Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Scissor Sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scissor Sisters. Show all posts

Friday 6 October 2023

I Don't Feel Like ......

I have a perfect cure for a sore throat.... cut it - Alfred Hitchcock
Welcome to my Covid infected Friday Feeling😷
Breakfast and Brew.
I gave hubby a fistbump before he went to work.
Feel so crap!
I went back to sleep....
My friend phoned me up to see how I am feeling..
"Urg", I replied.
We had a catch up on things.
I wished her a good weekend and I got dressed.
Lemsip time!
Emptied the dishwasher.
Loaded up the washing machine.
Took all the mats up from the hall and bathroom and put them on the line.
Then mopped the bathroom.
Left that to dry.
Wrote yesterday's blog post.
Liquid lunch time.
Had a chat with hubby on his lunch break.
I mopped the hallway.
Listened to the Secret 60s
Then I wrote 3 more blog posts from June.
Published 8 more blog posts.
Now for a brew...
I put the tea in the oven.
Hubby came back and was given a fistbump!
Tea is served.
Read yesterday's newspaper.
Watched a bit of "Space Cowboys"
Have I Got News For You.
Hot Toddy time.
We caught up on the news and newspaper review.
Off to a warm bed as I feeling so cold....brrrr 


Monday 7 August 2023

Monday Mood!

 The senator got so tired on the campaign trail that he started kissing hands and shaking babies - David Letterman
Welcome to the Monday Motivation 😊
Still up early as if I was at work!
Breakfast and Brew...
(My normal Monday cup ended up in my son's room!)
Now out to get the newspaper and bits.
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before he left for work.
Mix and match for £4.50?????
If you buy 2, it's £4???
I bought the newspaper and bits and headed back home.
Unpacked my shopping.
Washing machine went on twice.
Hung out the washing.
Emptied the dishwasher.
Bins got all emptied.
Coffee time...
Now to catch up with the blog.
I wrote two up to lunch.
Liquid lunch time.
Wrote two more blog posts.
No more blogging for today.
Interesting email I received:
"Structural Surveyor is coming out to look at the house next door" 
As long as a crane with a wrecking ball  doesn't turns up afterwards!
I have a Council Meeting to attend.
I had to have my Tea early..
Got the bag and name tag ready...
Off I go...
Someone in a blue open top BMW was kissing my arse on the way, couldn't even overtake me....
Gets there in one piece...
Had meeting, 
Back home I go.
Quick look into today's newspaper.
Sleep Tea time..
I watched a bit of news....
So tired,
Off to a very warm bed ;)



Thursday 11 May 2023

Get A Better Job!

Please leave Heather for all to enjoy - Sign in Scottish Highlands
Welcome to my Thursday Fun Day 👀
We are supposed to be having lots of sun today......
Breakfast with brew. 
Still tired from our last night.....
The vest had to go on even though the sun is out.
Jacket goes on as well....
Time to leave...
I gives hubby a sloppy wet one 💋 before I leave.
The summer coat and hat went on.
It might just be a bit cloudy...
Turns on my lights and gets my newspaper.
Swaps newspaper for my big stick.
Now to turn on my other lights.
Let's go to work...🍭
The fun I have.
Convoys of cars failing to stop on the otherside.
Then blocking the Keep Clear Space.
I was glad to finish in one piece!
Back home I go.
I unloaded the dishwasher.
Quick coffee.
Cat nap time Zzzzzzz
Woke up for liquid lunch :)
I looked outside, those dark clouds turned to rain....
On goes those sexy lumo trousers....
Now to leave to do the afternoon shift...
Winter coat goes on as well as my boots.
Turns on both lights.
Nipped into Charity Shop.
Great film \o/
Found another great DVD.....
Back to Sexy Beast for a much needed BOOST.
Collects big stick...
Goes over to the square with just one friend.
No sign of the other "husband".
Those dark clouds look like rain.
Then the sun comes out!
Says goodbye to my friend.
Nice blue skies and I'm wearing my waterproofs!
Two car drivers shout at me:
"Can't you get a better job???"
If any I wasn't wearing my coat or on duty.
I know what the answer to them would have been!
It's getting quite warm now.
Still giving out BOINGs out to the car drivers on the other side!
Was glad to finish in one piece.
Those sexy lumos soon came off!
Back home I went.
I had a much needed cup of brew.
Put the tea in the oven.
Hubby got a Magic Bag from Costa Coffee on the way back home.
Gave hubby a sloppy wet one 💋
Dished up tea.
(Forgot to take a photo!)
Now to look into today's newspaper.
Heardle Time:
Heardle 50s:
Hearlde 60s:
My answers:
Sleep Tea Time.
Early night is required!
Friday Feeling back tomorrow 🎈