Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Friday 2 June 2023

A Very Long Way Home!

 Always look out for number one and be careful not to step in number two - Rodney Dangerfield
Welcome to the Friday Feeling 🎈
Up early to have our final brew in Blackpool.
Goes down for breakfast.
Once finished, we load up the car with our bags.
Said goodbye to our lovely hosts.
We leave 10am...
Time to get off for a break...
Great Private Eye Front Cover
Off we go.
As there was a train strike on, the motorways were rammed! The motorway we were on stalled at one point, so we had do Plan B.
We were still on the road at 4pm.
We had to get off again for another break...
Back on the road to try and get home before it gets dark!
We finally reach home at 6.30pm!!!!
All the windows get opened.
Bags get brought in!
So glad to be home!
Tea time!
It was too late to make the outfits for tomorrow's Family Fun Day.
I will have to get up early to make them.
Early night, and in our own bed!