Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Wednesday 25 July 2018

Walking Hump.

Welcome to my Hump of the Week.
 The sun was out and it was getting warm.
I had to sort some evidence out for the Child Maintenance Department, to prove there is £810 arrears outstanding
I have told them they have 4 weeks to do something about it...
 I am opening a claim with the Small Claims Service 
Now to walk off some chins...
Not too bad.
I will have to change my trainers as the left one, was rubbing my scar, and I had to hobble at the end. 
Gets back
 Jumps into the shower.
 Has my lunch in the front garden, in the sunshine.
Off to do Job 3. 
Comes back looking like a overripe 🍅
 Sits in the garden to cool down..
 After tea,
Caught up on more
 Now to enjoy a different type of hump....