Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Thursday 14 January 2016

Truly Madly Deeply

After having an early night I felt ready for another day.
Wearing several layers of clothing....the snow is coming....
I heard earlier the great Alan Rickman had died.
My middle son is named after his character in the film Truly,Madly,Deeply.
I have grew up watching his films, Die Hard, Robin Hood Prince of Thieves,Close My Eyes, & Help,I'm Fish.
I must be the only person in the world that hasn't watched Love Actually!
He has joined the many stars in the night time sky.
He leaves a legacy of some great films!

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Making The Most.....

Oh what fun day I had!
Firstly I was waiting 2 hours down the hospital,
As my youngest son had fractured his left wrist
(This happened at after school football the night before)
He now had a black and white bandage on his left arm for 3 weeks!
Did food shopping for other son as his is cooking at school tomorrow.(That's our tea)
To round off the day, both sons enjoyed their first time at Scouts for 2 hours.
Hubby and I enjoyed making the most of  some lovely adult time for 2 hours....;p

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Attempting A Bit Of Yoga.....

Time for the thermal knickers to come out.
It was brass monkeys time!
I kept warm by attempting Yoga and Pilates on the Wii
Got down on the gym mat....
The room nearly went dark when I tried to get back up from the floor ;p
I made lovely homemade butterscotch rice pudding tonight.Yum Yum
At least I can attempt to burn it off with the help of a warm hubby, and some even warmer hands.


Monday 11 January 2016

Just Keep Dancing

I heard the sad news of David Bowie passing away at 7am this morning.
He had a huge backlog of some brilliant songs.
My all time favourite is "Dancing In The Street" he sung with Mick Jagger 
Speaking of dancing,
The Wii and Exerbeat  came out for a play.
Did my half an hour of exercising.
That caused a few tremors around here !!!

Sunday 10 January 2016

Shaking My Tail Feather!

Hubby had a visit from Doctor Love last night.
He feels a lot lot better now ;P
We visited the new branch of M&S in Longbridge.
Wow and its massive was our views on it.
Had loads of reduced food (just waiting for me to add to my basket)
Didn't try their takeaway coffee, had a reduced price  smoothie instead.
It was getting so cold outside.
So back home, to try the new bag of M&S filter coffee we bought.
Then to dust down the wobbly work wheel for tomorrow...

Saturday 9 January 2016

Giving Out Some Loving.....!

Whoooooooosh we have reached Saturday.
Making the most of the weather (no rain or snow yet!)
Stocked up on my cleaning products.....
(My house is clean, yet I still have dirty mind!)
New mop (As I have worn the old one out)
Stocked up on meat and eggs too.
Hubby isn't feeling too well (no, it's not down to the rampant sex life we have either!!)
I am now wearing the nurse's outfit, 
Just inserted the cold thermometer somewhere....
Really should have warmed it up before I used it ;p

Friday 8 January 2016

Time To Dig Out The Thermal Knickers..!!

Woo hoo the weekend is nearly here.
Out comes the thermal knickers.
As we had a visit from Mr Frost.
Time to scrape the windscreen and de-ice the car.
7 layers of clothes under the big coat to keep out the cold.
By the time of the afternoon shift the sun came out,
The thermal knickers were off.
We are supposed to be having snow next week...
Time for the snow plow to be put on order...