Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess
Showing posts with label Elkie Brooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elkie Brooks. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Hold On Tight!!!

I think that somehow we learn who we really are and then live with that decision - Eleanor Roosevelt
Welcome to a windy Tuesday🎈
Rain and winds are due later....
I enjoyed a much needed hug and cup of tea in bed↓
 I blew my hubby a πŸ’‹
Gave sloppy πŸ’‹πŸ’‹ to our sons.
Now for me to leave the house↓
 It is still quite cold↓
 The sexy yellow trousers are going on later...
 The view before I turn on the lights.
I still have car drivers not stopping!
It's like they have trouble understanding the word STOP!
No rain or wind to contend with yet!
I finished in one piece.
Back home.
The temperature is going up↗↗
 I had a nice coffee
Followed by a light lunch↓
 I blew hubby a big πŸ’‹
Now out to do more singing...
I went into the paper shop to get my newspaper.I bumped into someone I went to school with,...
He even called me by my maiden name!
(I dropped that surname 17 years ago)
The rain started....
I had a quick peek in the newspaper↓ 
 Billie Jo Spears, American country singer, would have been 83 years old 🎈
She died aged 74 in 2011
Jack Jones, American singer (Love Boat Theme), is 82 years old 🎈
Carl Weathers, American actor (Apollo Creed-Rocky), is 72 years old🎈
Alan Rickman was an English actor and director.He died aged 69 in 2016.
I looked across the fields of fun↓
  I was wearing a great t-shirt...↓
 I had some strange looks on what it was on my t-shirt.....↑↑↑↑
I replied to their looks...
"If you have watched "Guardians Of The Galaxy, you will know what this is↓"
I finished with a nice red face.
More singing along....↓
I just left the car park.Drove down the road, when a black Range Rover was coming towards to me.The driver didn't fancy going through the large puddle on his side, and veered onto my side of the road, I got out of the way, and nearly ended up the trees! 
Gets back on the road,
Arrived home safely!
Now for coffee and nibble↓
 The wind was getting up now.
On goes the sexy yellow trousers.
I blew my hubby a big πŸ’‹
I gets down to my lollipop job🍭↓
The wind and rain is getting up
 The wind was knocking me about in the road.
Some cars were still failing to stop!
One child said to me,"Hold on to the Lollipop tight!"
I suffered from soggy gloves after I finished.
At least the temperature got up to double figures↓
 Gets changed..
Off to the Happy Place of Work
I came across a boxset of videos↓
 Now for some music↓
 It had started to rain when I finished. 
It was nice hubby to cook the tea↓
Off to burn it off and sing some songs↓ 
The rollers were kicked off..
  I had a nice hot shower 
Now to relax.......zzzzzz

Monday 25 February 2019

Really Big Sunglasses Time!

Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.” 
Back on that Wobbly Work Wheel 🎑
 Guess who fell asleep on the sofa last night?
 Too much Netflix watching....:)
Time for tea in bed... 
 Gave everyone a big πŸ’‹ when they all left..
 Hopefully Sexy Beast will have been defrosted by the time I leave later on↑
 Coffee and nibbles↑
 Followed by a liquid lunch↑
 The sunshine is back!
 It's getting warm...
Big sunglasses time...
Drove to work in a nice bit of sunshine,singing along with some great music..
Birthdays Time..
 Bernard Bresslaw was an English comic actor, best remembered as a member of the Carry On team.(He was in 15 Carry On films). He would have been 85 years old.
(He died aged 59 in 1993)
 Sir Tom Courtenay:England, actor (Dresser, Doctor Zhivago, To Catch a Spy) is 82 years old.
Elkie Brooks: English singer (Pearl's a Singer),is 74 years old.
George Harrison:English pop star and Beatle (Traveling Wilburys,My Sweet Lord) would have been 76 years old.
(He died aged 58 in 2001) 
Bill Paxton:  American actor and director (True Lies, Aliens) died aged 61 in 2017.
Buddy Holly & The Crickets record "That'll Be the Day"in 1957. 
 This is t-shirt weather!!
 Some big tunes↓
 The sun is shining....still
 Coffee and nibble
 Comes back from Job 2 in the sunshine↓
 I have a lovely garlic stir fry for tea.
Caught up on Netflix shows before 
I try to get to bed before Midnight....