Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Uncle Buck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Uncle Buck. Show all posts

Monday 4 March 2019

Gone & Forgotten

Those who flee temptation generally leave a forwarding address - Lane Olinghouse
Back on the wobbly work wheel 🎡
 I enjoyed the first cuppa of the week..
 I kissed 💋💋💋  everyone before they all left the house.
 The dishwasher and washing machine were put on. I put the CDs I bought at the weekend into Sexy Beast.The sun is coming out...:)
 My youngest son made the bird feeder ↑↑
 It's time for a smile, it's Monday!
 My liquid lunch↑
 The sun has risen.
Big big sunglasses time!
Just before I left.
I went to put Cd2 of the following Cd.
It only had 1 Cd in it :(
 Next Cd to be put on↓
 Oh dear, mostly live recordings!
 At least the temperature is going up↗↗↗
 I put another Cd on...
Now to look at some Birthdays
 Shakin' Stevens, [Mike Barrett]:Is a Welsh singer and songwriter. He was the UK's biggest-selling singles artist of the 1980s is 71 years old.
Chris Rea: Is a British rock and blues singer-songwriter and guitarist, recognisable for his distinctive, husky-gravel voice and slide guitar playing is 68 years old.
John Candy: Canadian comedian and actor known mainly for his work in Hollywood films, died aged 43 in 1994.
Keith Flint:English vocalist, musician and dancer. He was the vocalist and dancer for the electronic music band The Prodigy and sang on the group's two 1996 UK number one singles "Firestarter" and "Breathe" died aged 49 years old in 2019.
Abraham Lincoln is inaugurated as the 16th US President in 1861
  Now to enjoy some sunshine!
 Nice and warm...
Listened to some great 70s tunes on the way  home..
 Coffee and nibble time↓
 On the way to Job 2
 You know when you have left:
When your name is crossed out on the signing in sheet.
Your name is never mentioned!
I came home to sunshine! 
 A nice Chicken stir fry for tea.
I had to write down what happened for today's blog....
I watched Louis Theroux's The Night in Question on BBC2.
It was very good.
Hubby came back from his snooker.
His team lost 5-0.
Even some Monday Motivation didn't help!