Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Monday 11 February 2019

No Nun In Me!

When Life gives you Monday,dip it in glitter, and sparkle all day - Ella Woodward.
Welcome to Wobbly Work Wheel Monday๐ŸŽก
I slept like a log...
I had the nudge for Tea...  
I gave everyone a big ๐Ÿ’‹ when everyone left.
I meanwhile had loads to do....
Dishwasher on,
Tidied Living room,Dining room and Kitchen.
I ran out of time to play with Kenny!
 Liquid Lunch
 Now for a ride in Sexy Beast.
I went to fetch the newspaper.
I was asked:" How Friday Night went?"
"It was quite an experience, if you don't go,you don't know what it is like, like sex, if you don't like THAT, you can turn NUN!"
We both howled in laugher, when a man entered the shop and looked at us both laughing...I soon left with my newspaper. 
I sang along with The Hollies.
 Now to look at the Birthdays.
Leslie Nielsen: Canadian actor (Spy Hard, Forbidden Planet, Naked Gun), would have 93 years old today.
(He died aged aged 84 in 2010)
Gene Vincent: American rock guitarist and vocalist (Be-Bop-A-Lula), would have been 84 years old today.
(He died aged 36 in 1971) 
 Burt Reynolds:American actor (Deliverance, Evening Shade, Strip Tease, Cannonball),would have been 83 years old today.
(He died aged 82 in 2018)
Sheryl Crow: American singer-songwriter (All I Want to Do-Grammy 1995) is 57 years old.
Sorrell Brooke: American actor (Boss Hogg in The Dukes of Hazzard),dies aged 64 in 1994.
Peter Benchley: American author,(Jaws,The Deep) dies aged 65 in 2006.
John Curry wins Britain's first Olympic gold medal in figure skating at Innsbruck Winter Games in 1976.
Now into work...
 The top of the church...
 After I left work, we had blue skies..
 It is getting quite warm
 Coffee and nibble time.
More blue skies when I got back from Job 2. 
All ready for Valentine's Day ๐Ÿ’—

Still waiting for more things to arrive....
Nice meat free meal for me tonight...
 Going to bed to keep warm, as the temperatures are dropping down↓↓↓


Sunday 10 February 2019

Making The Most Of The Chocolate Moments...

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.”
The ear-plugs are working well.
So well in fact,
I don't hear the cup of tea being put down by the alarm clock.
I get nudged!
  I had my cleaning job to do.
Hubby had our food shopping to do.
Once breakfast was ate,
We went our separate ways..
 At least he said Please!
Another 2 hour workout.
Now for some light lunch & coffee.
Washing machine put on.
We then nipped out to check Sexy Beast's tyres for the week. 
Is it going to rain or stop dry???
Nice pork joint for tea.
Telly time.
 Dragon's Den๐Ÿ‰
 with added↓
So glad Rami won Best Actor.
Robert Wagner: American actor (It Takes a Thief, Switch, Hart to Hart), is 89 years old.
 Don Wilson: Rock guitarist (Ventures-Walk Don't Run, Batman Theme) is 86 years old.
Roy Scheider: American Actor(The French Connection, Jaws & Jaws 2) died aged 75 in 2008.
 "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller hits #1 in 1940
"Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?" by Rod Stewart peaks at #1 in 1979.
Catches up on the news,
before dropping off to sleep not hearing the loud snoring....
I will be nice and refreshed for the Wobbly Work Wheel tomorrow...๐ŸŽก 


Saturday 9 February 2019

Time To Unplug!

"Welcome this morning with a smile! Happy Saturday!If you don't have a smile, I'll give you one of mine." - Anon
I slept well with the ear plugs for 6 hours.
Now time to unplug....
For "Sounds of the 60s".
 Fell back to sleep....
 I woke to find my new t-shirt had arrived↑↑
Once we finally got out of bed...
Reheated up last night's pizza for lunch↓
 Fresh air time↓
 Does my cleaning job, while hubby does my dad's shopping.
I gets back to enjoy coffee and nibbles↓
 Hubby couldn't drop off my dad's shopping,as the prodigal brother was visiting our dad.
He got my supply of "Shake and Vac."
 To make room in the freezer,
I used apples, blackberries in the pan.
 Fruit Pie↓
 Got the steaks in the pan↓
 Cauliflower cheese, steak with stilton.
Caught up with our favourite Judge..
 and last night's Graham Norton's show.
 Birthday's Time
 Brian Bennett: English drummer, pianist, composer and producer of popular music. (The Shadows),is 79 years old.
Carole King: American singer-songwriter (Tapestry), is 77 years old.
Joe Pesci: Actor (Half Nelson, Goodfellas), is 76 years old.
Bill Haley:
American rock vocalist known as the father of Rock 'n' Roll (Rock Around the Clock), dies aged 55 in 1981.
Brian Connolly, lead singer (Sweet), dies aged 51 in 1997 
Ian Richardson: Scottish actor (House of Cards,Brazil) died aged 72 in 2007.
1st appearance of the Beatles on the "Ed Sullivan Show" draws 73.7 million viewers in 1964.

Now where did I put those ear plugs???