Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 25 May 2023

Nearly There......

 Politician are people who, when they see the light at the end of the tunnel, order more tunnel -John Quinton
Welcome to a sunny Thursday 😎
Breakfast and brew time.
I gets dressed.
Time to leave the house...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 😘.
Now off to work I go....
On goes the summer coat and summer hat.
Walks down the road to turn on my lights.
Fetches the newspaper.
Swaps the newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on the other lights.
Let's go to work.....
Having fun with the Flower Lorry. The Tractor couldn't come up the road as someone's car was sticking out its back end!
Few Boings given out!
Survived in one piece!
Back home I go.
Coffee time.
Trying to sort things out for next week's holiday.
Funny Girl's sent an email with 30% of tickets.
However upstairs (Where we sat last year) are unavaliable. 
My eye cream has gone up by 30%......
Liquid lunch time.
Now to do the afternoon shift.
The sun is back out!
I put on my summer coat and summer hat.
I turn on my lights and walk down to the Charity Shop.
I have a good chat and gets some good 60s boxsets to listen to on the way to Blackpool tomorrow night.
I turns on my other lights.
Goes back to Sexy Beast.
Gets my big stick.
Goes and sits in the square.
I have a good rabbit with friends.
Said goodbye to my friends.
Still had to give some BOINGs out for the traffic on the otherside, as they were failing to stop.
One even stopped in the Keep Clear space.
At least I survived in one piece.
Back home I go.
Cup of brew time.
I put the tea in the oven.
Out I go for a Council Meeting.
then back home.
Tea time!
Quick look into the newspaper.
We caught up on the news.
Sleep Tea time.
Friday Feeling is back tomorrow 🎈
Breaking up for Whitsun too :)






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