of me as he was in the wrong line to go left!
  2. After the second island, I had white Nissan on a test drive, didn't want to stick to the speed limit and was kissing the arse of Sexy Beast. It had to put up with me until after the traffic lights, then it turned left at the next roundabout!
  3. Back home in one piece!
 Time for a brew!
Hubby came home and had a sloppy wet one 💋
I had a easy tea.
Now to go off to the Council Meeting...
While we are waiting to use the parking meter. the man in front, spills out all his coins out of his wallet all over the floor. I bend down and collect all  his money and gives it to him.
My younger son then tells me it was the Conservation councillor that helped me get my new boiler installed :)
Now off to the meeting...
Wished my older son good luck for the meeting.
Someone else was having some bad luck, he dropped his phone and went under his chair. I was just about to tell him, when he realised and had to feel around for it!
The old Mayor had to hand her chains back to the new Mayor. 
Then all the fans were turned off in the room.
We only had 20 minutes left on the car parking ticket, so we left.
Was glad of some fresh air.
We gets home.
Older son asked where I was, as there is a buffet put on. Couldn't stand the heat in there!
Quick look in the newspaper.
Heardle Time:
Heardle 50s:
Heardle 60s:
My answers:
Sleep Tea Time.
Hoping  for a better day tomorrow!
