Domestic Goddess

Domestic Goddess

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Where Have You Been?? :(

I have been missing someone so dearly.
Not just me, some children too.
He vanished over a week ago.
Then by magic he appeared...
He needed a good bath and wash.
Now he is drying off..
Welcome back George!
 My pink hippo from the TV series Rainbow!

Monday 1 December 2014

Time For It To Come Out...

It's that time again.
1st December.
Time to dust off the cobwebs...
It keeps my head warm
Starts to get me into the Christmas mood.
Once the kids see it, they know it's not to far away
Drum roll...

Sunday 30 November 2014

Sticking,Licking & Stamping

Now to get the Christmas preparations back on track
Today I put my precious time into card making..
My dining room was covered everything to do with Christmas
That could be stuck on a card, with help from double sided tape!
With a break, I got seven cards done,
No rest for the wicked...
More card making tomorrow...

Saturday 29 November 2014

Come Dine With Me

Having survived the crowds in my local 99p store and Poundland
I popped into my local Library to read the free paper and grab a coffee
There was an advertisement to appear on "Come Dine With Me" in January 2015.
 I know I am a good cook, and whip up some great grub for four people...
I don't want four people finding my locked box of sex toys, and asking for the key!

Friday 28 November 2014

Black Friday

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the U.S.A , often to kick start Christmas shopping season.We are now following this in the United Kingdom.
I however have not got the money, time, or patience to participate in it.
It's like ants fighting over a leaf in some places...
I feel like a King Midas in reverse....

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Time To Smile!

Whoo hoo it was a second attempt of having my photo taken this morning.
For the local newspaper to highlight the Stop campaign.
To get car drivers to stop when I walk in the road,
instead of driving around me or not stopping!
Put the pink lipstick on, and all ready.
Cancelled at the last minute.......
A third attempt will be made a later date.....

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Keeping My Hands Busy!

After coming back from a cold morning trying to stop cars and buses,
I needed to use my hands in a more meaningful way.
Making some shortbread helped!
Then to make the butterscotch sauce....